everything is black and white {42}

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"I got a really pretty prom dress."
"Really? What does yours look like?"
"I hope he asks me to the prom."

You overhear girls whispering in the hallways about prom this Friday. You still haven't gotten a dress but you were going to go with your mom this week. You didn't need anything super fancy or expensive, it's not like you were going with anyone. You get to your locker and open it, grabbing your lunch box. You close your locker and turn around and gasp. You look up and see Jotaro standing behind you. You sigh and place your hand on your chest.

"Fuck, you scared me." You sigh. He looks down at you.

"Sorry." He mumbles. You begin to walk down the hallway again, Jotaro walks beside you.

"Sorry for leaving the other night... I didn't want to get you in trouble." You walk out to the courtyard with him.

"It's okay." He mumbles. You freeze and widen your eyes as you see Nicola standing in the middle of the courtyard holding flowers and a sign. Jotaro stands beside you as this happens.

"What the fuck." Jotaro whispers deeply. You see everyone in the courtyard staring at you. Your face goes red. You slowly start walking towards Nicola who has a smile on his face. Jotaro keeps some distance as he walks behind you.

"Y/N." Nicola smiles as you approach him. You feel your heart pounding hard in your chest, you disliked this attention.

"You have been such a nice girl to hang out with since I have moved here and it would be an honor if you would go to the prom with me." He holds up his sign that says "PROM?" with pretty colors and butterflies on it. You hear people go "awww." You feel so sweaty and you don't know what to say, you're conflicted as fuck. There's no way Jotaro was going to ask you to the prom, but then again why would that matter? You could always just go alone. But then again, you've never been asked to prom before, you don't want to go alone. Nicola is a nice friend but will going to the prom with him give him mixed signals that you like him?

"Uh.." You are at a loss for words. All the attention is on your right now. You feel so embarrassed and would feel even worse if you said no. You didn't want to embarrass or humiliate Nicola either. It's just prom, it's not like he's asking you out. You look into Nicolas eyes, he gulps. You can tell he's nervous too. You look at his sign once more and smile a little bit. You close your eyes and look down and open your eyes once you look back up at him.

"Would you like to go to the prom with me, Y/N?" He asks quietly. You grin softly.

"Yes." You speak softly. He smiles and everyone watching cheers a little for you two. He hands you the flowers and you smile, taking them and giving them a sniff. You turn your head and look back at Jotaro. You see his back as he is walking away, out of the courtyard. Your smile instantly fades and in an instant things seem to go black and white.

Why is everything black and white? Aren't you supposed to be happy? You just got asked to prom.

Why is everything black and white?


You arrive home around 2:40pm and your mom and you decide to go to the mall to look for a prom dress. You go to the mall with her and stop by some stores with really nice prom dresses. You felt as though your mom was going a little bit overboard with these stores because of the expensive prices of the dresses. Maybe she just is really excited since you are her only daughter. You were okay with it if she was, you just felt bad spending a lot of money on a dress that you will wear once.

As you were trying on dresses, you could not stop slamming yourself to the ground inside your head. You felt awful for saying yes to go to the prom with Nicola  even though you didn't want to go with him. But you felt too bad to say no to his face, especially with people watching. You really wanted to go with Jotaro, even as friends. You felt horrible and couldn't stop overthinking the entire situation. You felt so bad to the point where you decided that tomorrow you were going to tell Nicola you didn't want to go with him anymore.... because you like Jotaro.

You finally end up finding a beautiful prom dress. It is dark blue, slightly tight in the torso and flows out into a beautiful gown. It goes down to your feet so wearing heels with it will be perfect. The straps are spaghetti and the backing is corset and cross stitched. The backing is mostly open and shows off your back. There are some lovely simple shimmer and flower designs on the dress that are a slightly darker blue than the actual dress. It is subtle and eloquent. You felt so beautiful in the dress and it make you look snatched. You felt a bit bad that your mom had to pay ¥30,000 ($236 US) for it, but she seemed happy to, considering it was your senior prom. You go out and get some more things such as some hair and nail items, heels, a strapless bra, and tights.

You arrive home around 6:30pm and go into your room, flopping onto your bed and closing your eyes. The day seemed long...


The next day came and you arrive at school feeling a bit nervous to see both Jotaro and Nicola. You felt so awkward and wished Nicola had never asked you to the prom. You would have rather went alone. Sure you like Nicola, but you dont want him getting mixed vibes from the fact that you are going to the prom with him. You hope he doesn't think you are wanting to date him. You decide that when you see Nicola at lunch you would tell him the news.

You fortunately don't see Jotaro and Nicola for some time. You really hope you didn't hurt Jotaro's feelings. You wonder if he was going to ask you to the prom and never got the chance. Was he even going to the prom? You walk back to your locker to get your lunch and begin walking out to the courtyard. You hear some footsteps running up behind you so you turn your head and see Elena smiling. She stops running and walks beside you.

"Hey! Guess what?" She smiles widely... That's never a good sign. When she's happy like this it's normally because of Jotaro. You gulp, your throat getting instantly dry.

"What?" You speak softly and walk outside.

"Jotaro asked me to the prom!" She squeals. You stop walking and widen your eyes a little bit. You look at her and feel your heart beat nearly throb. You felt as if someone just grabbed your heart and squeezed, trying hard to squish it. You open your mouth a little bit.

"Really?... When... did he ask you?" You chuckle out of nervousness, jealousy, anger. She dances a little, moving her hips.

"After school yesterday..." She smiles. You turn and slowly continue walking. He asked Elena? Was he planning to or did he only ask her because you said yes to Nicola?

"That's nice." You speak quietly. You stare out and begin walking towards the tree where Jotaro used to normally eat his lunch. Elena stops by the bench and makes a little noise when she sees you continuing to walk.

"Uh... Y/N?... The table is right here." She speaks softly. You continue to walk.

"I'm gonna eat over here for today..." You manage to speak. You walk away and over to the tree, sitting down on the grass and leaning your back against the tree. You close your eyes and let out a shaky exhale. Of course the day after Nicola asks you to the prom Jotaro goes and asks little miss Elena. You felt as if this shit was a setup. Did Jotaro even like the prom? And he doesn't even like Elena. Why is he going with her? You were really upset, your chest hurting from the stress of it all. Why was he so confusing? You two kiss again and then he acts as though it never happened. You place your lunchbox down and put your hands on your face and feel like crying.

Why her?


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now