Chapter 3 (Edited)

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I ran faster than I had ever done, leaping over fallen trees and stuff that would make me trip. My whole body was shaking while my heart pounded. I was scared that I was going to lose her again. I burst through the trees, seeing that the other Wolf was stalking towards her.

The Wolf was in human form, and he was moving her towards the truck, making it look like that she was a sheep that would be killed. His back was stiff and taut, making it look like that he was about to attack her. His brown hair was standing up in the back, but I didn't care about that.

Anger spurt through me, pushing me to go faster, so I ran at him, snarling. "Get away from her!" I shouldered past him, making him stumble in surprise. While I was still running, I turned around, making sure that I was in between him and my sister. My feet were spread apart, and I was ready for a fight, if there was one.

The male had brown eyes, and they were wide open, as if surprised to see me. "Where did you-" the third male started to say, before a growl interrupted him. Two other shapes appeared beside him.

"Why'd you run, Hunter?" the blonde head, green eye boy asked, making my body shiver a little in delight. What the hell is wrong with me?

I frowned, as I studied him, keeping my whole body tense. He stood about 6'3 with slightly tanned skin and muscles bulging out from underneath them. He didn't have that many scars, but I knew the reason was because of their quick healing abilities. It's the same with me. However, I just heal a little bit slower and really deep cuts don't heal that well. I let my eyes wander up and down his body towards his eight-pack and then down to his athletic legs. Finally, I traveled back up his body and to his face. His deep, pink lips, that looks like a girls, were pulled into a smirk.

"Like what you see, Hunter?" he asked.

I looked into his eyes and knew that he was looking at me. I raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Depends," I replied. "I've seen Faes with-"

There were some snarling and a shadow flew and to the front of me, blocking me from the boy. The new figure was tense, letting me know that he was angry.

I shoved Anna back some more and stood my ground, while three other men went around me. They were protecting me, even though I didn't need that much protection. Just give me a gun, and I'll be able to take out multiple of people, before I'm taken down.

"Lucas," the one in front of me growled out. I didn't need to look at the front of him to know that his deep blue eyes had turned almost all the way black. His black hair was sticking out a little, as if he had ran his hand through it a multiple times, and I knew that he had been worrying about his mate, who might or might not be having a baby soon.

"Nicholas," my "mate", or Lucas, said. "Why the hell are you in front of that damn Hunter? I thought she killed some of your people." There was a small sneer in his voice. "I guess you are on the side of Hunters, now."

I scoffed, not liking him and rolled my eyes. "I didn't kill any of his damn people. My people, or other Hunters, did that, but I do kill rogues for them. That's what I mean by my night night job," I blurted out making Nick look back at me and growl in warning. I rolled my eyes at him, annoyed. "I'm sorry, Alpha, but he had accused me of killing Werewolves, and I don't like being accused of stuff. And youall ready know that." WIth that I folded my arms around my chest and huffed. I looked down at Anna, who was still pressed up against me.

She looked up into my eyes, and I could tell that she was getting tired. It had been a stressful time for her, and I knew that she would be cranky if she didn't get to sleep. Her heart still pounded a little, and I knew that she was afraid that I would end up hurt or something like that.

"That doesn't mean anything, Hunter," Lucas growled, narrowing his eyes at me. "And I-"

"If you wanna reject me, then go ahead. I don't give a damn," I snapped, interrupting him. "But right now, I gotta get this twerp to bed." I nodded my head towards the young girl, before glaring at Nick, making him growl. "Well, it's your fault. You babied her, while I tried to find a place to live and get me a job."

Nick grunted. "Why don't we talk at your place?" He glanced at Lucas, dislike filling his eyes. "I want to know why the Alpha of the South Pack is close to that of the North Pack, anyways." He folded his arms around his chest, and again I realized that he was 3 years older than me. Even though he was 21, he acted like an 18 year old most of the time.

Lucas rolled his eyes and was about to say something, before I interrupted him.

"All right," I said, before turning to look at my truck. I saw a dent in the shape of his foot and turned towards Nick fast, my face scrunched up showing my anger. "Look at my roof, and tell me if you see what I saw." I folded my arms on my chest. He hurt my second baby, and I really disliked that.

Nick looked at me, confused before, he went over to my old F150 truck. He peered at the roof and saw the dent of his foot. A smirk curled on his face. "I guess you got my foot," he said, looking back at me. He raised his hands in mock defeat, seeing that I was still glaring at him. "I'm sorry that I placed a foot on your baby. Now, can we please go to your place?" There was still a smirk on his face, and I wanted to slap it off.

I grunted and shot Lucas a look, before I looked at Anna. "Into the truck."

Anna nodded her head and opened the door, after I moved out of the way. She got in and sat down in her seat. Still, she looked out the window, wanting to make sure that I was still safe.

I glanced at the others, not looking at Lucas in the eye. I knew that he wanted me to look him in the eye, so that was why I didn't look him in the eye. "You three, get shirts. I can't fit five people in my truck and don't want to get pulled over."

Have too much problems with having Anna in the front seat with me, I thought bitterly.

Lucas grunted and nodded his head. "All right," he said. "We got stuff in the car." He turned to look at Nick. "And to answer your question, I was going to leave for my place, but I smelt pineapple and lavender coming from Hunter." He nodded to me.

I gritted my teeth together. I hated Supernaturals just referring to us as 'Hunter'. That wasn't our real name. It was the group that we belonged to. If they called us 'the Hunter', then I wouldn't have a problem with it. "Whatever," I muttered, as I started to go over to my side of the truck and got in. I closed the door shut, knowing that the others were still  watching me.

Before I started the car, I paused and looked at Nick. I rolled down the window, wanting to talk to him.. "You know the way, so lead the others there. Also, ask your mate to come. I'll make Lasagna."

Nick nodded his head to me and shot Lucas a look that could kill. "Take Steven with you. You do have enough room for him." He glanced at me, seeing that my mouth was open to retort. He gave me the 'don't fight me' look, and I knew that I wouldn't be able to win this battle.

I gritted my teeth, hating how he tried to control me. "Fine," I said. I helped Anna move into the middle of us, because she was small and could fit in that seat. "Get in, Steven."

Steven Jensen was his name and he was the Beta of the North Pack. He had light brown eyes, contrasting from the dude that was stalking my sister. He had black hair that was thick and almost long on the sides. He stood up about 6'5 and was pretty muscular, but not as muscular as my mate. However, he was big and looked pretty uncomfortable in some situations.

Steven rolled his eyes, but he clambered into my truck, making it bend a little as he stood. He looked fairly squished, because he was pushed up against the door and almost other seat. He glanced at me and smirked, before he pulled on his seat belt, muttering a few curse words.

"No," Lucas said, with a growl. "That is my-"

"Oh, don't get your panties all in a bunch," I said interrupting him. "I can take care of myself and don't need you to say anything, Alpha." With that, I started my truck. "Now, I'll see you all at my apartment, so behave. Bye!" With that, I started to drive away, a smirk on my face. If he thinks he can control me, he sure is sure as hell wrong about it.

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