lucas (17)

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Now knowing you have a crush on Jotaro, you feel more nervous around him than you used to. You wanted to get closer with him but just wasn't sure how to approach it. You feel like Jotaro doesn't like you the same way at all. He seems to be trying to avoid you more and more at school lately but you are unsure why. Ever since what happened at his house, you've felt a bit awkward near him, but only because he hasn't said anything about it. You still wondered why he invited you into the hot spring. You wondered why he placed his hand on your thigh. You wondered why any of that happened. You felt confused.

About 4 days have passed since you ate lunch with Jotaro. He seemed to be avoiding you, barely talking to you during bio when you work on the project, which is almost done. Even though you two were never confirmed friends, you felt like you had some kind of connection, just not sure what kind. It made you upset that you gained a crush only to be continually dismissed by him. You ask him a question, he talked using as minimal words as possible, he never looks at you when you pass him in the hallway, see him walking home, or anything else.

You started to feel slightly defeated. Although he said he would help you figure out more of what your stand can do, when you ask him about it, he brushes it off. You start to think you should ask Joseph for help instead, not knowing any other options.


After his suspension, Lucas returns to the school. He has some bruises and cuts, but he is good to come back to school. Everyone heard about his incident at the party, but some people are protecting him saying he's innocent or that Jotaro beat him up for no reason. You know damn well what the truth was, but you didn't care. He got what he deserved, and you just hope he's learned his lesson.


Another day passes, and you are sitting in math class. You have been trying to focus on other things besides the confusion between you and Jotaro, but it's been hard to get it off your mind. For the longest time you hated him, never took a second glance at him, only to have gained a crush on him. It was like a curse.

After some thinking, you realized you had to pee. Asking the teacher for permission first, you walk out into the hallway with a hall pass and start walking towards the girls bathroom. The hallways were quiet, a bit too quiet. As you turned the corner, you saw Lucas talking to another senior guy. You widen your eyes and gulp, moving back and standing against the wall. You listen to see if they will walk towards you, but they don't. They stand there, talking. You furrow your brows, angry at the fact Lucas was back at the school. You decide to use your stand and listen in on their conversation.

"I don't care, he'll get what's coming to him." Lucas whispers.

"You need to be careful though, he doesn't normally lose fights." His friend whispers.

"You don't have to worry about that... I have some tricks up my sleeve. He's not the only one with a bad ass stand." Lucas whispers. You gasp and cover your mouth. You close your eyes and feel so much shock.

Lucas is a stand user?? Did he use it while Jotaro fought him at the party or did he just purposely lose? You felt an overwhelming sense of stress in that instant, so many questions filled your mind. What was his stand? Is his friend also a stand user? What was he going to do to Jotaro? You are too caught up in your own thoughts that you didn't notice they were walking down the hallway towards your general direction. You gulp and stand against the wall, Lucas and his friend turn the corner and look at you.

You furrow your eyebrows a little bit, but try your best not to look suspicious. Lucas chuckles lowly and stops walking, scanning you slightly. You stare at him in pure disgust.

"Oh, hey... y/n was it?" He tilts his head. You gulp a little and stay silent. He turns and faces you, crossing his arms.

"Aw, what's with the silent treatment, doll?" He sarcastically pouts. You lift your head a little.

"You're a sick fuck." You mumble softly. You turn and go to walk around the corner, he grabs your wrist and pulls you towards him. You gasp softly and slap him across the face, eyebrows furrowed. He lets go of you, you run down the hallway towards the bathroom, feeling scared. You need to let Jotaro know that Lucas has intentions to attack him. Although you were sure Jotaro could easily win, you were unsure what Lucas's stand was, and he obviously never used it on Jotaro at the party considering Jotaro never brought it up. Jotaro must think he's a normal kid with no stand, but now you know this secret.

You needed to tell him.


At the end of the day, you begin walking towards Jotaro's locker, hoping to see him there before he goes home to tell him about Lucas. As you are almost at Jotaro's locker, you see him standing there already, seeming to be talking to somebody. You gulp as you see he's talking to Lucas. Why is Lucas talking to him? You watch from a distance as Lucas puts his hand out, Jotaro shakes his hand. You begin walking towards him again as Lucas leaves. Jotaro turns and slams his locker shut right as you approach him.

"Jotaro-" You look up at him. He looks down at you, holding his bag.

"Why were you just talking to Lucas?" You whisper shout. He sighs a bit.

"He wants to get on my good side, saying he was sorry for what he did or some bullshit..." He shrugs. You make a weird face and begin walking outside with Jotaro. But... Why? Didn't Lucas say he wanted to beat up Jotaro? He has a stand.

That's when it hits you. You stop in your tracks, Jotaro slows down a bit and looks back at you. You slowly look at him with wide eyes. He raises a brow at you. You quickly walk over to him and grab his hand, and sure enough, there it was.

A tiny, blue, blood sucking leech of a stand in between his fingers.

God damn, Lucas...


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now