Chapter 12 (Edited)

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Luke opened his mouth a couple of times before he sighed and shook his head, trying to see how he wants to do this. His green eyes seemed to change colors as he was talking to his Wolf, again trying to figure out how he wants to tell me whatever he wants to tell me. Finally, he sighed and moved a hand through his hair, looking at me with a confused look. "I want you to move into the pack house with me," he said. "Your sister also."

I frowned and started thinking. I knew that I was the Luna of the pack, even though I was a Hunter. I, also, knew that they might never accept me into the pack or as their Luna for that fact. However, I glanced at my sister to see that she was watching me. I knew that it would give her more protection if I had to leave to go somewhere. She could have the friends that she wanted, because I didn't let her go to other people's houses.

"She is not going," Nick said, instantly. He leaned forward and glared at Luke, probably upset that he had suggested that I was to live with him.

"Oh yes she is," Devin said. He glared at Nick, his whole body tensing. "She is our Luna."

They started to argue over if I was going to live at the pack house or not. They were saying some heated stuff, while I sat back in my seat and waited for them to quit arguing. The only people that weren't arguing was Lucas, Anna, and Tina. Let's not forget about myself, either.

Tina sighed and held her hand up, making everyone stop. They probably knew that she could get very angry, since she was pregnant and such. She was staring at me, raising an eyebrow. "Well?" she asked, knowing that it was up to me and not them. Also, she knew that no matter what had happened, I might just go against their will.

"She will be getting more protection."

"If you two are accepted into the pack. If not, then what?"

"I still got some of that transportation dust."

"And if they try to kill you before you can leave?"

"Then I'll give Anna the dust tell her to go before protecting her escape." I wasn't going to let them kill my sister.

"Where will she go?"

"With Steven."

Nick turned to look at Steven who was sitting there silent, after they had argued on where I was going and such. He raised an eyebrow, probably shock that I would say Steven and not someone else. "You were going to take her in?"

Steven nodded his head. "Remember, they trusted me first." He turned to look at me, a smirk on his face. "And I really thought that you would've killed me when you saw me standing over your sister in that protecting matter."

I smirked. "But I didn't, and you are still alive today."

Steven nodded his head, again. "What is your thoughts about this?"

I looked at Anna before looking at them to see that they were all staring at me, ready for my answer. I bit my lip and thought about all the pros and cons. I knew that I would have the resources to find this person that's supposed to be the reincarnation of Alistair if I was in a pack. The good thing was, Alpha Fred couldn't get to me if I was with another male.

Finally, after thinking of everything, I nodded my head, coming up with my decision. "I'll go," I said, holding up my hand when they were about to talk all at once. "If only you both sign a peace treaty or something to make you allies. You will need all the hands you can get." I gave Nick a knowing look. "I, also, would like a room for just me and Anna for a bit, so I can make sure that she is safe and no one tries to harm her in any way." I gave Luke a knowing look, when he had opened his mouth.

"What about your secret?" Nick asked. "What if someone finds out?"

I shrugged my shoulder. "Like I said, I still have some transportation dust left. If something happens, then I can use that and escape."

"You won't be able to go towards the North Pack, since they might ask for you. We would, also have that peace treaty."

I shrugged my shoulder again. "Alpha Fred said I could stay over at his place if I "ever had to move my lovely ass away from where I am staying"." I rolled my eyes, annoyed. I didn't like him at all.

Luke growled. "You. Are. Mine," he said. "No man can touch you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Like no girl can touch you, right? I mean, I know how horny Alpha's are. Trust me, I've met a few Alpha's on my journey down here. Most of them wanted to get into my pants."

"Some of them was trying to get into her pants while I was in the room waiting for them to get done," Anna said, shuddering. "Ava just socked them, after giving them a warning."

They looked at me, their mouths open. Well, it was just the people that didn't know what had happened.

"So, you punched a couple of Alphas?" Mike asked. "And you are not dead?"

"I gave them a warning. My name does show people my reputation."

Lucas raised an eyebrow. "Then what is your name?"

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow also. "Didn't you even listen to most of my story?"

Lucas looked down, a blush on his face. "I was mainly looking at your lips," he mumbled.

"Did you see that, Mike? You brother actually blushed," Devin said, laughing. He dodged a pillow that Luke had thrown at him, still laughing. "He blushed like a freaking girl."

I rolled my eyes. "Wait until you see your mate, and they catch you doing something embarrassing," I replied, smirking. "Then we'll see who's blushing then."

Mike and Devin got uncomfortable and looked down. They didn't say a thing, probably knowing that I was right.

"Well, I guess it's settled. You will be coming over to our house. Tomorrow."

"I guess that means we have to start packing." I looked at Lucas. "Go tell everyone that your mate is coming tomorrow. I'm sure that they can help me with packing." I lifted my hand when he was about to growl, knowing who I was talking about. "Tina will still be here, making sure that they don't do anything to me. 'Sides, Ava will hit them with some of her horses. Right?" I glanced down at my sister who nodded.

Luke nodded his head. "All right," he said. He glanced at Nick. "Do you want to go fill out the papers?"

Nick looked at Tina, who waved him off. He sighed and nodded his head. "Of course." He glanced at me and gave me a hard glare.

"I will, don't worry. Just go."

Nick nodded his head, and with that, they all left the apartment, going to do their buisness.

"Well, it looks like I'm joining a pack after all," I said, shaking my head.

Anna snorted before we started to pack up everything.

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