guest bedroom? (31)

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In the morning, you awoke around 8am to the sound of light snoring. You whimper quietly as you sit up, rubbing your eyes and squinting from the sun peaking through the windows. You look outside, it seemed like a beautiful morning. You then look over and see Jotaro asleep on the bed beside you. You were happy he decided to stay in the bed considering he stopped kissing you last night. You were still so bummed about that entire situation. You really wish you never told Jotaro you liked Nicola, but now you felt awkward about telling him it was a lie. You didn't want to answer questions.

You quietly and carefully get off the bed and look at Jotaro sleeping. He was such a good looking man, even while he was asleep. You admired him for a few moments before exiting his bedroom. You close the door and begin to walk down the hallway towards the kitchen. You can smell something cooking and can hear some kitchen commotion happening. You cover your mouth and yawn as you approach the kitchen and see Holly cooking some breakfast. You see Joseph sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. He looks over at you and grins.

"Good morning Y/N." He smiles and straightens his posture a bit. You smile.

"Good morning Joseph." You reply happily. The house seemed so bright in the morning. The sun shined in through all the windows so nicely at this time. You watch Joseph as he sips his coffee quietly. He wears an adorable set of blue pajamas as well as slippers on his feet. He was such a nice looking and adorable man.

"How did you sleep in the guest bedroom? Was the bed comfortable?" Holly asks nicely as she whisks some eggs in a bowl. You gulp and stand there for a moment.

Guest bedroom? They have a guest bedroom?
Jotaro must know they have a guest bedroom, right?

"Oh uh... I slept well..." You stammer quietly, your face blushing softly with the guilt and confusion of this information. If they have a guest bedroom, why did Jotaro let you sleep in his room? And why did he offer to sleep on the couch? You were really confused. Did he want you to sleep in the same room as him? Was he stupid? You press your lips together softly and decide to not think about it at the moment.

"That's good." Holly smiles. Joseph sips his coffee once more and places the mug down.

"Would you like a cup of coffee Y/n? Or a tea?" Joseph asks politely and looks at you. You look at him and nod a little.

"Oh, yes... Tea would be great actually." You nod nicely. Joseph grins and stands up. He walks over to the cabinet and grabs a mug and begins to make your tea for you. You continue to think about this mysterious guest bedroom that you are now hearing about. You walk to the table and sit at the seat next to Josephs and let out an exhale. Joseph walks over to you and slides your mug of tea onto the table. You look up at him and smile.

"Thank you Joseph." You take the mug carefully and bring it closer to you, clasping your hands around it to feel the warmth. Joseph sits back down beside you and looks at you. He leans in a little bit, you look at him and blink widely.

"I know you didn't sleep in the guest bedroom, I just told Holly you did so she doesn't flip out on Jotaro." He whispers. You smell the slight coffee hint on his breath as he speaks, and nod a little. Joseph knew you slept in Jotaros' room? What is going on.

"How come Jotaro wanted me to sleep in his room?" You whisper back to him. The noise from Holly cooking drowns out the noise so she doesn't know you two are whispering. He looks at you once more.

"Well... I think he likes you... he's never liked a girl before, so I didn't want to rat him out...I hope it didn't make you uncomfortable-" He gulps a little. You kind of laugh quietly.

"Aww, no I felt comfortable, actually." You look down at your tea while blushing. Was this inappropriate? Jotaros' grandfather hiding the fact he had a girl sleep in his room? Hiding this fact from his own daughter? Was Joseph wanting Jotaro to get some pussy or something? You kind of shivered at that thought.

Joseph chuckles and sips his coffee. You carefully lift the mug and sip your tea. Although you liked Jotaro, you were kind of confused as to why he never brought up the fact he had a guest room. You weren't surprised, their house was really big, but you would've slept in there if Miss Holly wanted you to.

You just didn't know.

Maybe Holly didn't tell Jotaro she wanted you to sleep in the guest room and he assumed it was okay for you to sleep in his? Maybe he knew and talked to Joseph about making up a lie? You shook your head a little, not wanting to think about it anymore. By the time your head clears up, you look over and see Jotaro entering the kitchen. His hair was a bit messy, his tank top snug on his body, his pajama pants and slippers on. You grinned at the sight of seeing him wearing this stuff. You've never really see him wearing anything other than his school uniform. It felt like a vulnerable moment.

"Good morning, honey!" Holly smiles at him. She walks up to him and goes on her tippy toes, giving him a kiss on the cheek. His half closed eyes, his tired expression, he shrugs off the kiss a bit and walks over to the table. He sits in the chair across from you and rubs his eye. He looks so tired still. You felt bad for him.

"Good morning, Jotaro." Joseph speaks lowly and sips is coffee. Jotaro places his elbow on the counter and grunts lowly in response to Josephs greeting. You giggle a little as you watch him. He places his hand on his cheek and opens his eyes a bit more and looks at you. You smile and look at him. He kind of grins and closes his eyes.

"Morning." He mumbles. You nod a little and press your lips together. You lean forward and glance to make sure Holly isnt looking before you say to him-

"How come you never told me I was supposed to sleep in the guest bedroom?" You stare into his sleepy eyes. Joseph looks away. Jotaro stares back at you, his eyes droopy and his face looking tired and annoyed already.

"Huh?" He makes a confused face. You sigh a little. Joseph clears his throat a little and you look at him as Holly brings over a plate of eggs. She places it on the table and gives everyone a plate. You grin politely and thank her as she does so. Joseph sips his coffee and thanks Holly. You look back at Jotaro, he stares at you with half open eyes.

"You have a guest bedroom." You whisper loudly for Jotaro to hear. He blinks at you, his lips part slightly.

"Yeah?" He squints. You stare at him and widen your eyes a little.

"Your mom wanted me to sleep there." You whisper yell again. Jotaro stares at you for a few seconds and then shrugs it off. Maybe Miss Holly never told him she wanted you to sleep in the guest bedroom. Maybe she assumed Jotaro knew. Apparently, he didn't.

You giggle a little bit to yourself and pick up your plate, beginning to place some eggs on it. Holly comes back over and places down a plate of bacon and fresh white rice along with some other delicious food items. Once Holly sits, you all begin to put food on your plates. You keep a small grin on your face because of Jotaro. You used to always think he was intimidating, and he is most of the time, but seeing him so sleepy was such a turn of pace.

He was so cuddly looking, like a large teddy bear. All you wanted to do was cuddle him, snuggle him, lay in bed with him and kiss him. You wanted to tell him how you felt about him, but you were scared. You've never felt this way for anybody before, and you never thought you'd gain a crush on somebody like Jotaro considering he was always mean to everyone, including you.

You never thought Jotaro and you would end up hanging out. You smile to yourself more from this thought.

You wondered where you would be now if your friendship never happened...


authors note: hey kings and queens, sorry for the wait for this update, I just started school again and I'm a med student so off the bat I got lots of work. I will continue to try my best with updates, I do read most of my comments so feel free to leave any tips or ideas for the story! Thank you all for the support.💗


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now