Prologue (Edited)

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Long ago, in the beginning of time, Werewolves, Vampires, Angels, and Faeries roamed amongst the human race. For the most part, the Supernatural lived in peace with the humans, hiding their true identities for the sake of all humankind.

They tried to keep the peace between them and treat the other race, as if they were just as Superior as the Supernatural creatures. However, they all knew that they weren't, since the humans had no supernatural abilities of their own.

One man, a Werewolf named Alistair Corren, decided to put an end to the peace and harmony with the human beings. He rallied a lot of Supernatural Creatures into believing that the human race was meant to be enslaved or killed. He had told his followers that they, the humans, were weak, and they should be perished by the hand of the bigger force.

There were some that had seen that Alistair was just a power-hungry Alpha, and he wanted to dictate all of the Supernatural Creatures. He didn't want  just the Werewolves, where he was the High Alpha. So, they prayed and prayed to the Moon Goddess, hoping that she would stop this madness.

The Moon Goddess listened to her children and from a human mother, she created her greatest weapon to protect the human race from the depths of despair. She wanted them all to live in happiness and peace with each other, so she created a baby girl, telling this mother about who this baby was supposed to be. This girl was not like any other human girl, and her parents instantly placed her in hiding.

As the baby girl grew, the importance of her being grew also. She was fast, faster than any Vampire, even though she was young. And her blood to a vampire, was poisonous to them. She was strong, stranger than the strongest Werewolf. She more powerful than any Faery, able to control anything that the Fae can control. And when she had training, she could control the elements. The girl was far more beautiful than an Angel, even if it had been dimmed by the Faes mage. Her name, was Hunter, and she became the first Hunter ever created.

On her sixteenth birthday, Alistair had found out about her and sent some of his followers to kill her. All but one died. And the one that did make it out alive, only whispered to Alistair, 'she is coming for you', and before that one being died, also.

Alistair was in full blown fury and made Hunter's life a living hell, killing her parents and baby brother first, when she was out learning about how to control her powers. He thought he could break her, but he was wrong. All he did was make Hunter's trust in the Supernatural die, and she started to attack all the Supernatural creatures. She even attacked those that didn't attack her, killing helpless children and woman.

Again, they prayed to the Moon Goddess, begging for help. The Supernatural Creatures had been losing most of their people, and they feared that they would be wiped out.

Saddened, the Moon Goddess obliged and whispered in both of the opposing ears on how to find the other person. She thought that if they both killed the other person, then there would finally be peace amongst the humans and the Supernatural Creature.

She was wrong, for both of them seeked vengeance, while they killed the other person, and Hunter, eighteen years of age, had bared a son just before she died.

After the death of both Hunter and Alistair, the Supernatural Creatures went back into hiding, hiding their true identities from the humans. There was peace, but now, they were suspicious of everyone. They wondered who would be the next successor to Alistair.

Now, as generations and generations passed on, more and more Hunters were made, and lived amongst both populations. Sometimes, they lived in small groups around an area, while trying not to bring suspicion to themselves. Sometimes, they did attack the Supernatural Creatures, but they usually moved after that. They stayed silent and in the dark, as if they were made from the night themselves.

Why? They're waiting for their Savior or Killer, where prophecies had been foretold that it would be in the form of a Hunter Female, born on July 4th. No year was given, but they all knew, including the Supernatural Creatures, that if she was found, then Hell might rise and swallow the whole planet into darkness.

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