spilled the beans (6)

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You carefully begin to put some food onto your plate, trying not to make eye contact with Jotaro who is angrily starring at you.

"Thank you for allowing me to stay over for dinner, Mr. Joestar, and Ms. Kujo..." You speak innocently. Joseph grins a bit as he puts food on his plate.

"Not a problem, and you can call me Joseph." He looks at you. You smile at him and hear Jotaro groan quietly.

"Yare yare daze..." He whispers lowly. Holly looks at him.

"What's wrong, Jotaro? You barely put any food on your plate." She looks at him slightly concerned.

"Yea Jotaro, eat some more, you're a big kid." Joseph says as he begins to eat.

"I'm not all that hungry right now..." Jotaro mumbles. You feel kind of guilty. Does he really hate you that much to the point where he doesn't even want to eat? You begin to blush softly.

"Hmmm Jotaro, I never thought you'd be the type to be embarrassed to eat in front of a girl." Joseph laughs. Jotaro glares at him.

"I'm not embarrassed to eat in front of anybody." Jotaro expresses angrily. You begin to slowly and quietly eat. You look at Jotaro with your eyes and feel awkward.

"Does it taste bad?" Holly says to him in a worried tone.

"No." Jotaro sighs and begins to eat finally. Everyone quiets down and eats for a little bit.

"So... Y/N, how did you and Jotaro meet? I only ask because he's never brought a girl home before." Holly asks nicely as she spreads some butter on her bread slice.

Never brought a girl home before, huh? Is he a virgin? Does he even like girls? And here you thought he was a playboy, although he could still be one.

"I didn't bring her home, mom..." Jotaro mumbles deeply. He places his elbow on the table and covers his face with his hand on his forehead.

"We just go to school together is all...We are in the same bio class." You say with a grin. Joseph raises his brows a bit.

"Ah, Jotaro loves biology." She smiles. You nod a little bit.

"Yea, he seems to be a class favorite." You glare at Jotaro a bit. Jotaro looks down at his plate and continues to quietly eat.

"I'm not surprised." Joseph chuckles.

It gets quiet again and everyone quietly eats. You actually really enjoy Jotaro's family, if only he was as nice maybe you'd actually like him. His moms' cooking is really great too.

"Are you a senior like Jotaro?" His mom asks you and sips her wine. You nod your head a little bit and swallow your food.

"Yes, same grade as him, but I've only lived in this area since I was a freshman." You grin. She nods a little.

"Ohh okay. That's nice." She smiles. Joseph and Jotaro continue to eat, you finish whats left on your plate and feel stuffed. You sit politely until everyone else is done. Jotaro finishes his plate and stands up, he picks up his plate and begins to walk to the sink.

"Eh- Jotaro... Be a gentleman and take Y/N's  plate too." Joseph says to him. Jotaro stops in his tracks and turns around. He walks over to you and snatches your plate from the table and turns back again, walking to the kitchen sink. You gulp a little bit, blushing from the slight awkward embarrassment you feel. Jotaro begins to wash yours and his plates in the sink.

Joseph finishes his food and takes Holly's plate. You stand up and stretch a little.

"You make really great food, Ms. Kujo." You fix your skirt a little. She smiles.

"Thank you! It took me all day, but I love doing it." You smile at her reply. She's such a nice woman, how could she have birthed him? You don't want to get judgmental and personal, but maybe he has daddy issues.

Joseph goes over to Jotaro and helps him with some dishes. Joseph takes out some containers to put the leftovers in. You sit back down in your seat.

Jotaro walks back over to the table and picks up the little bowl with leftover beans in it. As he's picking it up with one hand, the bowl somehow slips from his grip and falls towards you. It happens so fast, yet Jotaro doesn't seem to care or want to do anything about it. The bowl spills onto your chest and shirt, beans spilling into your cleavage. The bowl then falls onto your lap.

You widen your eyes and open your arms, looking down at the mess. You gulp and slowly look up at Jotaro with an angry expression. He stares down at you with wide eyes. Surely that was an accident.

"Jotaro! What happened?" Holly gets up and goes over to help attend the mess.

"It was an accident." He says lowly. You gulp and slowly pick the bowl up and place it on the table. You begin to scoop the beans back into the bowl so you dont make a bigger mess on the floor.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, Y/N, Jotaro go get her a change of clothes, now." Holly snaps at him. He puts his hands in his pockets and walks away.

"No! Not the beans- I mean, what happened?" Joseph jogs over and looks at the mess."

"Jotaro accidentally spilled the bowl of beans on me..." You sigh. You hope the beans don't stain your clothes.

"Oh no, what a clumsy guy he is...My god.." Joseph sighs and gets you some paper towels. You thank Holly and Joseph for helping you clean the mess and apologize. You finally stand up and wash your hands. Jotaro walks back out and places a folded shirt and a pair of shorts on the counter for you. You dry your hands and go towards him, picking up the shirt he chose for you.

You hold it up and it's absolutely massive. Is this his shirt? You make a weird face.

"Uh... Thanks... Jojo..." You mumble. He kind of chuckles. You look at him and furrow your eyebrows.

"You spilled the beans on me on purpose, didn't you?" You place your hand on your hip. He raises a brow and looks at you.

"I don't know what you're talking about... Go get changed. I'm gonna change my shirt, I got food all over it." He walks away towards his room. You sigh and look at Joseph.

"Would you two like some help cleaning up?" You say softly. Joseph looks at you.

"Oh it's alright, we can manage. You can go change, no need to worry." He grins. You nod and grin back appreciatively. You take the clothes Jotaro got you and begin to walk down the hallway where his room is. You are unsure where to get dressed and don't know where their bathroom is, so you go to Jotaro's room and open the door slowly.

You see Jotaro standing shirtless in his room holding his shirt. In the moment you see him, you see his abs, his chest, his v line. Gosh he's fucking massive. His body is so good looking and you never even knew.

"Hey! hey!-" He reaches his hand over and shoves the door closed again. You stand with wide eyes.

"Shit- s-sorry Jotaro!" You slap your forehead. This entire night is embarrassing.

"Ever heard of knocking you dumb bitch?" He yells through the door.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know where to get dressed." You blush really hard, feeling your face get hot.

"Go to the bathroom! Down the hallway on the right." He groans. You nod and place your hand over your cheek and begin speed walking to the bathroom.

Holy shit you just saw Jotaro Kujo fucking shirtless. You place your hand over your mouth and run inside the bathroom, closing the door and locking it. You place your back against the door and close your eyes. You begin to giggle a bit from the nerves.

But wow he was hot.


Mixed ~ Jotaro Kujo  // 18+Where stories live. Discover now