are we ready to play? {37}

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You head inside with Nicola after drying off a bit and see Elena cleaning up glass thats on the floor. Jotaro is shoving people out the front door. He seems aggravated already, something more must've happened while you were outside.

"Is everything okay?" You walk up Elena, asking her about Jotaro. She looks up at you as she squats down, sweeping up the bits of glass into a trash can.

"Yeah... Some guy knocked over this frame that had a picture of him and his mom in it..." She looks back down and continues to sweep.

"Is that why he's kicking everyone out?" You worriedly look over at Jotaro who is still gesturing people out the door.

"Well some guy started to talk rudely about his mother... I think he just got mad and wants everyone out." She sighs. You nod a little and watch him with a sad expression. Nicola puts his arm around your shoulders and gently begins to lead you towards the kitchen. You gulp and walk with him. He grabs a plastic cup and pours some vodka. You also grab a cup and pour some vodka, about 2 shots. You fill the rest of the cup with a soda to make the alcohol taste not as bad. You swirl the liquid in your cup and take a sip, it was pretty good. Elena walks back over to the kitchen holding the trash can and puts it back under the sink. Jotaro finally gets the last of the people out of the house and closes the front door followed by a deep exhale. You look over at Jotaro and take a sip of your drink and he walks over to the kitchen looking quite pissed off. Nicola slides his hand around your waist and you stiffen a little. You sip your drink once more. Your eyes remain on Jotaro, who angrily walks into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of bourbon whiskey that is on the table. He opens it and brings the bottle to his lips, tilting his head back and downing a large swig of it. You bite your lip softly and look away from him slowly, continuing to sip on your drink. He was stressed, you could obviously tell.

"The glass is all cleaned up but just be careful over there incase I missed any pieces." Elena sighs and places her hands on her hips. Jotaro hums deeply in response and takes another sip of bourbon from the glass bottle. You finish your drink, leaning your head back to get the last of it. Nicola looks at you and raises his eyebrows. You wiggle your way away from his grasp and go back towards the table and pour more vodka into your cup, about one little pour followed by soda. You swirl your cup and let out a soft exhale and take a sip. The fact that Nicola is touching you like that is stressing you out a little. He thinks you are into him, you are not.

"Do you guys a game or something since it's just the four of us now?" Elena mumbles. She must be trying to lighten the mood. You look over at her.

"Like what?" Nicola glances at her and sips his drink. She shrugs a little and thinks, a small smirk growing on her face.

"What if... we played 'spin the bottle'?" Elena smiles and eyeballs Jotaro a little. You widen your eyes a bit and sip your drink once more. Jotaro sighs and turns around, giving you all his backside. He presses his ass against the side of the table and sips the bourbon from the bottle once more. You glance over at him with slight concern.

"Like... sexual spin the bottle?" Nicola questions her. Elena nods and smiles. Jotaro lowers the bottle and turns his head and glances back at Elena.

"I think it'd be fun... I mean... There's 2 girls and 2 guys here..." She shrugs a bit. You now stare at Elena, if you have to kiss her you'll actually vomit. It's not that you wouldn't want to kiss a female, you just don't want to kiss her.

"I mean... I'm okay with it if you two are." Nicola says and looks over at you and Jotaro. You hold your cup against your lips and look at Nicola with your eyes. Jotaro shakes his head a little bit and turns around, facing the table. He grabs a cup and pours some bourbon whiskey in it then opens a can of root beer from the cooler and pours it into the cup.

"Do you want to play, Y/N?" Elena smirks. You look at her and sip your drink. You swallow and lower your cup a bit.

"Uh... I mean..." You speak quietly and look back at Jotaro. He stares at Elena through his eyebrows and picks up his cup and takes a sip, his eyes darting towards you as he does so. You make a slight questionable face as him to answer. He swallows and lowers his cup.

"I don't fucking care." He speaks deeply and walks away. You watch him and lick your lips, resisting the urge to giggle. It was kind of funny. You watch Jotaro walk down the hallway towards his bedroom. You take 2 more sips of your drink.

"Okay well... How about we clean up a little first..." Elena sighs and begins to pick up trash thats on the counter. You gulp and watch her. Nicola places his cup down and begins to help her. You adjust your bikini top and walk over to the living room. You place your cup on the table and see the picture that came out of the frame that broke. You lean over by the table and pick up the picture. You look at it and see that it's a photograph of Jotaro with his mother when he was younger, maybe about 13 or 14. He looks so happy in the image, like he is truly genuinely happy. You smile softly as the sight of his smile. You stand and walk over to the book case and place the picture against the books. You walk back over and begin to clean the trash off the table.


After cleaning some things up for about 10 minutes, Jotaro walks back out wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a black short sleeved t shirt. You watch him and gulp. The shirt makes his muscles show a lot more. Elena stands in the kitchen.

"Okay! Are we going to play?" She says outloud. You pick up your cup and finish what's remaining of your drink . Once you finish it, your head begins to feel a little fuzzy. You've already had about 2-3 shots of vodka from these 2 drinks. You walk back over to the kitchen.

"I'll play." Nicola says to her. Elena smiles happily and looks at you.

"Y/N?" She tilts her head. You gulp and grab the vodka and pour a little more in your cup. You take the soda and fill the cup.

"Uh.. sure..." You mumble. You move your hair back and swirl your cup, taking another sip and closing your eyes. Nicola walks over to you and places his hand on your back, rubbing it slowly.

"You okay? That's your third drink?" He whispers. You nod with your eyes closed, keeping the cup against your lips.

"Jotaro?" Elena asks him. Jotaro had finished his drink too. He pours more bourbon into his cup and another root beer.

"I told you earlier, I don't care." He repeats in a deep monotone, looking down at his cup. Elena sighs.

"Okay well is that a 'sure, I'll play', 'I don't care', or a , 'no, I'll pass", 'I don't care'?" She asks and crosses her arms. Jotaro looks at her with darkened eyes and remains silent for a moment.

"I'll play." He mumbles and brings his cup to his lips and takes a sip.

"Yayy!" Elena smiles and takes a beer bottle out of the trash can and rinses it out in the sink. You look at Jotaro. Jotaro glances over in your direction but doesn't look at you. He looks at Nicola who is still by your side, hand on your back. His eyes are cold, piercing almost, like he is angry at what he's seeing. You keep your eyes on Jotaros' face until Elena squeals for everyone to come to the living room. Nicola walks over and guides you with him. You lick your lips and walk over with him. Elena sits on the floor at one side of the table, Nicola sits at one side, and you side at one side. Jotaro makes his way over and sits at the side to your left. Nicola is at the side to your right and Elena is across from you at the other end. She places the beer bottle in the middle of the table followed by a bottle of liquor and a single shot glass. You sit crisscross and places your cup on the floor to your left. Elena places her hands on the table and looks at you all.

"Are we ready to play?" 


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now