Chapter 22

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The door opened to show the group of Hunters that I had taken under my wing. "Um... should we be worried that there is an Alpha here?" Dallas asked, nodding to the tensed Alpha. "I mean, I think he is from one of the packs that you told us you were hiding from."

I rubbed my forehead and sighed. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep, but I couldn't, not until I found out the real reason Frank was here. "It's fine, Dal," I said. I gestured to the couch. "Go play one of your stupid games. Just make sure that it is not something Anna can get nightmare from."

"I do-"

"Call of Duty, Doom, any zombie games," Dal said, interrupting her. He raised an eyebrow when she glared. "You do get scared when we play them."

"I do no-"

"You do get nightmares from watching zombie stuff," I said. "How many times have you went into my bedroom, crying, after you watched an episode of "The Walking Dead"?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No-" She sighed when I gave her a pointed look. "Almost all the time I had seen it," she mumbled, looking down. "I know that it isn't real. It's just..."

"You are still too young," I said. I nodded my head to the living room. "Go with them and watch what they are doing. Make sure that no one else can hear it bu-"

"But make sure that your convo is private with Alpha Frank. Got it," Dallas said. He picked Anna up and took her to the living room. "Come on, let's play Mario Kart. You can watch me kick everyone's butt."

I watched them before I made my way to the kitchen, gesturing for Frank to follow me. I went to the fridge and grabbed two bottles of water and tossed one to the older male. "I didn't poison it," I said, spying him looking at me warily. "If I wanted you dead, you would already be dead."

Frank growled but didn't say a word as he drank some of the water. He leaned against the counter and watched as I jumped onto the counter, opposite of him. "What do you choose?" he asked.

I looked at the bottle and sighed. A part of me, mainly Hunter, didn't like what I had decided. But, I needed to think about Anna, and if not about Anna, then about the young Supernatural Creatures that will have their eyes on me and the history that will surround my name. "I choose the Innocents," I said. "Of both the Supernatural and Hunters."

"There aren-"

"There is such a thing as an Innocent Hunter," I snapped, interrupting the older Alpha. I rubbed the bridge of my nose and huffed. "Anna hasn't killed another Supernatural Creature. She is innocent."

"And the boys?" Bitter disgust filled his voice, causing me to glare at him. He narrowed his eyes but didn't move nor make a comment about me needing to respect him.

"They helped protect both borders. Before I met them, they weren't really prepared to take down any Supernatural Creature. Dal was the only one that knew how to do basic fighting skills. The others..." I shook my head and sighed. "... couldn't fight. Dallas and Fernos are the only true Hunters besides me. The rest are known as Hutchlings."

"Why did they chose to become Hunters?"

"Revenge of a loved one," I replied. "They had family that was killed."

Frank huffed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He grimaced but didn't say a word.

I studied him, reading him like he was a book. "You had family killed by Hunters. That is why you hate Hunters."

Frank bit back a scoff and rolled his eyes. He didn't say a word, but the look on his face said it all. Pain filled his eyes, and I knew that he missed his family deeply. His Adam's Apple bobbed, and I knew that he was trying not to cry.

"Is that why you hate me?" I asked. "Even though, I didn't do anything to you?" I raised an eyebrow, already knowing the answer.

"It doesn't matter. They killed my family, my little sister who was nine years old."

"I could say that all Werewolves are bad and hate everyone," I said. "I could say that for ripping me apart and making me feel useless." I clenched my jaw and tried to curb my anger. All I wanted to do was punch the living daylights out of him.

"You aren-"

"I was raped," I snapped, interrupting him. I squeezed the bottle tightly, when I clenched my fists together, making a mess. "Damn it," I cussed, hopping off the counter and going over where I kept the towels. I grabbed some from underneath the sink and slammed the door shut. I didn't look at him as I walked over to where the mess was and started to clean it up.

"Is what you are saying is true? Were you..?"

I tensed and sighed, letting the air out of my lungs. I nodded my head, not denying it. "Ya, I was raped," I said, my voice cracking. "I was fifteen years old." I finished cleaning up the water and sighed, again. I stood and looked at him to see that he looked guilty about something. "I could say that all Werewolves are bad because of what had happened when I was fifteen." I shrugged my shoulder. "But... I don't. I know that your son will not hurt me, nor rape me." I paused and thought over everything that had happened between us. "Intentionally."

Frank sighed and groaned, rubbing a hand across his face. "I fucked up, didn't I?" he asked. "If I hadn't been so hard..."

"You weren't the only one that was hard on me because I was a Hunter," I said. "Some didn't trust me because I am a Hunter."

There was a knock, causing me to look at the door. I didn't know who it was, but from the way that my heart pounded in my chest, I had a feeling that I knew.

"I can make it up, so that is what I am doing," Frank said. He moved to the door, and I could see that he felt as if he had the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders. He opened the door and spoke to someone so low that I couldn't even hear what they were saying with my Supernatural hearing. Frank looked at me before leaving.

And there, standing at the entrance of the doorway, was my mate. He was nervous, I could tell. His eyes held relief, anger, and what looked like love.

I stood in the middle of the kitchen, holding the towel that I used for cleaning up the water. I was nervous, and I didn't like how nervous he made me feel. "H-"

Warm lips stopped me from saying anything else. Sparks flew up and down my body as my mate held me close. He growled when I pulled a bit at his hair, dropping the towel behind him.

"Here comes the bride all dressed in light," voices sung, pulling us apart.

I glared at the five men watching us, not liking that I was interrupted from kiss that I loved. My breathing was labored from the kiss, and I was sure that my hair was messed up.

"Oh don't mind us," Dallas said, having his hand over my sister's eyes. He grinned when Luke growled and held me closer to him. "We'll take Anna out of your hair so you two can do the nasty." He wiggled his eyebrows causing me to move my face to Luke's chest.

"We'll come tomorrow bearing food and your sister," Fernos said. He gestured for everyone else to leave us. "No babies. Not yet at least."

The whole group left Luke and I standing there in the middle of the kitchen.

"Should w-"

"No, we shouldn't," I said, looking up at my mate. "If they lay a single hand on her, then they know that their dick will be lost."

Luke chuckled and laid his head on mine. He closed his eyes and sighed, and I could tell that he was relaxed. "We will talk in the morning. Right now, I just want to hold you and make sure that you are safe," he said, his voice cracking.

Guilt gnawed at my heart, but I didn't say a word. I kissed his lips before I lead him to my bedroom.

I knew that he wouldn't try anything on me. I trusted him. And, if I was a bit honest with myself, I loved him.  

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