wild dreams (35)

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tw/ smut!!

"Please! Harder!" You moan into his neck and grip your fingers into his back as his hips viciously thrust forward and withdrawal repeatedly.

"Fuck, I wanna cum inside you." He growls deeply into your ear, his movements becoming sloppier with each go. You wrap your legs around his hips and pull him in deeper, wanting to feel every inch of him inside you. He grips the bedsheets and continues to groan as his body dominates yours. You were his, and only his.

"I'm gonna cum." You whimper, sliding your hands from his back up to his hair, gripping it harshly. He feels so good. Every inch of him slamming into your dripping core was pulling you over the edge.

"Be a good girl and cum for me baby-" He whispers in a husky heavy tone. You remove your legs from around him and spread them wider. He pushes himself up more so he can see you, placing his hands on the bed and pounding himself inside you so hard and deep that tears are running down your face. He smiles as he looks down at you, turned on by the sight of you taking him all.

"That's right..." He smirks and bites his lip. He slides his right hand under your knee and pushes it back a bit, glancing down at the sight of his dick inside of your wet mess. With a satisfied moan, he looks into your eyes and gives you his last few thrusts before sending you to your high.

"Yes! ... Yes!" You moan loudly for him to continue just like that. You open your mouth, arch your back...

And you wake up.


You gasp and sit up quickly in your bed, breathing heavier than you would if you sprinted down the hallway at school. You place your hand on your chest and feel your heart beating rapidly. Why the fuck did you just have a really sexual dream of you and Jotaro? It was obvious of course, you liked him, but were you really that sexually attracted to him?

You never have had a boyfriend before, and you are really inexperienced when it comes to anything sexual. You know how to do certain things, but there is definitely a whole lot of stuff you do not know.

You get out of bed and get a glass of water.


In the morning you awoke and didn't feel like going to school at all today. You felt exhausted and didn't want to see Elena or Jotaro all close and shit. You were sad that Jotaro was choosing her over you but you felt stupid for making Jotaro think you liked Nicola. You know you need to tell Jotaro how you feel, you just need to find the right time.

You decide to stay home from school today and do some self care for yourself. You shower, shave, do a face mask, your nails, deep condition your hair, do your eyebrows, etc. By 1:00pm, you were really happy you stayed home from school to focus on yourself. You felt clean and relaxed.

You remain in your room around 1-2pm, reading some manga and doing some homework. You hear a knock at the door around 2:38. You lift your head and look out at the hallway while sitting on your bed.

Who could that be? It wasn't your mom obviously, she has a key. You slowly get up from your bed and put on your slippers, walking out of your room and to the front door. You slowly open the door, only having to tilt your head upwards to see Jotaro standing there. You immediately blush. Why is he here?

"Oh... Hi Jotaro." You keep your hand on the door knob. You feel nervous to see him for some reason. A part of you feels like the dream you had earlier actually happened.

You wear pjs, he's wearing his school uniform with his backpack. He must have just walked here from school.

"How are you feeling?" He speaks lowly, nicely. You blink and admire his face, his voice, his everything. The dream you had this morning is making you feel a little something more for him right now.

"Oh umm... I feel okay... I stayed home though, obviously..." You grin and blush more, slightly looking down now. He stands with his hands in his pockets. He looks at you quietly and doesn't say anything, causing you to look back up at him.

"Oh... would you like to come inside?" You gulp. He tilts his head a little.

"I actually have to go home... I just wanted to check up on you... make sure no enemy stand users got your ass." He grins a bit and winks, meaning he's just teasing you. You giggle a little bit and feel your cheeks become beat red.

"Well thank you." You grin. He nods and turns to walk away but then hesitates and looks back at you.

"Oh uh, if you feel well enough, I'm having some people come over my place tonight around 8 cause my mom is gonna be out with my old man... you can come if you'd like, but don't forget a bathing suit." He looks into your eyes deeply. You stand still and swallow, nodding a little at him.

"What's the bathing suit for?" You lean against the doorframe and look up at him. He looks down at you with his eyes.

"The hot spring..." He gulps a little. You raise your eyebrows.

"Oh?... How come you don't want us all in there naked?" You smirk and tease him a little. He stares at you.

"I normally wouldn't mind but... There's just gonna be a lot of other people there so I'd rather just wear a bathing suit..."

"Oh okay... well thanks for the invite." You grin a bit. He nods again.

"See you later..." He brings his hand up and tugs down his hand. He turns and walks away. You slowly close the door and widen your eyes a little.

He walked to your house to tell you that? That must mean he wants you to go. You have to go.

You walk to your bedroom with a small smile on your face. You were going, definitely.


Later that night you began to get yourself ready around 6:50. You decide to wear a casual looking yet really sexy small black dress with the backing of it exposed. You wear black shoes and a small sweater so you don't get cold. You curl your hair lightly and leave it down. You apply some makeup but not too much, and look through your bikinis. You grab a black one, it was cute and simple and fit you really nicely.

You make sure you have your things and bring a small purse and leave around 7:50pm. You didn't really know what to expect. You didn't know if Jotaro was throwing a full blown party or if it was actually a small get together. You didn't really know if his version of "some people" was different than yours, but you assume there to be at least 10 people. You were not very sure because, although Jotaro was popular, you didn't know how many actual friends he has.


You arrive around 8:10 after walking to his house and go to his front door. Some people seem to already be inside, you can hear and see people through the windows. You carefully open the front door and peak inside. There are more people here than you thought. Some are from your school, some are random people you've never seen before.

You walk inside and close the door behind you. His house is actually quite good for parties because of how big it is. There are some people eating chips with dip and drinking in the kitchen, theres people in the living room talking. Catchy music plays through the speakers in his house and some people hang around outside. You softly cross your arms and walk inside more, looking around for Jotaro. You walk down the hallway towards his bedroom. You liked the familiar feeling of being in his home, you were probably the only person here who has been to Jotaros house so much.

His bedroom door is closed so you gently knock on it and press your ear against the door to hear for anything. It's quiet so you slowly open the door and peak in. You walk inside once you see nobody in his room and look around. You liked being in Jotaros room, it made you feel comfortable and gave you memories from when you first became aquatinted with him. You keep your arms crossed and smile as you look at the pictures he has on his wall near his desk, you always look at these pictures.

"It's a little nosy to walk into someone else's room, don't you think?" You hear his voice from the door-way. You gasp quietly and turn around and see Jotaro, shirtless, wearing swim shorts.

Well hello to you too...


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now