his jacket (12)

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You slowly begin to wake up, everything is really quiet, quite dark, your head definitely hurts, but you don't remember what happened.

You sit up in the bed and rub your eyes, looking around a bit. You don't recognize the room. Where are you? You try to remember what happened last night, you don't remember going to this room. You don't remember getting drunk or anything.

You look to your left and see somebody else laying on the bed beside you, back to you. Just by looking at their clothes, you know exactly who it is, it's Jotaro. You furrow your eyebrows and look down, noticing you're also in your clothes. Why was he sleeping on the bed with you? Why is he here? Why are you here? You rub your head and look over at Jotaro. He's not under the covers and he's wearing all of his clothes, surely you two didn't do anything, right?

You bring your hand to his shoulder and shake him softly.

"Jotaro?" You whisper. He breathes in softly and slightly turns his head and shoulder, looking at you. You must've woken him up just now.

"Are you okay?" He speaks deeply, his morning/tired voice very raspy and deep. You gulp and blush immensely.

"Yeah, but...What happened? Why are we in here?" You look at him. He groans quietly and begins to sit himself up, you watch him. He looks at you, you look into his eyes. His hair is a bit messy, and so is yours.

"You got drugged last night and passed out, I brought you in here to make sure you were okay." He speaks quietly and rubs his eye. You gulp hard. He wanted to make sure you were safe? Now you remember some of it. You remember the guy giving you the fireball, you remember feeling drowsy afterwards.

"Oh... Jesus.." You whisper and lay back, closing your eyes. You bring your hands up to your face and begin to tear up. You can't believe the one time you wanted to have fun at a party, you get drugged. You just wanted to have fun and you can't even do that. You sniffle and cover your face with your hands. You feel Jotaro shift on the bed, either looking at you or looking away from you. You begin to quietly cry, feeling so embarrassed for having this happen to you.

You feel the weight of Jotaro getting up and hear him walk around the bed. You move your hands a little and look at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. He holds his hand out to you with a cup of water. You gulp and sniffle, bringing your hand to his and taking the cup. You sit up and take a few sips and then give it back to him. He brings his hand out towards you once again, you hesitantly bring your hand to his. He takes your hand in his, gripping it gently since your hands are a lot smaller than his. You whimper as he helps you out of the bed.

"I can bring you home..." He says lowly, his voice calmer than usual. You nod a little and wipe your eye. Once you stand up, he takes off his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders since you are only wearing a noodle strapped dress. He puts his arm around you and pulls you a bit closer to his body, walking you to the bedroom door.

You feel your face getting red as he does this. You bring your face towards his body slightly, pressing your head against his body. He smells pretty good considering everything right now. You close your eyes for a moment and take in the scent. He walks with you downstairs and outside towards his car. You didn't even know he had one.

Going to the passenger side, he opens the door for you. You look up at him a bit and then get into the car. He closes the door and goes around to his side and gets in, starting the car. You both get buckled and he begins to drive. You look at the interior of the car a bit.

"I didn't know you had a car..." You sniffle quietly.

"It's my old mans'." He speaks deeply.

"Oh.." You kind of giggle.

You tell Jotaro your address and after about 10 minutes, you arrive at your house. It was a bit smaller but it was cute. Only you and your mom lived in it, your older brother had moved out already. He parks and looks at you. You gulp and unbuckle, looking over at him nervously.

"Would you like to...Come inside?" You ask him. He looks at you for a few seconds.

"Sure." He nods a little. You nod too and get out of the car, holding his jacket around yourself. He turns the car off and gets out too. You walk with him to the door and go inside, quietly and quickly walking through the kitchen and living room to your room.

Walking into your room, Jotaro has to lean over to fir in the door frame. You close the door behind him once he walks in, thank god you had your room clean. You go to your bed and sit down, letting out an exhale. He stands and puts his hands in his pockets. You glance at the clock and see its 8:49am. You look at him and see him starring at you.

"You can come sit if you'd like." You pat the bed softly. You had a queen sized bed, you got this one after your mom got a new one. He nods a little and walks to the bed, turning and sitting beside you. The bed shifts with his weight, just like everything else he sits on. He lets out a huff through his nose and leans back against the wall a bit. You lay back and close your eyes. You feel so sleepy, you could easily drift off into sleep again. You hug Jotaro's jacket around you, it smells good.


A couple hours pass. You eventually wake up around noon to the sound of your mom vacuuming. Whimpering, you slowly sit up and stretch, only to realize you're still wearing Jotaro's school jacket. You look around your room and notice he's no longer in your room. He must've left while you were sleeping. You take his jacket off and look at it, holding it in your hands.

Jotaro really let you wear this, and didn't bother to take it back.

Maybe he isn't so bad after all.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now