The crowd went wild as Lily Blanc and Noah Canterbury got off their car. "I knew I forgot something! A pen...God...I didn't think this many people would show up" said 32-year-old Noah. "Stop doubting yourself. You wrote an amazing script" scolded Lily. They both smiled at the cameras and signed a few autographs before getting inside to a hotel, where they had an interview. They waited in a large room until the interviewer arrived.
"I still can't believe it...I didn't imagine this would ever happen" Noah wondered. "The play was beyond amazing...the entire world loves it!" said Lily happily. "Did you ever think we'd become like this?" he asked. "Sometimes I thought about's no longer a dream's real!" said Lily.
"You alright Lil?" asked Noah. "That wasn't me" said Lily confused. "Sorry...we're really sorry! We just wanted to meet you...and there was no space. We're really sorry!" two boys appeared from behind the curtains. The one who was speaking looked ashamed, while his companion stared at him in disbelief. "Oliver..." the second boy muttered.
Noah and Lily blinked. "It's alright...umm..." Noah looked at Lily, but she looked shocked. "We'll just leave..." said the second boy and dragged his friend but Lily stopped them. "I'm guessing you wanted something from us?" amusement appeared on her face. "Err...yeah. Ollie...ask them" said the boy and nudged his friend. But Oliver seemed too star struck. "Seriously? Fine, I'll ask" said the boy looking annoyed, "My name is Walter and this is my friend Ollie. We wanted to know how you came up with 'Mystic Mystery'. We would've asked but you guys seem so busy...and we really want this for our podcast!"
Lily and Noah noticed the record button on Walter's phone. " just clicked, I guess. We had a similar kind of thing in the town we lived. Looking back at the mystery we had...I wanted to share it with the world" Noah smiled. " your story is based on a real-life event" asked Oliver, finally finding his voice. "Yeah...the characters are also kind of based on the people I worked the mystery with" continued Noah. "Thanks" said Walter, grinning and stopped the recording. "Yes, thank you!" said Oliver. "You're welcome," said Noah. "What's the name of your podcast?" asked Lily. "Dynamic Duo!" said Walter happily.
"We were like them long ago huh? Two kids obsessed with finding our purpose in the world?" asked Noah as the two boys left. Lily nodded.
"So, next month is a new year. You both any ideas what your new year resolutions are?" asked the interviewer. "I won't forget, that will definitely be my New Year resolution!" said Noah seriously. "Of course you'll forget, you're getting older" giggled Lily. "We're thinking of heading back to our town and celebrating with our friends and family" Lily explained. "Awesome. Now Noah, tell us about your newest play. What inspired you to write this?" the interviewer asked.
The two friends shared a grin and burst out laughing.
Mystery / Thriller"I wish I knew who it was...I don't care if it's a man or a woman, I'm going all karate kid on 'em" Annie said. ************************** 'Off-script' is a gossip magazine that has given the people...