Elena (22)

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During lunch you kind of just wanted to sit by yourself. You were already exhausted from classes and this Elena girl wouldn't leave you alone. She followed you around when she saw you, and you tried your best to not be seen by her in the hallways. Once you got your lunch from your locker, you quickly go outside to the courtyard. Walking around, you instantly notice something odd.

Elena is sitting with Jotaro. AT A BENCH.

Jotaro never sits at the benches, he always sits near the tree. Furrowing your eyebrows, you begin to walk over towards them. You hear Elena slightly giggling as she eats and chats with Jotaro, even though he doesn't seem too into their conversation.

"Oh, Hi y/n. Sorry I came to lunch without you, I tried to find you but I couldn't and well... Jotaro was the only other person I felt slightly acquainted with." She grins and nods a bit as she speaks.

"Oh, it's alright, no worries..." You say softly and sit next to her, now across from Jotaro.

"Hi Jotaro." You speak softly. He nods a little bit at you and you begin to blush.

"Anyway, I was just telling Jotaro about Italy." She smiles and continues to eat. You open your lunch box.

"Oh really?" You say as you take out your sandwich. Elena continues to talk and you kind of forget to listen to her, you were thinking of when she called him hot though. Was she going to try and make a move on him? You worried if she was trying to get close with him and take him away from you. Knowing Jotaro, getting close with him is a hard task, but Elena was really pretty so you were starting to get worried.

"You've never had Gelato?" Elena gasps softly at Jotaro. He kind of just stares at her with his eyes, sandwich in one hand, pen in the other, and shakes his head slowly. Elena widens her eyes a bit.

"You really really need to try it one day, it's absolutely amazing." She continues. You look at Jotaro with your eyes and scan him. He always looks good, even if he's not trying. Elena continues to speak and Jotaro eats and writes in his notebook at the same time.

"Hey Elena?" You look over at her. She stops and looks at you.

"The other foreign exchange students, do you know if they are also from Italy? Do you know any of them?" You bite your sandwich and chew quickly.

"I believe they are from Italy yes, but no, I don't know them." She shrugs a bit. You nod slightly. She turns back to Jotaro and continues to talk, she definitely seems to like him since shes flirting with him. You eat quietly and let her chat away.


After lunch, Jotaro immediately leaves, leaving you alone with Elena at the bench. She hums and seems all happy, and watches you as you pack up your things.

"He's so cute, and he wasn't mean to me like you said. Is that a good thing?" She whispers. You look at her and make a slight face.

"I don't know, he doesn't normally talk much." You shrug softly and stand up.

"I think he's really cute so I wanna get closer to him." She stands up too. You turn to her and widen your eyes a little, your face softly flushed. You were always known as the girl who doesn't like Jotaro, but people haven't been mean to you lately since you're "close" with him. You have a crush on him but don't want anyone to know about it, not even Jotaro, not yet anyway. You want to tell Elena no, to please not hit on him because you are have such a huge crush on him, but you don't want anyone to know. You don't even know Elena that well. You didn't want to tell her a big secret, but you also didn't want to tell her what to do. You felt like controlling her would be rude and you had just met her a few days ago.

You let out a soft sigh.

"What class do you have next?"


You begin to walk home once school was over, holding onto the straps of your backpack. You look down at your feet as you walk, kicking little rocks and pebbles ahead of you.

"Hey..." You hear a familiar deep voice from behind you. You turn your head slightly and see Jotaro walking up beside you. You gulp, grin a little and feel your face begin to blush.

"Hey Jotaro." You speak softly. He looks down at you and walks beside you, hands in his pockets.

"Is our project done? The one from 2 weeks ago?" He looks at you as he speaks. You look forward.

"Yeah I think so, why?" You look back up at him. He shrugs a bit.

"Just wondering is all. Joseph asked me to ask you if you wanted to come over for dinner tonight, so I thought I'd ask now." He mumbles lowly. You giggle a little bit.

"Joseph wants me to come for dinner?" You raise your brows a bit. He blushes a little bit and you take notice, he brings his hand to his hat and tugs it a bit as he looks down.

"Yeah... He asked me this morning." He speaks deeply. You giggle.

"Uh huh... Well I can't tonight, I have a ton of homework, but tell Joseph I can come for dinner sometime soon." You smile as you talk. He nods a bit.

"Alright..." He looks back up straight.

"Heyy! You guys!" You both hear a whiney female voice from behind you. You both stop and turn to look back, only to see Elena jogging towards you.

"Hey, Elena..." You gulp a bit. She approaches you and fixes her hair a little, breathing slightly heavy from her running.

"Do you guys wanna hangout? Maybe go get some food or something? I'd like to get to know the area more." She smiles.

"I'm sorry, I can't... I have tons of homework..." You speak softly. She pouts a little and then looks at Jotaro.

"What about you, Jotaro? Wanna go grab a bite somewhere?" She bats her eyelashes at him. He looks down at her and raises a brow. You kind of laugh to yourself inside your head. Is she lowkey asking him out? Please, like Jotaro would ever do that. You grin softly until you hear it.

"Sure." Jotaro speaks deeply. You widen your eyes slightly and look at him while hearing Elena let out a little excited, yet annoying, shriek.

"Cool! You have to pick where we go though, I'm not used to this area yet." She giggles. He nods a little. You blink in surprise. He actually said yes to her request to go get food with him? Alone? Like a date? You feel like your blood is boiling with anger yet you can't help but feel totally bummed and left out even though you told her no.

"Maybe we can all go out another time though, y/n! Good luck with that homework. See ya!" Elena waves softly as she grabs Jotaro's arm and begins to walk off with him. You watch as they walk off together, Elena hugging his arm and him not shoving her away. Your eyebrows sink, your heart throbs. Is this was heartbreak feels like? You slowly turn and continue to walk home.

Maybe he really doesn't like you back...


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now