Chapter 13 (Edited)

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The next morning came with a flurry of movement while we packed the cars up with mine and Ava's stuff. The furniture would be staying at the apartment because we probably wouldn't need it.

I had to, also, set off the traps that I had made around the place because no one needed to know that there was a thing as mythical creatures and their weaknesses.

Some of the traps blew up in Devin's and Mike's face because they were the ones that wanted to see what I had done to make the whole place "supernatural proof". Good thing was, none of the traps affected Werewolves but other Supernaturals. I had made sure of that last night.

"Gah, really, Ava?" Mike asked while he sneezed out blue dust. "That smelled." He sneezed again while he moved his hand through his hair, causing blue dust to fall onto the floor and then disappear.

"Well, I told you to move," I replied, getting off of the fridge. I stood in front of him and raised an eyebrow. "You didn't, so basically it was your fault."

"What was it supposed to control?" Mike asked with a sneeze. He wiped his nose and shuddered when he saw that there was blue dust on his arms.

"Sprites," I replied, shuddering. I hated Sprites more than Demons. "Nasty creatures. They hate it that I'm friends with Faes."

"But I thought Faes and Sprites were-"

"Shhhhh," Anna said, coming into the kitchen with a small box of Barbie Dolls. "They both hate being compared to the other."

"They do?" Devin asked, curious. He looked up from where he had been taking pictures of Mike, who still had some remains of blue dust.

Anna and I nodded our heads in unison.

"How do you know?"

I looked down at Anna, smirking. It was because of her that we knew they didn't like it.

She glanced up at me, huffing. She pouted, knowing what I was thinking. "It was an accident. How was I supposed to know?"

I shook my head at her, feeling slightly annoyed that she hadn't listened to me. "You should've known better. I've told you about it many times, but you didn't listen and said it. Now, what happened to you?"

"I was an inch for a week," she muttered. "And you had to keep me in your pocket, 'cause you didn't trust anyone that week."

Devin and Mike snorted before turning it into a cough because Anna had glared at them. "An inch?" Devin shook his head. "That is short. How did you not lose her?"

"Oh, I did. Dumb girl thought it would be funny to get out of my pockets on more than one occasion." I glanced at him before looking at my sister. "And what lesson did you learn?"

"Not to say that they are the same ever again unless I want to be placed in a Mason Jar."

"Place who in a Mason Jar?" Luke asked, coming over to where we were at. He smiled at me, and I just noticed that there was a dimple on his left cheek.

"Me," Anna replied. "If I said something that I will not repeat." She huffed and walked to the door. "I'm finished packing, Ava. I'll be waiting by the truck. And yes, I do have the dagger with me." She turned around and rolled her eyes, causing me to frown. She turned back around and left out the door.

"I shouldn't roll my eyes that much," I muttered, creating the others to laugh. I shook my head, but I couldn't help but smile. It was true that the only reason that she did it was that I had done it for most of her life.

"Well, everything is packed and in the cars," Luke said after the laughing had finished. He nodded his head. "Are you ready?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. I glanced around, making sure that I had everything before looking at Luke. "As ever." With that, I left the place that had been my home for a while. I just hoped that I had made the right decision for both Anna and me.


Thirty minutes was not the perfect amount of time to prepare me for going onto pack lands to live. My hands had turned white because I had clenched the steering wheel tight when I saw that two trucks were at the beginning of the territory.

Sparks and tingles spread through my hand when Luke grabbed it. "Hey," he said, softly, causing me to glance at him through the corner of my eye. He smiled, slightly, probably glad that my body was relaxing slightly to his touch. "You'll be alright. Both of you."

I took a deep breath and nodded my head. "Ya, I guess," I replied. I cleared my throat. "I think Ava likes Devin and Mike." I glanced through the rearview mirror to see her dancing around to some sort of song. Both Devin and Mike were singing and dancing, also.

Luke chuckled and nodded his head. "Ya, I have not seen them that goofy." He shook his head. "And to think that they are my Beta and Third Command."

I snorted. "Ya well, she brings the kid out of everyone." My body had relaxed more than it had because of Luke's hand on mine, but there was still that nagging piece in my head that said he and they should not be trusted and killed.

Luke smiled. "She'll get along with my sister, I'm sure."

I glanced at him. A frown appeared on my face because I didn't know that he had a sister. Hell, I didn't even think that I knew anything about him. "You have a sister?"

He nodded. "And then another brother and sister. However, they are both still in diapers."

"Well, Luke, I think it is time that you tell me about yourself when we get settled in. You know all about me."

Luke chuckled. "We'll set something up." He glanced at the front of the building where two figures stood on the steps and others inside the opened door. For a minute, he looked slightly nervous, but it soon disappeared when he looked at me. "Ready to face the music?"

I nodded my head, while I parked in front of them. "As ever." With that, we got out of the truck, and I prayed to whoever was out there that the two people in front would like me.

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