Chapter 6 (Edited)

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I strummed the last note and opened my eyes, to see that my sister was fast asleep, clutching a pillow. A smile graced my face, and I kissed her forehead. "G'night, sis," I said, as I stood up and walked out of the room.

I stopped and held the door and looked back at her small form. Deep sadness filled my eyes as I looked at her. If I lost her, then I didn't know what I would do. I would probably end up dead.

I shook my head and closed the door, silently, before making my way to the living room. I hoped that all hell did not break loose in my apartment, because of two very strong Alphas.

I might have to skin some Wolves, if it did.


"Why the hell can I not go there? She is my fucking mate, and I want to be there. So, I will get into that room," my "mate" yelled at the others.

Three men snarled, and I knew that they were about to attack each other.

I raised an eyebrow, walking from the hallway to the living room. "Door handle is made of Silver. You would've gotten hurt," I said, looking at Lucas. "Ask Steven he-"

There was a loud snarl and ripping sounds, as Luke shifted into wolf form. His eyes were black, and he was looking at Steven, wanting to kill him. Male Wolves were protective of their mates, and Alpha's were more protective than regular male Wolves. It must be their hormones.

"Idiot Wolf," I muttered under my breath. I shook my head and walked over to Steven. I stood in front of him, looking at the other male.

Luke snarled as he looked at me. His eyes glazed over, getting ready to attack, so I quickly pulled out my gun and aimed it at his head.

Both the Beta and Gamma stopped from shifting on their feet and growled at me. There was a wariness in their voice, and it made me wonder if they thought I would really kill the person that was made for me. Eh, probably since I was a Hunter.

"Nick, get some clothes for dumb ass," I said still watching my mate. "They are still in hall closet. And don't you snarl at me, Boy. It ain't their fault that they have clothes in here."

Lucas growled again in warning but didn't say anything as Nick tossed him some clothes.

"Now, I'm turning around, and I want you to get those clothes on. Be glad that my sister is not a light sleeper." I glared at Nick. "I'm still trying to break that habit of hers."

Nick held his hands in mock surrender, and I turned to face an amused Steven.

He met my eyes and smiled, fondly. I haven't told people this, but I find Steven as my older brother. He cared about me as one. If I did die, then he was going to look after Anna. He all ready knew this when I had asked him.

Lucas growled, before he shifted into human form and put on the clothes that Nick had gotten for him. He wrenched me away from Steven, sending sparks shooting up and down my body. It made me shiver in delight, even though I hated the control that he had over me. He placed his face into my neck and breathed in my scent, calming his wolf.

"Alright, enough sniffing," I said, feeling self-conscious. It wasn't every day that my neck was sniffed. I patted his arm, feeling uncomfortable. "Now, let me go."

"I don't think so," Lucas said. "You are mine, Hunter."

I puffed out my cheeks, annoyed, before I sighed. "You should probably let go."

Lucas chuckled, making me shiver. His breath hit the place his mark would be, making me hold back moan. "Make me," he said, sexually. There was a challenge in his voice, and I was sure that he wouldn't think I would do anything.

A smirk appeared on my face, challenge filling my eyes. I ignored the pack that I had been close to, because they backed away from me. They had learned not to say those words, for I would accept the challenge.

My smirk turned into a sneer, as I looked at the male holding me. "Glad to," I said sweetly.

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