Chapter 7 (Edited)

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I looked at Luke and blinked. "Last chance," I warned. "Be glad that you're my mate. I don't give second chances."

Luke chuckled and shook his head. "Oh, Sweetheart, there is nothing you can do to stop me from holding you."

"Going all Rapunzel works," I muttered, making Nick snort. I looked up at Luke, into his green eyes. I could feel myself getting lost into them. However, I stopped myself, when I turned towards him. He had his hands on my back, and I had my hands on his chest, liking the feeling of his muscles.

I could feel him growl, when I had done that. A small smirk wanted to appear on my lip, since I saw the control I had over him. "Well, then," I said, a small purr in my voice. "I guess I have to teach you a lesson."

Luke looked at me. He smiled and leaned towards me, thinking that I wanted to kiss him. His breath blew across my mouth, making my body shiver without my consent.

Oh how I would like to take him right then and there. How I wanted for him to be mine and no one elses. My body shivered at the thought of him claiming me. However, that one part of my brain that was being "sensible" told me that it wouldn't be a good thing to do.

I listened to the sensible part and twisted myself out of his grasp. I ended up behind him and pulled his arm behind him, also. I shoved him against the wall, causing his pack to growl at me, since they saw me as a threat. "Now, you should've listened to me," I said, making a tsking sound. "It isn't every day that I go easy."

"Of course not, Hunter," Luke growled with a grunt. "Now, will you let me go?"

"If you stop calling me Hunter," I replied, coldly.


"Because, that is not my name."

"It is your group."

"So would you like me calling you Werewolf, even though I know your name?"

"Well, I think we have a slight problem, then," Luke said. "You know mine, and I don't know yours."

"And, all you could've done was ask." I shook my head in mock sadness. "Names Avery, but most people call me Ava."

"Pretty name. Now, can you let me up?"

"What's the magic word?" I cooed, keeping him in that position.

"I don't beg," he growled.

"All right, I can stay in this position all night. It's not like I have anything better to do, like run a pack."

"You can always tell me about yourself."

"Hmmm, not unless you say please."

Luke growled, making me smirk. "Fine, please."

"Please... what?" I chirped, liking the power that I did have over him.

Luke growled, again. "Be glad you're my mate," he muttered to himself, making my smirk deepen. Finally, he huffed and turned so he looked at me some, even though he was squished up against the wall. "Can you please let me up?"


He sighed and rolled his eyes. "And, I'm sorry for testing your patience."

"Good, Boy," I said, innocently, letting him up. "Now, sit around and I'll tell you about my past."

Luke and the rest nodded before they all sat around, being careful about the silver stuff.

I could feel the tension between the two Alphas and knew that it was going to be a looooong evening.


"And, that's basically my life story," I said, shrugging my shoulder after I had finished.

All three of them looked at me, their mouths open in shock.

"So, you're telling me that you killed your first Wolf when you were around four? And the Wolf was an adult?" Devin, Luke's best friend and Beta asked.

Devin was fairly handsome. He had blue eyes that seemed to look at everything with a light. He had wild blonde hair, contrasting from Luke's straight hair. He had an easy going smile on his face, even though he had be the one to threaten me. He stood 6'3, around the others of his pack. He had tanned skin, and I'm sure if we were close to water, then he would be a surfer.

"Yep," I replied.

"Why is it that I think there is more about you than what you are telling us?" Luke asked.

"'Cause there is more stuff, and I don't want to share that bit of info," I replied. I looked away and sighed before standing. "Well, I'm going to start baking that lasagne. Feel free to ask questions, but please don't ask me what I'm hiding."

"And why not?" Luke asked, standing up, also. Hurt was evident in his voice, and I could see it in his eyes. "You're my mate."

I looked away from him and went into the kitchen. "The less people that know about this, the better."

"But, I can help you. The pack can help you."

I shook my head. "They and you can't," I whispered.

"And why not?" Mike, Luke's brother and 3rd command ask, confused. "You're basically like family."

I bit my lip, and looked down. "I just can't," I said softly.

"You sh-"

"It's the matter between life and death, ok?" I snapped lifting my head to look at them. My eyes were hard, and I couldn't help but feel angry for them pushing me. "If I die, then my sister has no one. I am all that she has left."

Luke and the other two flinched and looked down. "I'm sorry," Luke whispered.

I sighed and shook my head, hating that I made him upset. Where did that come from? "No, I'm the one that should be apologizing. I-I'm just used to be doing stuff on my own. And, I sometimes forget that there are others who will help me." I shrugged my shoulder, biting my lip. I looked down at my shoes, letting my hair fall into my face.

A pair of arms wrapped around me and pulled me into a hug. Sparks erupted from where I was being touched, and I knew that it was my mate. I leaned against him, enjoying his touch and warmth. "Shhh," he said, softly ."It is all right, Ava. You can tell us when you are ready. How does that sound?"

I nodded my head, and he kissed my forehead.

"Now, how about that lasagna?" he asked, teasingly, making me smile.

I nodded my head again. "All right, I'll get that ready for you." I got out of his arms and walked towards the kitchen.

I knew that I was going to have to tell them, but for right now, I didn't want to. I wanted to get to know him first. I don't think that he would do anything wrong, but I can't be too careful.

I'll never know if they will turn against me, when they find out about me being the reincarnation of Hunter. I just hope that they won't and they would still be there to protect me. If they did, then I knew that I was going to have to kill them. It'll hurt, but I knew that it was something that I gotta do.

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