Chapter 28- Luke (Edited)

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I ran outside followed by the members that were willing to fight. I had no idea what to expect, but I was not expecting some teenage male with a sneering grin looking around my pack as if it was his own.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, causing the teenage male to look at me.

The teenager sneered, and I couldn't help but feel unnerved by him. He bowed, mockingly, causing my Wolf and I to growl out in annoyance. "Alpha Luke, I presume," he said, coldly.

I didn't reply as I took a step forward. I could feel the anxiety of everyone and knew that I needed to tread carefully. "It depends," I replied, causing the male to smirk. "Who's asking?"

The teenager bowed, again. "I am Alistair," he said, causing the group to gasp a bit. He smirked, and I could that he liked the fear coming off of them. "I have come for my counterpart. Where is she?" He looked around. "Or, has she left you for dead?"

"She is not here," I replied. I looked at the members of his group and narrowed my eyes when I saw Dallas amongst them. "The betrayal hit her pretty hard." My voice was cold, and it caused Dallas to look away. I really wanted to call him a 'coward', but I kept my mouth shut.

Alistair followed my gaze and smirked when he saw that I was looking at Dallas. He snapped his fingers, causing me to look at him with a heated glare. "Ah, she should have known that some poor Hunters would actually work for me and not her." He walked over to Dallas and patted his cheek, and for a moment, I thought I saw Dallas glare at him before he placed a mask over his face. "That is why, I had him kill her darling little sister. Did you know that she was the reason that his parents were killed?"

I set my jaw and didn't reply. I had no idea what was going on, but a part of me had a feeling that Avery had come up with a plan or something. I mean, she wouldn't just let us die, would she?

"And, do you know that there is this thing called "lying"?" someone asked. "I mean, isn't that what you are good at, Alistair?"

The hair on the back of my neck stood up at attention when I heard the sweet, feminine voice of my mate. I didn't turn to look at her, but I could feel the bond between her and me grow stronger.

Alistair stepped away from Dallas and looked at my mate. A look of shock and fear filled his face before he replaced it with a sneer. "Ah, Hunter, I was wondering when you were going to show up."

"Ya... names Avery, not Hunter. It's just like your name is Declan and not Alistair. Am I correct?"

Alistair snarled and took a threatening step towards my mate. "My name is Alistair," he said. "And, you better remember that."

"Or what?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "You'll kill me? Don't you think that we're a little too old to have this petty fight? I mean, it has been centuries since we last faced each other."

"Petty?" Alistair asked, with a chuckle. "You're calling this petty?" He gestured around. "What about you and mourning the death of your sister, staring out the window? Would you call that petty?"

Finally, I turned to look at my mate, my breath catching in my throat. I was surprised about how full of life she looked, and she seemed to be glowing. Her startling purple eyes glowed with this unknown power, and I could feel it coming off of her like waves.

She looked like death and life all wrapped in one, and I knew that she was death to some and life to others. She looked like a warrior, a Luna, and I had a feeling that she would protect the innocent with her own life. She had the same markings on her arms, and I could tell that the Fae knew something about it by their excited whispers.

Avery chuckled and shook her head, tsking. "You, poor, uninformed person," she cooed, causing Alistair to growl out a warning. "I wasn't mourning. I had no reason to mourn." Again, she took a threatening step forward until she was leveled with me. "No, I was training, but I was training in secret." She turned to look at me, a warrior's look in her eyes. "So, my apologies for just staring out the window acting so stupor and missing the meeting. I just got done today."

"Training for what?" Alistair asked, causing Avery to look at him. There was uncertainty in his eyes, and I had a feeling that he knew what had happened.

"To kill you, of course," she replied. She held out her hand and a glowing orb appeared. She looked at it. "The question is, are we going to do this the easy way, or are we going to do this the hard way? Whatever it is, it is your choice."

"Attack!" Alistair yelled before starting to run in the opposite direction and away from my mate.

"Hard way it is," Avery said, and with that, she sent a ball of light into the sky before starting to run after him.

And the rest of us attacked the opposite side, hoping that one day we could create a better future for our offspring. There was no stopping us now.

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