spitting it out (24)

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You immediately went to your room when you got home, flopping onto your bed and letting out a scream into your pillow. You felt so conflicted with nearly everything. School was fine, but this shit going on with Jotaro and you and Elena was all so overwhelming. You've never had a crush on anyone before, maybe once with a cartoon character from a manga, but never a real person. You didn't know what to do. Should you tell Jotaro how you feel and risk getting rejected? Who knows? Maybe he'd feel the same way. You didn't feel confident enough to make that decision, so you didn't want to do it, not yet.


You arrive at school the next day seeing many flyers on the walls of the hallways about the school prom coming up. The theme is apparently, "Under The Sea," which you found quite cute. You probably weren't going to go to prom, but the idea of it was nice. You went to the junior prom last year but Jotaro did not.

During lunch time, you made your way to the courtyard and looked around for any familiar faces. You don't see anyone yet so you sit at an empty bench and look around, waiting to see Jotaro come out. You take your sandwich out of your lunchbox and go to take a bite when you feel a hand slowly grasp onto your shoulder. You jump a bit and turn your head, having to look up more than you thought to see Jotaro standing behind you. Your face goes hot.

"Ohh- Hi.. Jotaro.." You giggle a little. He glares down at you a bit and then sits at the bench next to you. You look at him with slight wide eyes.

"Are you feeling better?" He speaks lowly. You raise your brow and then remember you told them you were not feeling well yesterday.

"Oh, yea, I am." You nod.

"Do you want to come for dinner tonight since you couldn't the other night?" He talks lowly and looks at your face. You gulp and look into his eyes. You nod a little, feeling your heart become warm. Maybe he wasn't leaving you for Elena, even though you aren't even together.

"Yeah, sure." Since you were free tonight you could, but you also didn't want to waste this opportunity again. You feel really curious as to why he's asking you. Is he trying to sleep with you? Does Joseph really want you to come and not him? Does he actually like you too? You bite your sandwich and chew quietly.

"I have a question." You mumble and then swallow your food. He looks at you and raises a brow.

"Are we...friends?" You speak quietly. He licks his lips and looks into your eyes for a few seconds.

"You saved my ass so...I guess we can be, yea." He shrugs a bit. You nod a little bit, feeling your heart pumping hard in your chest.

"Is that the only reason why we 'can' be friends?" You keep your eyes on him, speaking quietly. He gulps a little and you see his cheeks get a little red.

"Because we... kind of..." You begin to whisper.

"We don't need to talk about this right now." He tugs his hat down and puts a cigarette in his mouth. You scoff a little and reach over and yank the cigarette out of his mouth. He widens his eyes a bit and looks at you.

"Stop doing that..." You sigh and toss the cigarette into the trash can near the bench. He furrows his brows a bit. You make a face at him slightly.

"I don't like the way it smells...and it's bad for you, okay?" You look into his eyes. He rolls his eyes a little and exhales.

"Yare yare..." He whispers lowly. You giggle a little bit.

"Are we ever going to talk about it though? What happened between us isn't really settling right with me..." You continue to speak quietly. He sighs lowly and nods a bit.

Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now