Chapter 1 (Edited)

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"Come on Avery," my 9 year old sister complained, looking up at me. "Hurry up. I want to go to the pond."

"But, Anna," I complained, using the same tone that she used on me. I slowed down some more, making her pout. "I have to go to work soon, so we should get going."

Anna huffed and folded her arms across her chest. She had stopped in front of me and was waiting for me to catch up, because I had slowed down to a crawl. Her clear blue eyes were narrowed, as she set her jaw, stubbornly. "But, I want to go to the pond. And, I want to go, now." She stomped her foot acting like a 4 year old. Her long, black hair was pulled back into braid, that one of my friends had taught her.

I looked exactly like her when I was younger. I had the same facial features as her. However, the difference is that I had purple eyes instead of blue. But, that being said, most people thought that I had had her myself and not our mother.

"Do you want a roof over your head?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "We can't always trust that Nick will always be there to protect us. He could turn any minute, and you all ready know that."

"And, why can't we trust him to always protect us? He has been nothing but kind to us. He could've killed you a few times, but he didn't."

I bit back a snort. It would've been the other way around. I glanced around us, making sure that no Supernatural was close by. I was always on edge around them, waiting for them to make me feel threatened, but that might've been because of my training.

We, Hunters, were trained to Hunt them and not to show any passion towards them. We were taught this at a young age, so some old habits die hard.

However, journeying down here to Georgia had proven to me that what we had been taught, was completely wrong. Some Werewolves had been kind to me, even though I was a Hunter. Even, some of the Angels, Vampires, and Faeries, had been kind to me, as well. They just wanted to live on their own, not wanting to start any trouble.

But, there was that one nagging part of my brain that had to remind me, it was the Werewolves that had killed my father and mother, when I was younger.

It was also one of the two times that I had failed to protect my sister. I still had nightmares about that night, even though it wasn't all the time. It scared me that I didn't protect my little sister, who I would do anything for. She was my world.

Anna studied me with her knowledgeable, blue eyes and looked into my deep purple, knowing what I was thinking by the pained expression on my face. Her face softened, a little. "I know." She walked over to me, and I instantly knelt down to her 4'9 self from my 5'9 form. She grabbed hold of me, and I pulled her into a hug, burying my face into her neck and breathed in her scent. "But, it wasn't this pack," she whispered, softly, stroking my hair.

"I know that. They were rogues who probably were under the control of that reincarnation of Alistaire. Damn rogues, I want to find them and kill them." I growled, my body starting to shake, as my anger started to take over my emotions. I started seeing red, and I knew that I had to cool down, before I started to kill something.

"Come on, you can cool off by throwing stones," Anna said, with a giggle. "You don't want to kill somebody with your anger."

I smirked, knowing that she wouldn't change her mind. "All right," I said, standing. "You cook dinner tonight, though."

"Fine," she scoffed, rolling her eyes. She smiled at me innocently, making me smile a little. "Come on." And with that, she started to run towards the pond.

I shook my head and smiled some more, loving the fact that she knew that how to cheer me up. If it wasn't for her, then I'd all ready be dead.


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