Chapter 20

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Sil kept her promise and helped me get a job at one of the local bars in the area. She, also, gave me a pill that helped change mine and my sister's appearance because she knew that I would be going close to the pack lands and Hunting the actual monsters in the night.

So, instead of me having black hair and purple eyes, I had blonde hair and stormy gray eyes that looked darker in the right light.

My sister had brown hair and brown eyes, looking like my complete opposite, even though we used to look so alike that most people thought that she was my daughter.

"Aren't you supposed to offer me a light or a drink?" a deep voice asked, causing me to shiver with want. Pain was etched in his voice, causing my heart to flutter with pity.

I turned my head from where I was cleaning the counter to see the blonde hair of my mate. I hadn't seen him in two weeks, but boy did he look good. I couldn't help but feel guilty to see him look so heartbroken because I had left him without much of a single goodbye or explanation.

'That he does,' a voice said in my head 'And don't feel guilty. It wasn't your fault to assume the worse.'

I stopped what I was doing, my eyes widening. What the hell was that? My heart started to pound while I glanced around to see if anyone answered.

'You might want to answer. Your mate is starting to stare at you weirdly. And calm your heartbeat.'

I took a deep breath and calmed my heartbeat before turning to face my mate. I knew that I was going to have to ignore the voice for now. "What got you so upset?" I asked, making sure that my voice sounded different. "What do you want?"

"Something hard," he replied. He took the whiskey that I had offered him and drank it. "Ooh, keep it coming," he said before sighing and moving a hand through his hair. "My girlfriend disappeared because my father had said something to her."

I poured him some more. "And, did you listen to her or just assumed something?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I would've listened to her if she would've told me sooner," he said, bitterly. "I mean it was a huge ass secret that she didn't tell me. It could've changed the whole process of what we were about." He chuckled, darkly and shook his head. "Figures, she loves her sister more than me." Disgust and hurt filled his voice, causing my heart to break at his pain.

"Or she doesn't know that you love her," I replied. "She protective of her sister?"

Luke nodded his head. "She's her Achilles Heel."

"Got any siblings?"

Luke nodded. "Four," he replied.

"And, would you protect them with your life?"

He glared at me before swallowing another drink. "Keep the bottle here and go with your fucking work. I don't need to listen to your shit."

I raised an eyebrow at his attitude but complied and left the bottle beside him. "Ok, but I was just saying that she probably left to protect her sister. Seems to me that she was afraid that you or your family would hurt them." I turned to walk back to where I had been before.

'You should've killed them then," the voice replied in a sing-song voice.

'Shut up,' I replied in a sing-song voice, also. 'They didn't hurt us when they could.'  With that, I blocked the voice from my head, knowing that I had to finish up with work.

"Cat," my boss said, calling me by my nickname. "It's midnight. Time for you to go home."

I grunted and nodded my head before looking behind me to see Luke staring at me. "Think about it," I said. "Your girl might be closer to you than you think." With that, I left.  

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