Chapter 15

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I walked behind Devin's car, not caring that a couple of members were close by to hear me. "This is Ava," I said, even though I knew he knew that. "Extraordinary girl who isn't a fan of fonduing with older men. If that is what you want, then do not call this number again or else, I'll hurt you."

There was a deep chuckle on the other end of the line. "I should've known that you would have said that, Avie," the male teased, causing me to make a disgruntled sound in the back of my throat.

"Stop calling me that," I muttered, hating the name Avie with a passion. It brought back too many bad memories that I would rather die than be brought back up again. It was something that I didn't even tell Luke, his brother, and his Beta. Not even Nick knew why I hated being called Avie.

Fred hummed, and I knew that he wasn't going to quit calling me that cursed name. "Now, why is it that May called me a couple of hours ago to see where you were at and where you were supposed to be but not?" He huffed, and I knew that he ran a hand through his hair. "That old witch woke me up from my sleep."

"Ihaveamate," I mumbled, quickly. I glanced down, feeling nervous about what he would say to that matter. I moved a hand through my hair and sighed, feeling that weird feeling that I needed to kill everyone, even though I knew that these people were good.

Fred stayed silent for a little while before he sighed. "You know that I do not like being lied to, Av-"

"Who said I was lying?" I shot back, interrupting him. I narrowed my eyes, hating the fact that he thought I was lying. "You know how I feel when I am being lied to. What makes you think that'd I'd do that to you?" I gritted my teeth together and all but growled at him.

"I'm just sayin'," Fred replied. "Now, how do you know that he's your mate?"

"I feel the same things as you do when you find a mate," I replied. I rolled my eyes when he growled because he hadn't found his mate yet. "You feel the sparks when you touch the one that belongs to you, and so do I. You get lost into your mate's eyes, and I did when I first met him." I glanced down, not liking the criticizing gaze of Fred. "His scent is alluring to me." I couldn't help but mumble that part, because I have never been tempted with a scent, not even food.

"What does he smell like?"

I took a deep breath and focused on Luke's scent and not on the other's around me. "Forest and Cotton Candy," I replied, looking at Luke who smiled at me. "That is what I smell from him."

"Is he next to you?"

I hummed in agreement. "What is the reason for your call?" I asked, getting down to business. "His name is Lucas, and he is the Alpha of South Pack." I knew that he was going to ask me what my mate's name was, so I told him beforehand.

Frederick hummed. "I don't like his father," he blurted out causing me to snicker and Luke's father to growl. "Anyways Rogues are a problem. They're a bigger problem, probably having a leader and such."

I raised an eyebrow, knowing what he meant. "They're like the last group?" I asked. "Is it just Werewolves this time or did they set up with a different species?"

"From what I can tell it was just Werewolves." There was shuffling of paper, and I knew that he was looking over his notes. "My boys counted about fifteen or sixteen Rogues together. We lost five."

"And they didn't lose any?" I raised an eyebrow. I knew that Frederick's pack was strong, stronger than some of the packs. It was easy for them to take down two of the rogue group with only losing one.

"Five, I believe," he replied. here was more shuffling and then he sighed. "I'll give you the rundown when you get here. Should I expect you two in five hours?"

"Three," I replied, spying the fact that my mate had held up three fingers. "Matey wants to make sure that I am safe."

Fred busted out laughing. "Yes, like the bitch needs protecting," he teased, causing Luke to give a murderous growl. Fred snickered, not seeming bothered by the fact that Luke had growled at him. "Remember when we first met?"

"Ohh yes," I replied, smirking. "Your goons tried holding me up in a spot, making me lose the person that I was following. You walked into the building when one of your men went flying out of a window at a bar in South Carolina."

He hummed in agreement. "And you had two pool sticks in your hand and used them as if they were weapons. Nearly poked my fucking eye out."

"You were trying to get me out of my dress. What do you think I would've done?"

"That you would've gotten out of it and have sex with me. That dress was short on you, Avie."

I grunted and rolled my eyes. "I'll see you in five hours. Just... stop calling me Avie."

"Not gonna happen," Fred chirped before hanging up the phone.

I huffed and blew a piece of hair out of my face. "Idiot," I muttered, even though I wasn't really mad at him. I saw Luke open his mouth, but he quickly closed it when he saw me shake my head. "I'll tell you later," I replied. "Just not yet."

Luke nodded his head, hesitatingly. "I trust you," he replied. "Don't make me regret it."

Unfortunately... he was going to regret it.  


A/N: So, who thinks that Luke will regret trusting Ava? Any comments or thoughts?

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