the moonlight (29)

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You squinted tiredly as a peak of light began to shine into the dark room. Were you asleep? You thought you were. This light must have something to do with you being awake now. You see a large shadow walking towards the bed. You feel the ground slightly boom with every step. Opening your eyes a little wider, you see Jotaro standing beside the bed in the dark with only the light from the bathroom lighting up the room. All you could make of him was his black silhouette. You see him spreading the blankets on the floor. He goes and turns off the light and then comes back, lying down on the blankets beside the bed. So he did decide to sleep on the floor, you grinned at the thought. You hug the pillow slightly and close your eyes once more.


After sleeping for a while, you begin to hear some sounds. Your eyes squint open once again, but you are facing the window. You see the moonlight peaking in through the window. Was the storm over? It looked clear outside.

You hear it again. A whimper.

You groan quietly and slowly role over in bed, glancing down at Jotaro asleep on the floor. You can only barely see him from the moonlight. He's asleep.

What is that noise then?

You slowly push yourself up onto your knees and look around his room. You rub your eyes and use your stand to listen. Closing your eyes, you hear the whimpering coming from where Jotaro is. You open your eyes and look over at him once again, but making sure to stare this time. You see Jotaros' eyebrows furrowing up and down, his eyes squinted, his hand gripping the blanket. He lays on his side, seeming to be struggling.

What was wrong?

You quietly get off the bed and kneel down beside him. You tilt your head and move your hair behind your ears, watching his face. He twitches, his lips part and he deeply whimpers, like he's scared. You gulp, realizing your mouth is dry, and place your hand on his shoulder gently.

"Jotaro?" You whisper and softly shake his shoulder. He doesn't wake up, so you try again.

"Jotaro? Wake up." You whisper and shake him a little harder.

"No." The word slips from his parted lips in such a soft whisper that it sounds almost fake. You shake him once more.

"Jotaro." You whisper a little louder. His eyes shoot open, his mouth opening a little more, and he jots awake, breathing heavily in a cold sweat. He sees you and seems to be figuring out that he's awake now. You look into his eyes and bring your hands to his cheeks as he's seemingly flustered.

"Hey...It's okay, it's okay..." You whisper and hold his face as he breaths a bit heavy. He sighs deeply and rolls on his back, placing his hand on his chest. Your eyebrows sink in sadness from seeing him this way. You move his slightly wet hair back gently and rub his head.

"It's okay..." You whisper once more, reassuring him that he's okay. He was definitely having a nightmare, and you wondered if this was something that happened to him frequently. He opens his eyes again and looks up at you once his breathing calms down.

"Sorry, thank you..." He whispers deeply, his tired voice deeper than his usual. You gulp and look down at him.

"Are you alright?" You whisper softly and look down at him. He clenches his jaw and nods. You bite your inner cheek and look at his face. You sit up more on your knees and bring your hand to his hand and hold it.

"Come sleep on the bed with me." You smile a little. He blinks tiredly and looks into your eyes. He nods a little bit and you nod back. You felt bad, this is making you remember the times he's gone to school completely exhausted. Is this why? Does he have these nightmares that keep him awake? You wondered what he has gone through.

You help him sit up and stand with him. He's now wearing black boxers and a blue tank top. You get on the bed and sit near the window. Jotaro pulls the blankets down and slowly gets under them on the other side of the bed. You watch him and slowly lay down under the covers beside him. You face each-other, both heads on the same pillow. He gulps and brings his hand up under the pillow beneath his head. You watch him and do the same, closing your eyes as you do so.

After a few seconds, you open your eyes and see him looking at you. You immediately feel your face get hot. You begin to blush, but it's too dark for him to see.

"What?" You whisper. He stays quiet for a little bit.

"Nothing." He finally whispers back. You pull the blankets up a little more.

"Were you... having a bad dream?" You whisper. He breathes in sharply through his nose and then exhales lowly.

"Yeah." He whispers in the exhale. You nod a little bit and keep your eyes on him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" You whisper once more. You don't want to be too loud. He shakes his head a little bit. You nod at his response, respecting that it's probably a personal issue and it happens often. You keep looking into his eyes, which are dark and tired looking. He honestly looks very attractive right now. He slowly slides his hand out from under the pillow and brings it to the side of your head. You keep looking into his eyes as he rubs your temple with his thumb.

"Sorry I woke you." He whispers deeply. You gulp once again, a nervous lump now forming in your throat.

"You didn't." You respond very quietly. He furrows his eyebrows just a little.

"Then what did?" He moves your hair back a little, his fingers softly plunging through your hair and resting on your scalp. Your lips part as you admire him and glance at his lips.

"The moonlight." You mumble. He slides his hand from your head onto the side of your face, his fingers resting on your jaw. His thumb hovers over your lips, probably unsure of where to place it. You hesitantly bring your hand to his wrist and gently grab it. He stares into your eyes as your parted lips begin to open. You swallow hard before opening your mouth ever so slightly, allowing your tongue to escape just barely. The tip of your tongue glides against Jotaros' thumb, causing him to urge his thumb closer to your mouth. You open your mouth a little more as he begins to slide his thumb into your mouth, making sure to keep your tongue against it.

You feel the warmth begin to grow off your body. Your blood is pumping, you are nervous. Your lips wrap around his thumb once he slides it in fully. Jotaros' lips are now slightly parted, you know how this is making him feel. He stares at you as you suck on his thumb, he gently moves it around against your tongue.

He groans quietly and slides his thumb out of your mouth, immediately grabbing your jaw and moving his body towards you. He glides his thumb down your lips before leaning in, tilting his head, and colliding his lips with yours. You lay still and widen your eyes, your lips puckering instinctively as he kisses you. You have never kissed anybody before.

This was your first.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now