josephs' muffins (20)

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"The muffins are ready!! Jotaro and Y/N, come try one!" Joseph yells from the kitchen. You gasp quietly, opening your eyes and awakening from your nap. You whine as you bring your hand up to your eye, rubbing it while yawning. You hear a deep yet quiet groan and widen your eyes, lifting your head only to see you are still laying on top of Jotaro. He seems to be asleep as you lay in between his legs with your arms by his sides.

You admire him from this quite personal angle. His chest moves up and down slowly as he breathes, his face seeming relaxed and not angry for once. His hair was a little bit tousled, but it was very cute. You smile to yourself as you watch him, laying your head onto his stomach once more before you get up. You close your eyes and take in his scent which smells like cologne and laundry detergent. You open your eyes slowly and see his stomach skin is exposed. You gulp, his shirt had lifted slightly, revealing his upper v line and lower abs.

You slowly start to sit up, scanning him as you do so. You sit up on your knees and let out a sigh as you look out the window. It was getting a bit dark and you were not sure what time it was. You blush as you look at Jotaro once more, softly tapping him on the stomach, which was soft yet very toned.

"Jotaro..." You whisper quietly as you poke him. He shifts a little and furrows his eyebrows slightly, but he doesn't wake up. You begin to softly tickle his stomach. He jumps a little and opens his eyes, letting out a tired and deep groan when he sees you.

"You scared me..." He says in a raspy sleepy voice, making you blush even harder. You gulp and grin a little.

"Sorry, Joseph said the muffins are ready. He probably wants us to try them." You say and begin to yawn again, stretching a little. He brings his left hand behind his head and yawns after you do, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay..." He whispers and closes his eyes again. You watch him and poke his stomach again softly.

"Don't fall back asleep. I want a muffin." You say quietly. He opens one eye and looks at you, hand still behind his head.

"Yeah?" He whispers deeply. You nod a little and look at his face.

"Then go get one..." He closes his eye and shifts a bit to get more comfortable. You purse your lips a little.

"You don't want one?" You lick your lips.

"No, I want one." He says with his eyes closed. You make a face at him and begin to get off the bed. Your knee stumbles over his thigh, making you almost fall off the bed and bite down on your tongue. He reaches his arm out and catches you, sitting up a bit. You laugh out of embarrassment, your face now close to his lower stomach again.

"Why are you so clumsy?" He speaks deeply. You giggle a little bit and bring your hand up to your mouth since you bit your tongue.

"I dont know..." You sigh and cover your mouth. He brings his hand under your chin and lifts your head a bit, looking at your face.

"You okay?" He squints a little. You look into his eyes.

"I bit... ma.. tongue.." You mumble. He tilts his head.

"Is it bad?" He sits up a bit more. You place your other hand on the bed and go onto your knees. You look at him and open your mouth, sticking out your tongue so he can see. He furrows his brows as he looks, keeping his hand under your chin.

"Oh yeah, it's bleeding a little." He whispers.

Jotaro's bedroom door suddenly swings open.

"Guys' the muffins ar..." Joseph stands there are looks at your two. You both look over at him, obviously unaware of how weird you two look.

You're on your hands and knees basically on top of Jotaro, his hand is under your chin and your mouth is open with your tongue out. You blush immediately and close your mouth, slowly sitting up onto just your knees.

Jotaro grunts quietly and lays back, blushing softly.

"What the hell..." Joseph whispers.

"She bit her tongue and I was seeing if she was okay, don't make it weird old man." Jotaro groans and sits up. You gulp and slowly get off the bed and Jotaro stands up too.

"Okay." Joseph laughs while blushing and walks away. You and Jotaro stand a bit awkwardly before walking out of his room together.

You both head to the kitchen and it smells amazing. Josephs' baking seems to be really good. You smile as you approach the table with the fresh baked muffins on a plate.

"Oh my gosh, these look so delicious." You smile. Joseph crosses his arms as he stands by the table.

"Take as many as you'd like." Joseph smiles.


After eating Josephs amazing muffins, you head back to Jotaros room with him. He walks in and sits in his desk chair, letting out a sigh. You stand near the door and grab your backpack.

"I should probably go home now... It's getting a bit late." You stand and stare at him. He nods a bit.

"Okay... I'll see you tomorrow." He opens his notebook and grabs a pen. You watch him and nod a little, walking out of his room and leaving his house, saying goodbye to Joseph first of course.

On your way home you can't help but overthink. Why didn't Jotaro answer your question earlier?

How come he's been ignoring you lately?

You think it's either because he doesn't like you, does like you and doesn't want to say anything, or just doesn't have an answer. Although you've had some intimate moments with him, you are still unsure if he actually likes you back or not.

You cuddled and fell asleep in his room just a while ago, does that mean something? Is he trying to play with you? You sigh and rub your head from all the thoughts, just wishing it could be simpler.

You hope Jotaro likes you back.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now