I like you... {44}

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Arriving at prom seemed like a blur. People carpooled over to the prom location in bunches, some took party busses. Weirdly, in your case, Elenas Grandmother had rented a party bus. You for some reason felt embarrassed stepping foot on the bus, but you waved your parents goodbye as you drove off towards the venue. Your mind felt fuzzy, like something wasn't quite right. You sat beside Nicola on the bus and just looked out the window the entire time, wanting this night to end already. Prom was supposed to be fun, so you were going to try, but you just felt like shit.

You arrived at the venue a little while later, and there were already so many people there. The building was gorgeous and the sun was warm. Everyone headed inside and you couldn't help but admire the scenery. You had never been here before, and everything was beautiful. There were gorgeous plants, large windows, beautiful lights. Entering the building was like a movie. This venue was massive. It looked like a place they would have elegant balls at in the olden days. The ceilings were high and arched, the lights were crystal blue and shimmering as if you were under water, after all the theme was "Under the Sea."

A smile finally met your face because of how pretty you thought everything was. It felt magical.

"Where's our table?" Elena whines as you walk around as a group. Elena had signed you all up to be at the same table. You look over at Elena and Jotaro. Jotaro is looking around as well. He seems to be quite fond of the decorations.

"Found it!" Elena shouts a little. You, Nicola, and Jotaro all go to the table Elena is at and find your seats. You sit in between Elena and Nicola, of course because Elena made the seating chart.

Music plays quietly at first as everyone walks in and finds their tables. Nicola stands up slowly and leans down to you: You turn your head slightly and gulp as you see how close his face is to yours. You back your head up a little and look at him.

"Did you want anything to drink or eat? I'm going up to get some things." Nicola says lowly. You gulp and look at him.

"Uh... Yeah... Could I just get water?" You ask quietly. He looks into your eyes and nods.

"Yeah, any food?" He asks. You shake your head a little. You weren't all that hungry, you were nervous. He nods and stands straight.

"Are you getting food?" Elena looks up at Nicola. He nods in response to her. She squeals a little and stands up.

"I'll go with you, I'm starving." She grins and lifts her dress a little with her hands. They walk off together towards the food, you watch them nervously. You slowly look over at Jotaro who sits about 3:00 from you. He has his eyes on you already. Once you look at him, he pretends he wasn't looking at you and begins to look around the building with his eyes. You grin a little bit.

"You excited for tonight?" You ask nicely. He looks at you again and then kinda shrugs.

"I don't know." He says lowly. You keep your eyes on him. He looked so handsome and you just wanted to hug him.

"You're not excited for... dancing the night away?" You giggle a little. He looks at you and raises his eyebrows a little. You look at his expression and sigh.

"Yeah... me neither..." You lightly chuckle. He kind of grins for a moment.

"Why did we go to prom if.. neither of us even like it?" You look at him again. He looks at you with his eyes. Both of you remain quiet for a few seconds until Elena and Nicola return to the table. You look at them as they begin placing water bottles and food plates on the table. You thank Nicola for the water and look back at Jotaro once more. He sits looking in thought.

"There is a whole chocolate fountain over there, Y/N, I've never seen one in real life!-" Elena squeals. You look up at her since she's still standing.

"Really?" You laugh a little. She nods. Nicola looks happy.

"Jotaro, do you wanna come see the chocolate fountain?" Elena looks at him. He looks at her and gulps. He looks at you with his eyes and then back at Elena.

"Sure.." He says lowly. You grin a little as you watch him.

"Y/N, did you want to go dance?" Nicola asks you as he eats some chips. You look at him and open your water bottle. You take a sip and look over at the people dancing. You weren't really in the mood.

"Maybe in a little bit." You look at Nicola.

"I wanna go dance!" Elena shouts and looks at Nicola. Jotaro furrows his eyebrows and looks at her.

"Jotaro, do you wanna go dance instead?" She smiles at him. He kinda makes a face.

"I don't really want to dance." He says lowly. She pouts a little.

"Come on... It's prom... Live a little." She looks at him as he sits in his seat. He looks at you. You look at him and sip your water.

"Maybe later." He looks up at Elena. She sighs a little.

"Okay... Nicola, do you wanna go dance?" Elena looks at him. He nods and looks at her. He looks at you.

"You sure you don't wanna go dance?" He whispers to you. You look at him and grin a little.

"Yeah... I'm sure... I will in a little while." You say. He nods in response and stands up. He goes and walks away with Elena. Jotaro remains sitting, he watches as Elena and Nicola walk away together to the dance floor. You look at Jotaro, he looked bummed.

"Are we boring?" You shout a little since the music is getting louder. He looks over at you. He kind of grins and shrugs a little.

"Maybe a little, yeah." He says with a sigh. He stands up slowly. He walks around the table and pulls out the chair next to you. He sits down slowly. You get a whiff of his scent, causing your eyelashes to flutter. You place your hands on your lap.

"You look really nice, Jotaro... Never thought I'd see you in a tuxedo." You giggle a little. He looks at you and grins.

"Thanks... Same to you." He speaks lowly. You look at his face and grin with pure happiness. You really wish Jotaro never asked Elena to the prom. You wanted to go with him.

"I think our dates are polar opposites of us." You sigh and glance over at the dance floor. Jotaro looks over as well.

"Yeah... I really don't want to dance." Jotaro mutters. You look at his side profile.

"If you were drunk would you loosen up and dance?" You smile. He furrows his eyebrows a little and looks at you again.

"You brought alcohol?" He asks lowly. You laugh a little.

"No, it's just a hypothetical question." You smile. He raises his eyebrows and nods a little.

"Um... I don't know." He shrugs a little and glances over at the dance floor. You admire him as he does so.

"Jotaro I... How come you asked Elena to the prom?" You speak softly. You keep your eyes on him. He looks back over at you and licks his lips.

"Well I had no one else to ask." He shrugs a little and leans back in his seat. You nod softly and play with your fingers on your lap.

"Do you think... If I hadn't said yes to Nicolas offer.. you would've asked me?" You look at him nervously. He gulps a little, you squint at him. His lips part and he exhales quietly as he thinks.

"Possibly." He mumbles deeply. You half grin and sit up a little more. You nod.

"I... Honestly said yes to him because of all the people watching. I was a bit embarrassed." You blush a little. You glance over at the dance floor and see Elena and Nicola dancing together.

"But I thought you liked him." Jotaro speaks deeply. You bite on your inner cheek as you watch the dance floor. Your mind goes wild. You need to say it now. But should you say it now or after prom? Would it ruin the night to tell him right this second?

You look at Jotaros' face and stay quiet for a few seconds. He tilts his head and furrows his eyebrows questionably. You hold your hands together firmly and open your mouth.

"No... I actually.. I like you, Jotaro." You say nervously.

Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now