so many questions (4)

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"So how come you knew I had a stand the other day before I used it on you?" You speak to him.

"That little bitch fight you and Trina had in the hallway the other day... I saw your stand crawl into her ear...That's how you freaked her out, right?" He twirls a pencil with his fingers.

You cross your arms and chuckle slightly and nod.

"Yea..." You are slightly amazed at the fact that he noticed that. Although your stand can get as big as a dog, you had to make it pretty small to get into Trina's ear.

"Jotaro?" His mom knocks slightly on the door.

"What Mom?" He slightly groans. She slowly opens the door and looks inside at the both of you.

"I'm sorry for interrupting...but Jotaro, you never introduced me to this young lady." She smiles softly and holds a spatula in her hand. She wears a dress with a cooking apron on.

"Don't worry about it, Mom... She's nobody important." He turns in his chair a bit. You look at him and feel a bit offended by that.

"Well Jotaro, that isn't very nice." She furrows her eyebrows. You look at her.

"I'm Y/N, and it's alright, Miss... He is right, I was just stopping by for something for school. I won't be coming back most likely, but thank you for your concern, I appreciate it." You smile softly at her. She grins at you and blushes cutely.

"See Jotaro, she's such a nice and pretty girl." She looks over at him.

"Yare yare, can both of you get the hell out of my room?" He rolls his eyes. You stand and gulp and look at his mom. You look at him one last time before you and his mom walk out of his room. She leads you to the front door and opens it for you.

"I'm so sorry that he acted that way, he is very angry sometimes..." She whispers to you.

"It's not a problem, thank you for your kindness and it was nice to meet you." You grin

"You too sweetie, get home safely now, okay?" She smiles and waves you goodbye. Once the door closes you hear footsteps and her start to yell at Jotaro. You laugh to yourself and begin to run home.


That night you couldn't help but think about Jotaro. You couldn't believe that he was a stand user, and that he actually took the time to tell that information to you. You wondered how he got his stand, and how he knew so much about it.

You had so many questions for him but knew he didn't want to talk to you about it anymore. You could tell you annoyed him, and although you did your best to not like him, that still angered him.

Nothing seemed to please this kid. In general, if you liked him or not, either way he was an asshole to you.


In the morning you got ready and walked to school per usual and went to your first class, which was bio. You went to your desk and took a seat. You opened your note book and started to doodle with your pen until class starts.

Students begin to come inside, and like every typical day, Jotaro entered the classroom. You could tell just by the sounds the girls made and the sound of his heavy footsteps. He sat in his seat in front of you, you get a slight whiff of his scent.

You gulp and tap your pen against your bottom lip. You look around a little and leans forward, elbows on your desk. You look at the back of Jotaro's head.

"Hey..." You whisper to him. He stays quiet and takes out his notebook. You lick your lips.

"Hey." You whisper again, but a bit louder. He exhales and slowly turns his head, looking back at you.

"I have more questions I want to ask you about the.... ya know..." You wiggle your eyebrows a little. He stares at you for a few seconds.

"I'm not interested." He mumbles and begins to look away.

"No.. please..." You whisper desperately. He looks back at you again. He looks annoyed.

"Why the sudden need for attention?" He raises a brow. You furrow your eyebrows.

"What? I just have questions I want answers to." You make a face.

"Figure them out yourself." He squints at you.

"I can't." You widen your eyes. He kind of laughs at you.

"Sorry, can't help you." He looks away.

You groan and lean back slightly.

"Fuckin asshole..." You mumble and roll your eyes.

You look around and see the girls across the room wide-eyed starring at you as if something insane just happened. You made a face at them and then realized they probably saw you talking to jotaro. You laughed a little and looked forward at the board.


During class you wrote your questions on a little piece of paper and folded it neatly.

- Questions I have for you:
1. How do you have a stand?
2. How long have you had yours?
3. Do you know others? -

You sneakily lean forward and tap a few times on jotaro's shoulder, obviously catching him a bit off guard cause you heard him huff lowly. He sits up a bit more and slightly turns his head to the side. You reach beside him and hold out the piece of paper. He looks down at it and takes it. You look out the window and exhale, leaning back to make it seem like you did nothing.

You hear him unfold the piece of paper. He stays quiet and begins to write on it using a pen. You listen to the teacher and wait for him to return the note. After a few seconds later, he pretends to stretch a bit. He reaches his hand back, holding the piece of paper. You grin and grab the paper from his hand and open it up, going to read his answers.

- Questions I have for you:
1. How do you have a stand? Fuck off
2. How long have you had yours? Fuck off again
3. Do you know others? Not your business. -

You sigh at his answers, annoyed by his stupidity. You rip the piece of paper and shove it into your bag, leaning back in your seat and angrily crossing your arms.

Man this guy is difficult.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now