confusion (16)

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Immediately after the event that just occurred, you got out of the hot spring and grab a towel. After quickly drying yourself off, you put your clothes back on, grab Jotaro's jacket, and walk back inside the house. You don't know if you should leave or stay, you felt awkward. As you walk inside you hear Joseph and Jotaro in the kitchen.

"Well, it's not here Jotaro! I don't know what to do." Joseph complains.

"Just take a god damn breath, pops, it'll show up eventually, it's a pot." Jotaro groans.

You quickly walk towards Jotaro's room holding his jacket. You go into his room and set his jacket on his desk chair. You place your hands over your face and continue to try and process what happened. You go into Jotaro's bathroom and close the door, sitting on his toilet and placing your elbows on your knees and hands on your face. You feel a little ashamed for what you did, you don't know his thought process or feelings behind the situation and you were scared to ask. You want to leave but fear Jotaro wants you to stay. You are nervous that you may have accidentally displayed yourself in the wrong way. You don't want Jotaro to get any wrong ideas about you even though you don't know him all that great either.

You hear Jotaro's bedroom door close and him shuffling around in there. You hear his footsteps approach the bathroom door, he gently knocks.

You slowly stand up and go to the door, opening it and looking up at him. He looks down at you, towel still around his waist. Your face is quite red from blushing.

"I'm sorry that I initiated that, Jotaro." You say nervously, quietly. He raises a brow slightly.

"How come?" He says deeply. You gulp and shrug a little bit.

"I just...Ugh- I don't know, this entire thing going on between us is so fucking confusing!" You whine and place your hands on your face. He blinks and watches you as you walk past him and sit on his bed.

"What do you mean?" He asks lowly, looking at you on the bed.

"Like... Do you hate me or not? You put your hand on my thigh...and..I'm just so confused about... all of this..." You look up at him. He huffs out through his nose slightly and crosses his arms.

"I don't... 'hate you', no... I just..." He sighs and shrugs a little. You watch and listen to him. You get the feeling that both of you are having trouble figuring out your true feelings for each-other. Both of you seemed to be mixed in the middle of like and dislike. You don't even know what to say.

"I don't know..." He sighs and looks away slightly. You nod a little and watch him.

"Me either." You whisper. Silence falls between the two of you, for a good while. You sigh and slowly stand up.

"I'm gonna go home... I'll talk to you at school, yeah?" You speak in a slightly defeated tone. You don't want to think anymore, you're confused. He nods a little at you.

"Mhm." He watches you as you walk out of his room.

As you leave, you say goodbye to Joseph and thank him again for his help.

You walk home silently.


The next day at school you felt slightly embarrassed to show up, not wanting to be seen by Jotaro. You now knew you had a crush on him, but you completely doubted he'd have the same feelings towards you.

Entering the school, you go to your locker and put your stuff inside, taking out your journal, pen and binder for your first class. You slam your locker shut and go to your first class which was math.

As you sat down, you could hear some girls talking about Jotaro, you heard them say his name. You decided to use your stand, Ace of Wands, slyly to listen in on their conversation.

"And then he just beat the crap out if him...I guess he was drugging girls at the party?" One girls says.

"Holy shit... Good thing Jotaro went, Lucas deserved to be beaten to a pulp." Her friend says. You widen your eyes and gasp softly.

Jotaro beat up the guy who drugged you? How did he even figure out who did it? You did hear the girl say he was doing it to multiple girls, so many Jotaro caught him in the act and beat his ass up. You place your hand on your forehead and let out a sigh, bringing your stand back in.

You already heard enough.


After your next few classes, it was lunch time. You go to your locker and get your lunch and storm outside to the courtyard, on the hunt to find Jotaro.

As you walk outside, you already see him, sitting underneath the tree like he usually does. You begin to walk over to him, clutching you lunch box in your hands.

You walk up to him and look down, he seems to be doing some homework and eating at the same time. You stare down at him with a slightly wide eyes expression. He looks up at you with his eyes and stop writing on his paper, leaning his head back against the tree.

"What is it?" He says deeply.

"You beat up Lucas at the party?" You whisper yell. He huffs lowly and looks back down.

"Yeah...He was drugging a bunch of females." He continues to write on his paper. You exhale softly and rub your forehead. He glances up at you.

"Why? Are you mad? He deserved it, he's a piece of shit..." He groans. You nod a little bit.

"I know...I'm not mad." You talk softly. You didn't think Jotaro would go to lengths to find the guy and beat him up. You feel like he did it for you, but if Lucas was drugging other females, Jotaro did all of them a favor too.

"Thank you... Jotaro..." You rub your arm a little, still holding your lunch box. He nods slightly.

You kneel down and sit on the ground in front of him, placing your lunch box on your lap. He looks at you with his eyes.

"What are you doing?" He furrows his brows a little. You pause and look at him.

"I'm...gonna eat here...Is that okay?" You say softly. He gulps and blushes a little bit, bringing his fingers to the tip of his hat and tugging it down in-front of his face. He looks down and continues to write on his paper.

"Sure..." He mumbles. You giggle a little and open your lunch box and take out your sandwich, beginning to eat. You look at him and see Star Platinum feeding him his food, probably so he can do his homework without having to put his pencil down over and over. You giggle and cover your mouth slightly. You hear him grunt and look at you.

"What's so funny?" He chews quietly and swallows. You swallow your food.

"Is that why you always sit over here? So nobody sees...the floating sandwich?.." You point at star platinum holding Jotaro's sandwich. He kind of shakes his head, pulling his hat down once more, letting out a chuckle. You giggle at him.

"I um... Saw you brought cookies to my house." Jotaro speaks deeply. You bite your sandwich and nod.

"Mhm...Did you try one?" You speak carefully since food is in your mouth. He nods a little bit.

"Yeah, they were good. My grandpa loves them." He nods a bit. You grin happily and swallow.

"That's good to hear, I'm glad." You feel happy. He seems to be talking a bit more right now. You've never had a genuine conversation with him before. Your chats always consisted of you doing most of the talking.

You really wanted to get closer with Jotaro.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now