Chapter 18

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I climbed a tree and looked at the campsite that I had found west of the pack lands. A small scoff came out of my tight lips when I saw the majority of the Hunters to be Hutchlings, or those that had not been born from Hunter parents but chose to become them because something had happened in their life.

I took a deep breath and found out that three of the four guys were actually Hutchlings and there was another scent, but I couldn't pinpoint where the person was supposed to be. Something told me that that person would be the leader, and I couldn't believe that he/she had left them unprotected this close to one of the top five packs in the Southeast.

"Idiot," I grumbled before hopping down from the tree and strolling into the area as if I owned the place.

I shook my head, clearing myself from my thoughts and watched as the four guys quickly stood and pointed their guns at me. I didn't hold my hands in defeat but just folded them across my chest and quirked an eyebrow. "Where is your leader?" I asked, staring at the male in front of me. I tapped my finger against my arm, getting agitated because I had stepped off of pack territory and knew that Luke will try to find me. I couldn't let him attack these Hunters, nor could I let the Hunters attack him.

"How do you know that I'm not the leader?" the male asked. His hand was shaking as if I would be his first kill. Too bad he looked too much like a nerd, to even get me to consider that he was the actual leader of this group.

I bit back a scoff and held an eye roll. "One, you are shaking," I replied. I took a step forward, causing him and the others to back up. "Two, you didn't hold your ground when you were supposed." I watched his face for any sign or clues as to where his leader was and smirked when I saw that when he looked behind me, his face turned into a look of relief.

There was a small click behind me, causing my smirk to deepen.

"And three..." I turned around quickly, kicking the person behind me in the gut. Using my momentum and his weight, I got him onto the ground and placed my knee on his spine and grabbed his arm, pulling it back. I grabbed his gun from his and placed it onto his head and narrowed my eyes. "If you don't want to see his brains, then drop your guns. Now!" Power filled my voice, causing the young men to do as I told them to do.

"Easy with the arm will ya, Wolf?" the male underneath me said. "I need that to kill you."

I snorted and rolled my eyes. "I'm not a Wolf, genius," I said. "I'm human, more or less."

"Well, your strength says otherwise," he grunted. "And your hearing is impeccable."

"Haven't you heard the saying 'legends are true'?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I know that you've been taught about the first Hunter and how she was to be reincarnated in the meer future." I glanced around to see that most of them looked confused except for the nerd who looked at me with sheer wonder in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" the male underneath me asked. "Last I heard, the reincarnation died when she was young. There hadn't been another one."

"Last I heard was that the reincarnation was hiding in plain sight," I mocked. "Your second knows what, well who, I am."

The male grunted and looked at his second. "Fernos?" he questioned.

The nerd grabbed something out of his pockets and stuck them on his face, hiding his blue eyes. He adjusted them, and I could tell that they were glasses. His black hair was bushy, and it looked like it had seen better days as well as his mostly freckled, pale skin. "She has the eyes of the last Hunter," he said. He took a step forward, earning a hiss of warning from the male underneath me. "How did you escape? I thought you were killed by Rogues with the group of Hunters."

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