party (10)

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tw: drugs

The next day at school you immediately started hearing news about a big party happening at one of the rich seniors house this upcoming Friday. It must have been a really popular thing since everyone was talking about it.

You had never been to a big party before since you have nearly no close friends, but you've always been interested in going to one if you had the chance. This type of party was an open invitation, meaning anyone who knew about it could come. You knew for a fact you would go, you just didn't want to go alone.


During bio class you and Jotaro tried to come up with some ideas for your project, he didn't seem as tired today which was good. At one point, a silence fell between the two of you. You decided it would be a good time to ask him.

"Did you hear about the party that's happening this Friday?" You speak softly to him. He nods a little.

"Yeah, why?" He says deeply as he continues writing on his paper.

"Are you going?" You bite your inner cheek as you look at him. He looks at you and raises a brow.

"Not sure... Are you?" He mumbles. You shrug a little bit.

"I want to, I just don't have anyone to go with." You sigh softly.

"That sucks." He says deeply. You press your lips together and stare at him.

"If only there was somebody who I was familiar with that would go so I wouldn't be all alo-" You continue.

"Are you asking me to go with you?" He glares at you. You raise your brows a bit and giggle.

"Absolutely not... That's gross." You chuckle. He gives you a weird look.

"Okay..." He looks back down at his paper and continues to write. You sigh a little.

"Why are you so boring and...lethargic all the time?" You whisper to him. He licks his lips.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't think you cared so much since we aren't even friends." He says as he writes. You purse your lips.

"We aren't friends, I don't like you..." You huff. He nods a bit.

"Then shut up." He whispers. You sigh and lean back in your seat.


The next few days consisted of regular school days and Jotaro skipping one of them, leaving you to do your bio project alone for a day. You two haven't talked much at all unless it was about the project in bio, other than that you didn't see him outside of school or at lunch. You wondered why he hated you, was his reasoning was. At least your reasoning for hating him  was he is cocky and mean and scary. Did he hate you because he thought you were unattractive? Annoying? Did he hate you because you hated him? You don't know why you've been thinking about him a lot lately. Something about seeing him up close and quite personal flickered something inside of you. Maybe you just found him so attractive that you didn't seem to care that he was mean to you, you ignored it. Whatever the reasoning was, you were unsure.

Friday finally made it way and you were definitely going to that party, even if Jotaro wasn't. You didn't care if going there meant you'd be alone the entire night, you just really wanted to have a nice night for once and live while you are still young.

When you got home you showered, dried and lightly curled your hair, and got dressed into a nice outfit. You wore a cute pink dress with heals. You wore a nice push up bra, exposing your breasts for once since your school uniform hid them away.

You left your house around 8pm, getting on a bus for a few minutes and arriving to the party around 8:20. There was already a lot of people here, and the house was really big. When you walked inside, there was so much open space and a beautiful staircase. There was loud music playing and lights flashing. You started to head towards the kitchen where most of the people were sipping on alcoholic drinks.

You began to look around to see if there was a chance Jotaro decided to come and is already here. You'd feel more comfortable if he was since you only really talk to/hang out with him lately even though he doesn't like you. You kind of have your arms crossed as you walk around the large house seeing if he was here. As you walk, you bump into Trina and her friend group. They all look at you and raise their brows.

You gulp and look at Trina, she scans you with her eyes and smiles.

"Hey Y/N, your dress is really pretty." She grins. You blink and look at her, feeling confused. Is she being nice or...

"Oh... Thank you." You gulp a bit and continue to walk. Your face begins to feel hot from all of those popular girls looking at you.

After searching for about 10 minutes, you can't find him. He wouldn't be hard to find, he's the tallest male in the entire school. You feel a little upset actually, you didn't think he actually hated you that much. Although you never formally asked him to go with you, he should have picked up on the fact that you wanted him to go.

You go to the kitchen and get a solo cup, filling it with whatever punch was in the bowl. Taking a sip, you click your tongue a few times to taste, it was pretty good. You stand in the kitchen and look around at everyone, kind of just people watching. You see some people making out, some people dancing, some just talking. You were all alone, and although you wished Jotaro came with you, you were okay.

After a little while you sit on the counter and continue sipping on your second cup of punch. You continue to people watch, waiting to see if Jotaro will eventually show up, so far he hasn't. You look down at your cup and swirl the remains of your drink and down the rest of it. You stand up and pour yourself a third cup and you feel a hand slide on your back. You widen your eyes a little and turn your head and see a senior boy from your school standing behind you with a grin.

"Hey... I don't believe I've met you before. I'm Lucas." He smirks. You raise a brow slightly and kind of giggle.

"Okay..." You turn back and sip your drink. You feel his hand slide down your waist.

"Your dress is so tight..." He says lowly. Honestly, you were disgusted. He wasn't cute, after finally really seeing Jotaro, you don't really find any other guys attractive.

"Oh is it? I didn't notice." You mumble and sip your drink. He grabs your waist and turns you around to face him. You look up at him, he wasn't nearly as tall as Jotaro, but maybe 6 feet?

"You're cute." He scans your face. He glances down at your breasts, you raise your brows and open your mouth a little in disgust.

"I know..." You look at his face. He looks into your eyes.

"What's your name?" He places his hands on the table behind you, kind of pinning you in. You press your lips together softly.

"Y/N..." You look into his eyes. He nods a little.

"You like to drink, y/n?" He tilts his head a bit. You shrug a little.

"I don't really know. " You sip your drink. He lifts up a small container of Fireball and unscrews it.

"Try this..." He pours the entire small container into your drink. You watch him swirl your cup around a little. You hesitantly bring it to your lips and take a sip. You make a slight sour face but swallow.

"Yuck..." You make a face. He grins.

"You don't like?" He raises a brow. You shake your head a little. He licks his lips and leans in towards your ear a little.

"You will in a little while..." He whispers lowly. You gulp and look up at him with your eyes as he pulls back, walking away after doing so. You watch him and then look back down at your cup. You place your cup down and quickly walk to the bathroom. It takes you a few minutes to find it, but once you do you lock the door and place your hands on the faucet counter. You look at yourself in the mirror. What did he mean by that? Did he mean you would get drunk and have fun or did he roofie you? Your hands begin to slightly shake with the nerve that it is the second option that pops up in your mind. You lean and turn on the faucet and put water into your hands, drinking it. You take a few minutes to collect yourself and then go back out.

You walk back to the kitchen and see something that instantly makes you feel safe.

Jotaro Kujo.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now