i'm happy you're home{41}

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"Jotaro? Are you okay?" You knock softly on the bathroom door. You hear him let out a defeated groan.

"Yeah." He manages to say. You can't help but giggle at the fact that he threw up. You cover your mouth and begin to quietly laugh. You hear him cough again which makes you begin to laugh a little harder.

"Shut up!" He yells weakly. You giggle even harder but immediately go quiet when you hear a sound from the hallway. You quickly look over at his open bedroom door into the hallway, using your stand to listen carefully. You hear the front doorknob start to jingle along with keys. You widen your eyes a little.

"Jotaro, I think your mom is home." You knock on the bathroom door again softly. He groans once more.

"She's not supposed to be home until tomorrow." You hear the toilet flush. You gulp and turn your head as Jotaro opens the door, looking quite pale. You widen your eyes as you hear the front door open and close. Jotaro looks over at his bedroom door as well.

"Jotaro?" His mom calls out from the front door. Jotaro widens his eyes a little. He knows he might get in trouble for having a girl over the house when no one else is home. He looks at you and places his hands on your shoulders, softly pushing you so you walk backwards.

"Hide under my bed... Don't say a word." He growls at you. You nod and uncomfortably kneel down. You look under his bed and whimper. You don't want to go under there, it's probably dusty. You look back up at Jotaro with despair. He points at the bed with a serious expression. He then turns away and walks out of the room. You sigh and look back under the bed and lay on your stomach, sliding yourself underneath. Did you really have to do this? Ms. Kujo liked you, would she really be angry at him if she knew you were over?

You hear his mom begin to talk to Jotaro, you decide to use your stand to listen to their conversation...

"How come you're home?" Jotaro mumbles. You hear footsteps going towards the kitchen.

"My meetings ended earlier than I thought so I didn't have to stay the night anywhere. I just decided to come home." Holly says in a tired yet happy tone. She lets out a sigh and you hear her opening some cabinets.

"Oh..." Jotaro says deeply.

"Eh?... Why is the bottle of rum halfway empty? I just bought it." Holy speaks in a confused tone. Jotaro lets out a hum.

"Probably your old man." He yawns lowly and puts his hands in his pockets.

"He doesn't drink rum." Holy speaks quietly. Jotaro gulps.

"Oh..." You hear him mutter. Holy shuffles a little.

"What did you do tonight, Jotaro?" She speaks a little questionably. Jotaro stays quiet for a few seconds.

"I went in the hot spring for a little while and then stayed in my room." He says lowly. Holy remains quiet for a moment.

"Uh huh..." She closes the cabinets. You hear Jotaro begin to walk back to his bedroom. You put away your stand and look at his bedroom door. He walks in and closes the door, letting out a sigh.

"Does she allow you to drink alcohol?" You whisper loudly for him to hear. He stands by the door, rubbing his forehead with his hand.

"Not normally... She doesn't like when I do unless it's a beer." He speaks quietly, his voice quite raspy. You giggle a little and cover your mouth.

"Jotaro!!" You both hear Holly yell. Jotaro freezes slightly and widens his eyes. He looks at you under his bed and then slowly open his bedroom door again.

"What?!" He yells and looks out into the hallway.

"Why is this frame broken?!" She yells.

"Fuck." Jotaro whispers and walks out of his room again. You watch him and slowly shimmy your way out from under his bed. You quietly go to his dresser and open it, grabbing any pants you can find. You put on a pair of his sweatpants which are entirely baggy but tie it as tight as possible. You begin to hear Holy slightly yelling at Jotaro for breaking the frame. You press your lips together as you gather your items, going to his window and opening it quietly. You sneak out of his window, luckily his home is 1 story. You close the window once you make it outside and then begin to sneak around the house to the front so you can go home. You don't want Jotaro in any more trouble. Once you make it around to the front you jog a little until you're far enough away to where they cannot see you. You walk barefoot, it felt weird but you didn't mind considering the trail was mostly dirt.

It was a peaceful night, slightly warm at about 60°F/15°C and the sky was completely clear. Walking home alone in the quiet peacefulness was actually something you never knew you needed.

You arrive home after a little while and see a familiar car parked in your driveway. It wasn't your moms car. You gulp as you walk towards your front door, quietly opening it. The door softly creaks as you walk inside, the lights were all off except for your moms bedroom and the bathroom. You hear the television is on and it's about midnight. You clutch all of your items in your arms as you tiptoe down the hallway towards your bedroom. You look into the living room as you walk by and see someone sitting on the couch. You pause and stand there, the television being your only source of light. The person stands up off the couch and begins to walk towards you slowly. You look up at them as they get closer. Your eyebrows sink a little, a warm feeling in your heart settles in.

"Long time no see, sweetheart." You hear his familiar soothing voice.

"Dad!" You squeal and drop all of your items, instantly hugging him and burying your face into his chest. He chuckles and hugs you back tightly. You whimper a little, you haven't seen him in so long. He is always off on business trips for work and although your parents aren't together, they get along well.

"I missed you so much." You whisper. He hugs you tighter.

"I missed you more." He places his hand on top of your head as he hugs you. You smile and look up at him. He smiles down at you, his beard is growing in.

"Why are you home? I thought you wouldn't be back until the summer." You step back a little bit.

"I was put on another business case here in town, so they sent me back." He grins. You jump a little in happiness. He laughs.

"What's up with you? Why are you home at midnight?" He chuckles and walks back to the living room. You follow him.

"Oh, I went to a little party at my friends house." You look down and see you're still barefoot.

"A party, huh? Damn... Didn't know you were the party type." He teases and sits on the couch. You plop down on the opposite side of the couch.

"I'm not really... I only went because my friend asked me to." You look down and play with your shirt. Jotaro's shirt.

"Okay... well that's nice, what'd you do?" He does that dad thing where he puts his arm behind the couch. You think a little.

"Uhh... We played some games." You giggle. He clicks his tongue a little.

"Okay... I'm afraid to ask any more questions so I'll stop right there." He purses his lips a little. You laugh a little and feel your face get red. You definitely aren't going to tell him what happened at that party.

"Nothing bad happened, don't worry." You giggle and sigh. He nods a bit and looks at you. You look at him.

"You're getting older looking... In a good way." He makes that sad dad face. You roll your eyes.

"You literally say that every time you see me." You sigh. He nods a bit.

"Yeah well it's more noticeable when I rarely see you." He speaks quietly. You nod a little.

"How long will you be home?" You look at him. He looks at the tv and thinks.

"Probably a month or 2... depending on how fast I finish my work." He looks back at you. You grin and nod at him.

"I'm happy you're home." You smile.

He smiles back.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now