you grew on me {45}

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You swallowed the instant lump in your throat as Jotaro maintains a blank expression at you. Was this a bad idea? Should you have just stayed quiet? You feel a rush of warmth come over your body. You begin to sweat, nervously. You can feel your cheeks flushing quickly.

His lips part slightly as he stares at you, looking like he's trying to process what you just said. You make a slight uncomfortable expression, the silence was longer than you intended it would be.

"I thought you liked Nicola." He finally manages to muster. His voice is low, his tone sounds slightly confused. You shake your head a little.

"I don't." You mumble. He sits up more and looks around slightly. He glances at the dance floor before starting to stand up.

"Let's go talk outside." He says in a soft sigh. You nod a little and slowly stand up with him. He turns and begins to walk in front of you, slipping his hands into his pockets. You glance down as the back of his legs as you walk behind him. You don't know what kind of a reaction you were expecting from him, but you feel so nervous. Jotaro leads you outside of the building and out to the back porch where the view is. Nobody is out here yet because they are all inside either eating or dancing. A quiet wave washes over you, it's calmer outside. Everything seemed a little hectic inside of the building, you were never good with crowds.

You stand behind Jotaro as he approaches the railing. He takes his hands out of his pockets and places them on the rail. He looks out at the view and remains quiet for a moment. You hold your hands together and walk up beside him, placing your hands on the rail as well.

"How long?" He speaks lowly. He glances down at you slightly, you can see him from your peripheral. You blush.

"Maybe a view weeks?... 2 months, maybe 3?" You think and shrug a little. He keeps his eyes on you.

"Why didn't you ever tell me?" His voice remains calm, calmer than you expected. You shake your head a little.

"I was scared to." You giggle at yourself. He watches you. You see him nod a little. You're too scared to look at him.

"I'm sorry for telling you this now. It's awkward having to tell you at prom when we both have different dates." You speak softly and hear Jotaro begin to chuckle. You look over and up at him as he closes his eyes, beginning to laugh lowly at something. You furrow your brows and smile a bit.

"What?" You tilt your head at him. He chuckles and then sighs, glancing over at you once more.

"Is this why you were bitching so much about Elena?" He grins. You gulp.

"Probably..." You look away from him and at the view again. He scoffs a little giggle again and then looks at the view with you. You both remain quiet for some time, it was almost awkward but not at the same time. Something about the silence was comforting. It was a good silence, a silence to relax.

"I didn't want to ask Elena to prom." Jotaro mutters lowly. You turn your head and look up at him.

"You didn't?" You speak quietly. He shakes his head and keeps his eye out at the view. It was a beautiful lake, with a sunset. There were birds everywhere, the trees were slowly dancing in the wind, the flowers were colorful.

"Then... why did you?" You keep your eyes on him. He keeps his gaze out at the view for a few seconds before glancing down at his hands.

"Because Nicola asked you first, and you said yes." He nearly whispers, his voice remains low and calm. You gulp and widen your eyes a little. Your heart begins to beat faster, you feel like your insides are shaking.

"You we're gonna ask me?" You raise your eyebrows. He taps his fingers on the railing and shrugs a little.

"We may never know." He turns his head a bit and looks at you. You grin and giggle a little, shaking your head slightly. He grins at you.

"Did Joseph want you to ask me?" You laugh softly. He looks out at the view.

"No... We'll, yes... But, I also wanted to." He nods a bit. You keep your eyes on him. You admire everything about him. You feel like you've seen a side of him nobody else has. He went from being so mean to you to being someone you cared for so deeply. Everything was so unexpected but you wouldn't ask for it to be any different.

"So if you don't like Elena..." You begin to speak. He turns his head and looks at you. You make eye contact with him and tilt your head, squinting your eyes questionably. He sighs quietly.

"I like you... Y/N." He says while looking into your eyes. You immediately gulp but feel your mouth go dry. You couldn't believe these words were coming out of his mouth.

"I didn't like you at first, but... You grew on me." He grips the railing and looks out at the view again. You watch him. Your brows sink softly with happiness. You didn't know what to say. You felt utterly speechless. You whimper quietly and quickly hug him. He grunts quietly and lifts his arm up since you kind of hugged his side. You wrap your arms around his torso and press your cheek against him. You close your eyes and just hug him. You just want to hug him.

He wraps his arm around your shoulders and slides his hand on your back. He grins a little and slides his hand up to the back of your neck and grips it softly. You lift your head and look up at him. He looks down at you and smiles. You feel butterflies explode in your stomach. You feel nervous in front of him now for some reason. He rubs your skin softly and admires you for a few seconds before looking back out at the view. You do the same. You keep your arms around him and look out at the gorgeous view before you. This view itself was better than the entire prom alone.

"I've never liked anyone before." You whisper, keeping your eyes out at the sunset. He nods a little.

"Neither have I." He whispers back lowly. You slide your hand on his stomach and rub it slowly. You squish your cheek against him and feel happy and safe in his arms, like nobody can harm you. He'a tall, strong, intimidating. How could someone like Jotaro Kujo never have had a girlfriend before. You couldn't really believe it.

"What does this mean then?" You keep your voice quiet. You keep your hand on his stomach, waiting for his response. He stays quiet for a few seconds. You both hear the balcony door open and some footsteps followed by it.

"Jotaro?" You both hear her voice. You pull away slowly from Jotaro's touch and turn. Jotaro steps back and turns his head. Elena stands by the door, watching you both. You gulp a little.

"What are you guys doing?" She furrows her eyebrows a little. Jotaro looks down a bit and stays quiet. Your mouth opens a little.

"What do you mean?" You speak softly. She squints at you.

"His arm around you?" She tilts her head. You gulp and look at her. This is why you didn't want to have any fucking friends.

"Elena I... we..." You stammer. You couldn't find the words. Jotaro exhales and lifts his head. He goes to you and brings his hand to your jaw, tilting your head and softly grabbing your face. You furrow your eyebrows as he leans down and kisses you. You widen your eyes a little before slowly closing them.

Ahh.. This is gonna cause an issue, isn't it?


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now