Chapter 10 (Edited)

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I ran fast and hard, letting my anger get out. My heart was pounding in my chest, while I ran. I could feel my anger starting to disappear, as I listened to the night time world around me.

I got to a creek and stopped, taking deep breaths, trying to control the pounding of my heart. I clenched my fisits together, feeling slightly drained, while my anger left just as quickly as it had came.

"Why does this have to be so hard?" I asked, sitting down with a sigh. I ran a hand through my hair before I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts and keep my composure.

The world started to wake up in the dark, and I relaxed slightly listening to the babble of the creek and the chirping of crickets. Fireflies started to dance around, making it seem as if they were dancing for me.

Everything was so... peaceful. It was strange at how peaceful everything was. However, I knew that it wasn't going to last. Peaceful things had always came to an end for me.

I turned my head, when I heard a rustle in a bush and then a snap of a branch. I sniffed the air and could smell the death of a Vampire. I hid back an eyeroll, knowing that he would come for me and just started to sniffle and cry, acting like a lost kid or something.

"Mi amor (my love)," a male said, his Spanish accent pronounced, while he came over towards me.

I jumped up and turned around, "startled". I could feel my heartbeat pick up, even though it was fake, while I looked at the person, who had called for me. His eyes were a dark brown, and he stood at a good height, probably around 6'4. His black hair fell into his eyes, and I could see the five o'clock shadow on his face. Under his tight black shirt, I could see a 6 pack. All in all, he was handsome. However, Lucas was much more handsome than him.

"W-w-ho are you?" I asked, stuttering over my words. A small smirk appeared on his face as he thought that I was just a startled female. I placed my arms across my chest and felt the wooden piece I had close to my side. I tucked my head close to my body, and I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"I'm here to... help you," the male said. "Do you have a home?" He smiled, when I shook my head, no. "Ah, an orphaned runaway then, I presume, Señorita?"

I nodded my head and whimpered, sadly. I could smell my mate close by and hoped that he would stay hidden, while he masked his scent.

The Vampire frowned and sniffed around, probably smelling my mate close by. "Come, come, we have to hurry." He gestured towards me.

I aimlessly walked forward, keeping my head lowered. Silently, I pulled the stake out of my shirt and kept it close to my body, making sure that he didn't see it. I could feel the tears leaking out of my eyes, even though it was all pretend.

The Vampire looked around and then looked at me. "Show me your neck, mi amor, I can take the pain away from you." He touched my waist, and I shivered, disliking the feel of his hand on my waist. He moved my hair away from my neck and tilted my face, so that he had a view of it. "Such a sweet smell," he whispered. I could sense him unsheathing his teeth.

Quickly, I flipped the stake over in my and stabbed him in the heart. He looked at me, surprised, before turning into dust. No words were spoken from him, which kind of sucked.

I spat on the ground and wiped my eyes, getting some vampire dust in my mouth and in my eye. "Eew, vamp dust," I muttered. "Disgusting way to die." I kicked around, making it look just like ash.

There was a shuffle in the bush, and I turned around, expecting to see another vampire. I had my hand on the stake, ready to take aim at him. However, instead of a vampire, I saw my mate. He was watching me cautiously, without anything but a pair of shorts.

"Are you all right?" he asked. "Did the vampire bite you?" He glanced at my stake before looking around.

I shook my head, letting him know that he didn't. "Don't worry, about that. Even if he did, then he'd still be dead." I kicked at the dust that still was on the ground. "Weird creatures, they are. Some have souls some don't."

"And did that one have a soul?"

I shook my head, no. "He didn't. If he did, then I would've sensed it."

Lucas sighed and looked out into the night. He bit his lip before he turned to look at me, worried. "Can we go back to your apartment? We need to discuss some things."

I frowned, knowing what he wanted to discuss. However, I nodded my head and started to walk that way. A few minutes later, I felt a rub against my skin. I looked up saw my mate in wolf form, walking side by side with me.

I prayed to the Moon Goddess that he would still be by my side, even after he had found out about my secret. I didn't know what I would do if I had been rejected. I guess I would survive, but I didn't know how long I would be able to survive. Mates were supposed to be together forever.

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