BONUS CHAPTER #4 | Blunt and little Annie

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"That's a sandcastle?"

"Yep, do you like it?"


Annie's quick response and blunt answer didn't faze Noah, who was showing her a lump of sand.

That he had made himself.

"Where are the windows? How do you breathe in that thing?"

The seven-year-old shrugged. He didn't think of that part.

"Move, I'm going to show you a real sand castle", Annie said proudly.

That was when an eleven-year-old blond stomped on Noah's lump of sand castle.

"Wy would you do that?" Annie demanded.

The boy shrugged and was about to walk away when Annie stopped the boy.

The sight was unnerving.

Annie stepping in front of a boy almost a foot taller than her.

"Listen here Billy-"

"My name's not Billy, it's-"

"You're Billy to me right now! And it's rude to interrupt. Now, so apologize to my cousin for stepping on his sand castle!"

"It's not a sand castle, it's a lump of sand, and an oddly shaped one in fact!"

Annie's cheeks were turning red, and the boy didn't want to cause a scene, so he mumbled out an apology.


"It's fine, I'm sorry about her-", Noah started but a shrill voice interrupted.

"Apologize correctly!" Annie hissed.

"I'm sorry for ruining you lump of- sand castle!" the boy hastily changed his words at Annie's glare.

Once the humiliated boy left, Noah turned to Annie.

"You think it's a sand castle? And what's the big deal with him ruining my 'lump of sand'? We were going to make a real one anyway!"

"Bullies can't get away with anything" Annie said simply and picked up her toy shovel.

She paused.

"Your sand castle is still a lump of sand though".

Noah snorted.

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