Chapter 8 (Edited)

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"Where is my favorite person?!" someone squealed, making me groan.

I shook my head, knowing who it was as I started to stir batter for some bread. I shook my head again while I moved towards the door, still having the pan in my hand. I opened the door and leaned against the doorframe, watching the spritely female.

"Tina, do you have to squeal loudly?" Nick asked, rubbing his ear. "And, I'm right here." He tried to pull her into a hug, but she had spotted me and squealed, making all of us wince, again. "Tina," he complained. "Do you have to do that?"

"Yes, my ears hurt," Lucas said, rubbing his ears. Him commenting, Tina look at him and growl lowly.

"You," she snarled, her wolf taking over. "Why the hell are you here?"

"Mags," I said, making the female to look at me. "He's with me." I sighed. Damn, this is going to be hard to explain, I thought. "He's my.... m... m... mate."

Mags raised her eyebrow. "You're a Hunter. You don't have a mate."

"Well, it looks like it," Lucas said with a sarcastic scowl, earning a growl from Nick.

"I all ready told you, it seems that I do. Now, can I have my friend back. Your pup is fine." I glanced at Nick. "And why did you let her come here by herself?"

Nick shrugged his shoulder, before pulling her into a hug.

I could see her relaxing and with that I went back into the kitchen, going to finish the bread. She  went into the kitchen, also, after she had calmed down and pulling away from her mate.

"So, how are you feeling about having a mate?" Tina asked, making me glance at her. She was working on the salad, while I was finishing up the bread.

I studied the "spritely" female. Her shoulder length brown hair was wavy and looked as if it had been shined with a light, making it seem to glow. Her brown eyes still had that glow, as if she was a kid and not a 19 year old female, who was pregnant.

"Well..." Tina said, making me blink. "How does it feel?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "It feels weird..." I replied. "And... strange. I've been taught to hate Supernaturals all my life. Now, I find out that there are nice ones and then I'm mated to one." I sighed and shook my head. "And I thought my life was going to be stop being complicated. But... since..." I shrugged my shoulder and shook my head, again.

Tina nodded her head and sighed, as she leaned against the counter looking at me. "You're life is not though. It never has and it never will. But, I'll be sticking right here for you, and you will have two packs that will be able to help and protect you."

I sighed and closed my eyes. "If I don't get rejected. Come on, food's ready."

Tina frowned but dropped the subject. She took the salad and went to the dining room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


Arms went around my waist, leaving the feeling of sparks going up and down my body. It made me shudder, as I leaned more into his chest. I knew that it was my mate.

A deep rumble moved through his chest, as he chuckled. "I thought that I would end up on the floor," he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him. "Would you like to be on the floor? I would be most happy to oblige."

His breath hit my neck, as he leaned down close to my ear. "Oh would you now?" he asked. "Or would you just say that because you don't want me to know that you actually like me?"

I rolled my eyes, again and smirked.  "Oh, you wish that I wouldn't," I replied. "But dinner is ready, and I'm sure that your wolf is hungry."

"He is, but he is saying something about dessert. He doesn't want to wait."

I rolled my eyes, knowing what he meant. "Your wolf has to wait. I ain't ready."

Lucas sighed and nodded his head. "I know that you're hiding something from me, Flower."

I raised an eyebrow, not liking the nickname. "Flower?" I asked "I'm not a flower."

Lucas smirked. "That is your new nickname. Do you like it?" He laughed, as my face turned to a look of complete and total disgust. "I take that as a no."

"Try something else," I replied. I sighed and looked down. "And to answer your question, yes, I'm hiding something. But, if you know the reason then you might try to kill me."

There was a deep and feral growl, and I was pulled closer to him. "I will notkill you. You are Mine. Do you understand that? No one will take you away from me."

It will happen if I don't find the person that's supposed to be the reincarnation of Alistair, I thought with a frown. I looked down and glared at the floor.

Lucas sighed and leaned his head on my neck. "When you trust me, will you tell me?" he asked.

I nodded my head. "Probably," I replied.

Lucas smiled and nodded his head. "Come on, I think everyone is hungry and waiting for your cooking."

"'Cept for Anna. If you can take out the bread and the lasagna out, then ya'll can get some food. However, ya'll can not have all of it."

Lucas pouted. "Fine." With that he let go and went to get the food.

"Careful, they're hot." With that I walked away to get my sister.

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