Chapter 5 (Edited)

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I pulled my truck into my parking spot and turned the engine off. "Alright, everyone out," I said, taking my keys out of the ignition.

Steven got out and pulled a lazy Anna toward him, so that he could carry her. He looked at me and smirked, closing the truck door. "Guess you have one less mouth to feed," he said, nodding his head towards the sleeping female.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, as I closed my truck door and locking the truck. I didn't want anyone to take my weapons, even though it was hidden. "She'll be awake when she smells the food. And, I'm guessing that I can't go to work today."

Steven gave me a small grimace, following me to my apartment. "I guess so," he said. "If it was up to me, then you wouldn't have met Lucas at all."

I shrugged my shoulder, not really knowing what to say. "It would've happened, anyways. The MG is mysterious like that."

Steven nodded his head. "And, it doesn't help that you are 'The One'."

My whole body shivered, when he said those words. I was the reincarnation of Hunter, the first Hunter. It was my duty to make sure that the Supernatural were living in peace with the humans and each other. However, I had no idea who Alistair's successor was. Hopefully, I wouldn't find out until a loooong time from now. I just wanted to worry about Anna and getting her ready to be a Hunter.


"Take her into my room, please," I said, opening the door to my home. "I'm sorry about the mess of the room. Was making weapons while Anna played with her horses." I set my keys into the bowl by the door before stepping all the way in.

Steven shrugged his shoulder, as he looks around. "It's not as messy as my room," he commented, spying the shavings and horses scattered around. "Didn't you make some of her horses?"

I nodded my head. "Some of them have silver around them. It's to protect her from any Werewolves, if she hits them with it."

Steven nodded as he walked to my room, with me following him. He didn't open the door, since the handle was pure silver, and he was the one that burnt his hand on it. He frowned, waiting for me to open the door.

"Good boy," I said, teasingly, opening the door. "We don't want what happened to you, last time, to happen again. Now, don't we?"

Steven shook his head. He stayed silent and stepped into the room after me. "I don't know how you got the door handle like that, and I'm not even going to ask."

I nodded my head, as I pulled the quilt back so that he could lay Anna onto the bed. "It was easy," I said. "That is all I'm going to say."

Steven nodded his head and set her down. He stiffened and looked at me, a frown on his face. "They're here."

I nodded and was about to get up, when Anna grabbed hold of me. I turned to look into her blue eyes. "What is it?" I asked, stroking her hair out of her face. I pulled the covers over her and tucked her in.

"Sing me a song, please."

I sighed and nodded my head. I looked at Steven and raised an eyebrow. "Tell them that I'll be there after Anna is asleep."

Steven nodded his head and walked out of the room. He cursed under his breath, because he touched the doorknob, making me laugh.

Oh, it doesn't get old.


I turned to look at my sister, after he had left. "Alright, Kiddo, what song would you like me to sing?"

Anna shrugged her shoulder. "Something that explains where we're at or something like that," she replied.

I sighed and nodded my head. "All right," I said, grabbing hold of my guitar and tuned it. I strummed the guitar thinking about a song, before I looked at her. "What about There is a Place For Us by Carrie Underwood?"

Anna nodded her head. "Sure," she replied.

I smiled and strummed the guitar, getting it to where I wanted it to be.I started to sing the song, letting my emotion fill my voice. Power filled my body when I sung, and I loved the feeling of it. I felt superior and not someone that just had to follow the footsteps of another person.

This song did explain our situation. We didn't have anywhere to go, that would keep us safe. We only had each other. We didn't have any parents or anyone that would protect us. However, one day, I was sure that we would be able to find place for our own.

We would have friends, and we would have more than just each other. I knew that we were made for so much more than this, but right now, all of this was all we had. We had each other and that was it for now. We had each other to love and to hold onto, when we're starting to lose faith. However, I knew that one day someone would steal her away from me. I just hoped he would be good to her.

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