so happy {47}

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You take Jotaros' hand as you walk back inside the building with him. The music blasts loudly and everyone around is dancing. You weren't a huge dancer, but you were in a happy mood now that Jotaro expressed his feelings for you. The butterflies in your stomach made you feel comforted and excited.

While snapping out of your thoughts, you notice people are staring at you and Jotaro. You gulp a little, realizing it must be because you are holding his hand. You blush and look back at Jotaro, who is walking slightly behind you, gripping your hand gently. He grins down at you, making you feel safe.

"Do you want to dance?" You yell slightly over the music. He stares at you and shrugs a little as you both continue walking.

"You only get senior prom once!" You giggle. He opens his mouth slightly in an exhale and rolls his eyes facetiously.

"Fine." He mutters and lays his eyes on you once more. You squeal a little and begin to drag him towards the dance floor. You bite down on your lip and turn around to face him. He looks down at you with a slightly uncomfortable yet happy expression on his face. You hold his hands with yours and begin to playfully sway your hips and dance to the beat of the music. Jotaro looks around with his eyes, seeming to see if anyone is looking at him. You laugh a little at him and begin to move his arms as you grip his hands, controlling his arms like a puppeteer. He looks down at you and bobs his head a little to the music, making your heart light up significantly.

You look around a little and see Elena and Nicola dancing with each-other. They looked quite comfortable together. You still felt bad about the entire scenario that played out earlier, but of course you were happy with the outcome. Still, a part of you deeply wishes you said something a lot earlier.

As you're dancing, you feel somebody step on the back of your dress. You stumble back a little bit, but Jotaro steps forward and quickly grabs your waist with his right hand. You gasp softly and grip onto his biceps. You gulp and look up at his face, meeting his eyes already looking at you. Almost immediately, you feel your face begin to warm up. He grins a little, and you admire his features. You rub your thumb on his arm and slowly slide your hand up towards his shoulder. He tilts his head and closes his mouth, gulping in the process. Your lips part as your hand makes its way to the side of his neck, under his jaw.

While looking at him, it felt as although the music was drowning out. It got quiet, the only thing you could hear was your heartbeat in your own ears. You were mesmerized by him, by his looks, his energy. Since you were in heels, you were a little taller, meaning you were closer to his face. You wanted to kiss him so bad. Without thinking, you allow your hand to slowly slide up farther onto his jaw. You smile at him, taking him in. His eyes scan your face and he softly bites his lip while bringing his left hand up to the side of your face. Your eyes widen at this. It was as though he had read your mind. He leans down slightly but softly pulls you in as he presses his lips against yours. The feeling of his lips against yours again causes you to instantly melt under his touch. You bring your other hand to the other side of his face and kiss him back. Having his hands on you made you feel so safe, he was so large like a big cuddly bear. You softly smile into the kiss, causing him to do the same.

"I really like you." He mutters lowly into the kiss. You felt tingles begin to stir in your stomach. You've never felt this way for anyone before. Your heart begins to beat faster.

"I really like you too." You whisper. He continues to softly kiss you before pulling away and leaning his forehead against yours. You close your eyes and exhale softly, sliding your hands onto his chest. He rubs your cheek with his thumb, his right hand on your waist. You open your eyes and fix his tie a little bit before looking into his eyes again. He grins at you, causing you to nervously giggle.

Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now