ace of wands (13)

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The remaining of your Saturday you laid in bed wrapped up in Jotaro's jacket. You still had his shirt that he lent you that one time too. You read manga on and off, did some homework, and slept throughout the day. That night you take a long warm shower, trying to really collect your thoughts.

You are still a stand user, and you let some guy take advantage of you. If Jotaro never showed up, who knows what would've happened to you. You probably would have passed out on the floor and be handled by some random boys. The thought of it gives you shivers. You really want to learn what abilities your stand can do, maybe you can use it to protect yourself. You are really unsure about the whole "stand" thing still, but you know Jotaro and Joseph are both stand users as well.

Maybe they could help you.


On Sunday, you cleaned up your room, made your bed, and baked some fresh chocolate chip cookies, your own recipe. You change into leggings and a v-neck shirt and take Jotaro's jacket. You leave your house and begin to walk to his, holding the little container of cookies and wearing Jotaro's jacket. As much as you'd like to keep it, you know he probably wants it back.

Walking for about 10 minutes, you make it to Jotaro's house and gently knock on the front door. You're still amazed at how big their house is. You wonder how they are so rich but don't ever plan on actually asking them. The door opens and you see Joseph. You smile softly, happy to see him again.

"Oh y/n! Hi!" He smiles. You look up at him with a smile.

"Hi Mr. Joes... I mean.. Joseph.." You blush a little.

"You here for Jotaro again? You can come inside." He steps aside a bit and holds the door for you. You thank him and walk inside the house. Joseph closes the door and looks at you.

"Jotaro's actually out in the hot spring right now, do you want me to go get him or do you wanna go out to him?" Joseph says to you, always being super polite.

"Oh... Uh.." You look down and blush immensely at the thought of Jotaro in the hot spring. Him being shirtless, sweaty and wet. You shake your head a little.

"I'll go out in a little bit but, since you're here I actually would like to talk to you about my stand." You grin softly at him. He raises his brows a lowkey look flattered.

"Oh of course! I'll help in anyway I can." He nods. You look down at the container of cookies.

"Oh, I made cookies for you guys, just because I made extra today." You hold the container out to Joseph. He takes it and looks at them.

"Oh wow, these looks so good. Thank you very much. I may have to hide these and save them all for myself." He chuckles and begins to walk to the kitchen. You giggle and follow him.

"So, what would you like to talk about? What questions do you have?" He says as he puts the container of cookies on the counter. You take a seat in the kitchen.

"Well first, I wanted to ask you what your stand does." You place your hands on your lap, still wearing Jotaro's jacket. He smiles a bit.

"My stand? My stand is called Hermit Purple, and it's nothing super cool like Star Platinum, but mine is like a vine... It can grab onto things, it's quite strong, and the thing I normally do with it is, gain information or... produce live psychic videos on the television of anything I wish to see." He crosses his arms. You raise your eyebrows a little.

"Psychic videos?" You squint a little, confused. He chuckles a little bit.

"Here I'll show you." He begins to walk to the living room. You get up and follow him. He goes to the tv in the living room and places his hands on the sides of it. You stand back and watch him. He uses his stand, which shoots out like a bunch of purple vines. You watch and widen your eyes a little as the tv turns on and starts to go through a bunch of random channels. You watch and kind of laugh in an impressed way.

"Woah.." You whisper and watch. The tv begins to say, "Thank, You, For, The, Coo, Kies." You hear it and laugh, he looks at you and stops using his stand.

"How was that?" He laughs. You raise your eyebrows.

"That's so cool, I can definitely see the amount of potential that has.. Wow." You are quite amazed. These stand things are so cool, and there are probably so many more that you can't even imagine.

"What does your stand do?" He places his hands on his hips and stands in front of you. You exhale softly and look up at him.

"Well, I haven't really experimented much with it, but so far it gives me really good hearing... and I can stop things in mid air if it's near me... I think?" You shrug a bit. He raises his eyebrows.

"Sounds like a stand with potential too." He nods.

"I also don't have a name for it." You look up at him again. He chuckles a little.

"Let's come up with one then." He walks towards a drawer in the living room and opens it, taking out a deck of tarot cards and a small book. You watch and follow him and he leads you to the kitchen. He spreads the deck of cards on the table and looks at you.

"Pick one that calls to you." He watches. You scan the deck of cards and few times. Bringing your hand to one that feels the universe is calling you to. You pick it up and flip it over. Joseph looks.

"Ah, Ace of Wands.." He nods a little and opens the book, looking for the definition.

"Not bad." He grins. You nod a little and look at it.

"What does it mean?" You look at him. He points to it and begins to read.

"When you draw the Ace of Wands, it is an indicator that you should just go for it. Take the chance and pursue an idea that you have in mind. " He speaks out loud. You gulp and think about that last part.

So many thoughts run through your mind with that one. Joseph closes the book and looks at you with a grin.

"Well theres your stand name, 'Ace of Wands.'"



Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now