Chapter 17

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Luke didn't say a word to me while we pulled up to the packhouse. He was driving, and his knuckles were white as snow with his jaw clenched. He was pissed, and I knew that he wouldn't be able to see me in hours.

I refused to tell him why I had turned off the camera and earpiece when I heard something that I didn't like. I didn't want to tell him the main reason as to why I had done it and said that I didn't want to be distracted by any voices.

Thankfully, I was able to kill the men in there, though I knew that one of them wasn't there. I had told Frederick that, and I knew that he was going to tell me if that person was ever going to come back.

Could that person be Alistaire? I had wondered, but I didn't say a word about it while Luke was in the room. I knew I was going to have to tell him, but... what if he killed me. That would leave my sister defenseless against Rogues and anything for that matter.

"Avery," Luke said, breaking me from my thoughts.

I turned to look at him and stared blankly into his green eyes. "Yes?" I asked, my voice leveled. I ignored Anna's look because she knew that I only got like that when I was ready to defend my answer.

"Are you going to tell me why you had turned the equipment off, or do I have to punish you for your cooperation?"

I stiffened in my seat, feeling the urge to grab my gun and stuff a bullet straight between his eyes. "No," I replied, looking away from him. I looked down at Anna and nodded my head to the door. She didn't need to see what was going to happen if it meant that we were about to be in a fistfight.

Anna nodded her head and opened the door before she hopped out of my lap and the truck. She turned back around, gave me a warning look before shutting the door and walked away from the truck.

"I am your mate; you shoul-"

"And you should trust me," I said, turning to look at him. "I was more than capable of taking care of myself."

Luke frowned. "And how did you know that they weren't just innocent Wolves?"

My jaw stiffened, and I couldn't help but touch the knife that was on my body. I knew that would make him tense, but I didn't care. I wanted to be prepared to stop him if I needed to. "You do realize that we can tell just as you all can tell if a Hunter is innocent," I replied.

"Then enlighten me about that," he said, sarcastically. "'Cause, I have been getting mixed signals from you."

My lip turned into a snarl, but I didn't say a word about it. "I am done with this," I said. "You are accusing me of two things. I can see the jealousy written in your eyes. Even though, you have no right to be jealous." With that, I grabbed hold of the door handle and opened it.

I got out of the truck and looked at Luke who looked shocked. "Don't speak to me for a while," I warned. "I am trying to control myself from killing you." I slammed the door shut and walked away from the truck, ignoring the cussing that followed me.


For two or three weeks, Luke and I didn't talk or be in the same room as each other. For a couple of days, Luke would give me accusing glances before they turned into sorrowful filled gazes. He couldn't really sleep that well, but I still didn't do anything to him.

I had been hanging around with some of the pack members, and I was sure that some of them started to care about me. I had made some acquaintances with some females my age and was glad when I heard that they were all right with the "Hunter" as long as he/she didn't try to kill all of the Supernatural creatures.

They didn't like Alistaire for the fact that he wanted to make all human beings slaves because they had friends that were humans. I was sure that some of them had mates as well.

Even though I was at the packhouse, I still trained and trained Anna as well. However, we didn't do it at the gym because a lot of people didn't like us. I was sure that it was Frank trying to get us a hard time.

He even had his Beta watching over me and reporting back all of the stuff I was doing to him.

I was sure that Roderick, his Beta, was bored with reporting all that I did back to him because I was a creature of nature and did the same thing over and over again.

Roderick was kind to me, and I was surprised that the Beta respected me as his new Luna. However, Roderick told me that he didn't think that I would do anything bad to him because I would've done it already.

This made the group say stuff like she couldn't even hurt a fly and look at that face.

I was eating breakfast and was shoveling it into my mouth. When I looked up, I had chipmunk cheeks, causing my sister to tell me that I looked like Theodore. I gave them a grin, causing everyone to laugh.

Of course, Luke had to come down at that moment, causing me to swallow and leave the room with the 'I don't think I can eat the rest'.

That was this morning, and I had been running ever since then. Sweat gleamed off of my body, and my face was red from the fact that it was hot out.

I had made sure that Roderick wouldn't be able to follow me because I just needed some time alone. My head pounded from the constant thinking that I was doing, and I didn't like it one bit.

Whistling was heard from the distance I was at, and I couldn't help but stop and turn towards where it came from. There was another whistle, causing me to start to run that way. I knew what to expect because I had been taught that whistle also.

Hunters had gathered in the area, and I didn't know if they were good or bad. Let's just hope that they were good because I did not want to kill my own people.  

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