Chapter 17 | Conflicts

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"You haven't been very talkative these days. Is there anything wrong?" asked Mrs. Blanc when Lily came back home from school. "You mean besides the fact that there's a gossip lady in town revealing all our secrets? Yeah, I'm fine" said Lily sarcastically. She sat on her favourite couch and waited for Daniel to come home. Mrs. Blanc rose an eyebrow and looked at her daughter. She felt there was something wrong with her daughter, she just didn't know what. She stared at the back of her daughter's head, before sighing.

She doesn't keep checking about acting on websites anymore, she doesn't look for roles, and she seemed distant.

She doesn't seem herself.

It had been a few days since the newest edition of 'Off-script' was published. Janet stayed at home, unable to look at anyone. Mike Nolan meanwhile, was more determined to find the identity of Lady A and kept shooting dirty looks at the people in town. The team was more determined than ever to uncover the secret.

"I texted Janet, but she won't answer," said Jessie sighing. It was a little difficult to accept the fact that her enemy was her cousin. Everyone remained silent. "There has to be a reasonable explanation for all of this" reasoned Lily, but inside she was filled with doubt. The same question ran through their heads. Was Mayor Eliza Mills the gossip writer? "I think we all have questions and I know we need answers. But keep in mind that Janet helped us with a clue in the first place" reminded Daniel. "Maybe she wanted this to happen" replied Annie, her hands clenched. There was a noise of disagreement from the others, except Noah, who looked gloomily at the window.

"She came with us this far"

"And she was shocked when she found the security footage"

"It could be an act"

"Thank you, Jessie, she's acted before, and since when did we know her?"

"It doesn't fit"

"She's Lady A's daughter"

"We don't know if the mayor is Lady A"

"Oh come on it's obvious-"

"What is wrong with you people?"

Everyone stared at Noah, who looked angrier as every second passed. "I know that Janet hasn't been Little Miss Sunshine to us but we gave her a chance to help us. And so far, she seems pretty genuine about her actions and she was not acting! Has it ever occurred that we're shouting so much that we could attract attention? Why are we fighting about this? She's genuine about her actions. The problem is are we going to trust her or not?"

An uncomfortable silence filled the room. Then Annie Canterbury stood up and left the room. 

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