insects (23)

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Many thoughts run through your head as you walk home. Should you have said yes to dinner at Jotaro's house? Should you have said yes to hanging out with them? That way they wouldn't have been alone like it was a date. You place your hands on your face and exhale loudly. You're stressed, you feel confused and many emotions mix inside of you from the events that have occurred recently. Your relationship with Jotaro is complicated to say the least, yet you always felt a slight connection between you two. You guessed Jotaro didn't feel the connection at all.


The next day you arrive at school a little early to get some reading done for english. Sitting in the library in the morning was somewhat peaceful from how quiet it was, reading a book and just waiting to start the day. You still felt really bummed about Jotaro going out to eat with Elena and had thoughts of them starting to date and then you never being able to hangout with Jotaro anymore. You tried so hard to get those thoughts out of your head, you thought things like-

who cares? it's not like he likes me back.
it's not like we have a real relationship anyway.

But you knew these were lies, you did have somewhat of a relationship, even though it hasn't reached the surface yet, you feel it's there. You become distracted from your reading from these thoughts and go back to the beginning of the chapter and try to start again.

"Excuse me?" You hear a male voice. You lift your head and look up at a boy near you. He wears a fresh new uniform and has really nice brown hair and blue eyes.

"Sorry to bother you, but I'm trying to find the books about insects... I can't find them, do you know where they would be?" He speaks quietly. You grin softly and close your book.

"Sure, I can show you." You stand up and look up at him slightly. This boy is a good height, probably 6'1, if that. He is definitely new since he has an Italian accent.

You lead him over to the section of books that includes animals, insects, and any other living creature in existence really. He smiles once he sees all of the books.

"Wow, thank you so much. I'm Nicola by the way..." He brings his hand out a little towards you. You shake his hand gently.

"I'm Y/N, are you one of the foreign exchange students from Italy?" You speak quietly. He nods.

"Yeah, I'm from Venice." He smiles. You widen your eyes a bit.

"Oh wow, that's awesome." You nod as you speak.

"You're very beautiful, Y/N..." He scans your face. You gulp and giggle a little.

"Aww, thank you..." You look down, feeling slightly awkward.

"Would you like to eat lunch with me today?" He grins a little. You gulp.

"Uh.." Your eyes drift and you see Jotaro enter the library with, of course, Elena wrapped around his arm. Your heart nearly drops at the sight. It made you feel as if you were nobody. You felt like Jotaro would never see you the way you see him. Why did Elena have to swoop in and ruin the chances you had with him? Why did she have to instantly go after the one boy you liked.  Maybe you shouldn't have rejected Jotaros offer the night before. Maybe you should have just gone over his house. Instead, you gave Elena a chance to hangout with him alone, and he went along with it. You have a gross thought that they went to his house and fucked or something. You felt like if you had any chances of getting with Jotaro, they are now gone. You look back at Nicola.

"Sure, that'd be nice." You nod softly.


At lunch you sit with Nicola at a bench in the courtyard, he begins telling you all about the difference kinds of bugs he likes, pointing at pictures of them in a book he got from the library. You can't lie, bugs freak you out, and you didn't really care for his interest in them, but you just nodded along and tried to act like you were really amazed by them. All you could really think about what Jotaro and Elena. You really hoped to god that nothing happened between them, you had such a big crush on Jotaro that you felt like a crazy person.

Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now