Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Anna turned on the radio and started to fiddle it. She turned to look at me and grinned, mischievously, while a song started to play.

"Oh no," I groaned, hearing the tune of Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus playing on the radio. "Who let-

"I came in like a wrecking ball! I never hit so hard in love. All I wanted was to break your walls. All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you, you wreck me,"Anna belted out the chorus bobbing her head to the music. She turned it up, making me and Steven flinch, because of the loud noise, hurting our sensitive ears.

"She didn't... did she?" Steven yelled over the music, looking at me in mock horror. His eyes were wide, wondering what had happened.

I nodded my head. "Oh yes, she did. She watched the video and saw a naked Miley," I replied. I turned the radio down some, so that we could talk. It was also giving me a headache, so that's why I did it.

"Hey," Anna complained.

"My truck, my rules," I warned, narrowing my eyes at her. "'Sides, we're changing the song."

"Fine," Anna huffed. She folded her arms across her chest and scowled a little. "Didn't like that song, anyways."

"But why did you let her watch it?" Steven asked, looking at me.

"Well, seeing that I'm more of a motherly figure in her life, she sometimes go against my wishes. I knew that she was going to go against them if I didn't let her watch it, so I just told her 'I told you so' when she screeched like a banshee." I rubbed my ears. "That did hurt."

"You should've said something," Anna scowled, looking at me. She narrowed her eyes.

I raised an eyebrow. "And you would've watched it anyways. Now wouldn't you?"

"Yes, but-"

"No buts, end of discussion," I replied. I turned the radio to the local country station. The station was called 94.9 The Bull and looked at my sister as one of our favorite songs started to play. The was called song, Boys Round Here, by Blake Shelton, and it started to play with the guitar and then the red red redneck.

"No," Steven groaned, teasingly. He shook his head, causing me to grin.

However, both me and Anna started to sing it. As we sung the song, Anna and I did the moves that we had made up a long time ago. I was showing a side of myself to Steven that I hadn't shown before. I was acting like an actual teenager and not just some fighter that showed emotion. I had trouble showing my feelings, but that was from all the years of training.

I could tell that Steven was watching me. He had a smile on his face, and I knew that he was enjoying this side of me that he doesn't see often. He was just watching us, making a fool of ourselves. However, I knew that he wasn't going to say anything rude, since I could easily hurt him.

"Word," I said, at the end of the song, making Steven laugh.

"That's not how it goes, Ava. There is no 'word' at the end," Anna said, rolling her eyes. She smiled and leaned her head on my arm. "You have a good voice."

I snorted and shook my head. "No, it sucks." I could hit the low and high notes. I guess it's something to do with survival and that I have to change my voice if need be. However, when I sung it was about... somewhere. I'm not a music person when it comes to singing. I just... sung.

"She's right, Ava," Steven said looking at me. I could hear the truth in his voice and knew that he believed it.

I shook my head but didn't say anything, as Anna moved over to lean against him. Out of all the Werewolves, I had to trust Steven more than the rest. He was just... so amazing with kids. Also, if Anna trusted him, then I did too.

However, now that I was supposedly mated with a Wolf, I guess that was going to have to change. I bit back a sigh and stiffened, a little as I let my thoughts wander towards him. I knew that his name was Lucas and that his pack was the second largest in the South. The first largest pack was somewhere up in North Carolina and was ran by Alpha Fred, an older gentlemen, who had his eyes on me for some reason.

"So, what are you going to be doing about this Alpha?" Steven asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

I shrugged my shoulder. "I don't know," I replied, honestly. "We'll see what we see. I know that Nick will be watching out for me."

Steven grunted and nodded his head, staying silent.

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