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Lily Blanc shivered as she got out of the car. She grabbed her luggage and muttered, "Happy New Year" to the driver before closing the door. "I hope Annie made a lot of hot cocoa" she said and walked to Annie's apartment.

"You're here!" came Jessie Nolan's voice and Lily was strangled into a hug. "Jes...can't...breathe!" she gasped and Jessie let her go. "I saw your latest interview...who knew you two would be famous?" asked Annie Canterbury sarcastically. "Oh hush" Lily flushed. "Aww look...she's blushing! Thanks for coming to see us common folk" teased Jessie. "Shut up" said Lily, now smiling at the two. "How's Josh and Luke?" asked a voice.

"Dan" said Lily happily, and went to hug her brother. "They're fine. Rosie's been accepted to Ivy League, isn't that awesome?", she answered happily.

"Noah's going to be late" noted Janet Mills, who had come behind Daniel, her hands occupied with bags. She was right, Noah Canterbury came half an hour later, stumbling in with presents and papers.

"So how is our two Broadway stars?" asked Janet, helping herself to hot cocoa with marshmallows. "I'm writing...as always" grinned Noah. "And I'm memorizing lines and songs" finished Lily. "And, Lily Blanc will be the new face on Espionage: The True Story" added Noah. "Don't exaggerate, I just auditioned." Lily rolled her eyes fondly. "You'll get the role Lil" Daniel said and side hugged his sister.

"Oh I just remembered...one guy asked me if I was related to Noah and I said yes-he adopted the puppy I sent a picture last week- and the guy seemed to be a big fan of you. His name was Alexander I think...he told me to tell you that he was your biggest fan" Annie laughed with the rest, while Noah covered his face with his hands. Annie worked at the local animal shelter and even opened a few outside the town.

"A prissy woman didn't believe that I was friends with Lily though" pouted Jessie after the laughter died. "What did you do?" asked Daniel. "I told her the kids believed me and she argued with me for a while. The children overheard somehow and showed the lady a picture we took at thanksgiving a few years back...her face was priceless" Jessie grinned. "How are the children?" asked Lily. "They're alright...and they love my jokes" Jessie said. "Everyone does Jes" Janet said. Jessie's jokes always worked in the hospital, even for the adults.

Daniel told them a hilarious story about his office while Janet explained about the students in France. "They're seriously well behaved. It makes me feel ashamed about how wild we would be when recess came"

They continued to laugh, drink and exchange stories until Janet remembered.

"17 years" she said quietly.

The group fell silent, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

Eliza Mills still lived in Brooks after serving her time in prison. She stayed mute but occasionally went to visit Gina Turninghum's and her husband's grave.

"I didn't realise it was that long" said Noah quietly. "We're getting older everyday cousin" Annie muttered sadly. Daniel broke the silence, rubbing his hands and standing up. "It's time to say good bye to this year" he said and the others stood up. Annie rubbed Janet's arm and they smiled at each other reassuringly before heading to the balcony with the rest.

"Any resolutions?" asked Lily. "I hope that people will start adopting those cute little puppies that were in the animal shelter for a week" Annie said. "I hope that that the students will ace the so-called impossible test so they can continue further with life" Janet muttered. "We graduated and yet you continue to stay in school and teach, bless your heart. I want to get that promotion" Daniel said. The others looked at him and he looked back. "What?" he asked. "Nothing...I want to continue writing and make people feel happy on my plays" Noah said. "I really want the children at the hospital to get better, I mean...they're an amazing audience. But they deserve to go out and play like any other kid" Jessie said and the others 'awed'. They all looked at Lily. "I want us all to be like this forever" Lily said. "This group started with a big mystery...hey- maybe I can use that for my new play" Noah said, grinning. "Just remember us when you're famous" teased Annie.

"Ten...Nine...Eight...Seven...Six...Five...Four...Three...Two...ONE!" they all yelled and fireworks appeared and everyone cheered. The silent moment faded and Brooks cheered as the New Year dawned.

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