Chapter 25 (Edited)

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I stood in front of the pack, my face blank while they threw insults at me. My heart broke when I heard the stuff that they said but didn't say a word as the Alpha's tried to calm everyone down.

The other Hunters were mixed with the Wolves, but the Wolves ignored them. They were all nervous, and I could tell that they wanted to attack and go with the plan that they had constructed before meeting me.

However, they knew better than to attack because attacking them would be like attacking me. And, they knew that I wouldn't stand for it. They knew that I would kill them with my bare hands if they hurt someone from the pack.

"Traitor!" someone yelled in the crowd. "Kill her!" Voices agreed, and they were all about to attack when someone stopped them.

"Would you all shut the fuck UP!" someone screamed, causing everyone to be quiet and look in the direction of my little sister. She glared at them, her lip curved in a snarl. Anger filled her blue eyes, and I couldn't help but feel slightly afraid of her. Her whole face was red with anger, causing her blue eyes to sparkle. "Goddess, stop pointing fingers. If you want her to talk, then let her talk. Let her explain everything or something. Stop having your panties in a bunch, just because she is a Hunter."

With that, I stepped forward and took a look at the pack. My heart pounded in my chest, and even Hunter was quiet. I stood in front of them with my hands behind my back and my feet shoulder length. My purple eyes were trained on the pack members that I could see, my face turning into a frown. "Most if you know me as Avery, Avery Williams," I said, my voice low and level. "I have lived here for quite some time, feeling as if I belonged, feeling as if I was supposed to be here."

"Well, you don't," someone said, causing me to glance that way. The person, a male, narrowed his eyes at me, causing me to blink. "So, why don't you leave and never come back?"

"Because the bond has been pulling Luke and me together," I replied my tone of voice the same. I glanced at my mate before looking at him. "And, I can not ignore it any longer."

"That doesn't mean we want you to be our Luna," someone else said, causing others from the group to murmur in agreement.

I raised an eyebrow, ignoring Hunter's comment about killing him. "Is it because I am a Hunter? Or is it because I am the incarnation of the first Hunter?"

Silence was what I was met with. No one spoke as they looked at each other and then at me. They didn't know how to answer, and if they did, then they didn't want to try and offend me.

"I am the incarnation of the first Hunter," I continued. "However that does not mean I want to have the Humans or the Supernaturals killed."

"And, why not?" the same person asked. 'You could be like the rest of them. You could be trying to turn us against Alistair and then killing us yourself."

Annoyance flickered on my face before I made sure that they were not able to see it. "I am not," I replied. "I want everyone to live peacefully. I know what it is like to have your family ripped from you. My family had been ripped from underneath me, and there was nothing that I could do to stop the gruesome attack." I glanced at Dallas and then looked away. "My duty is to protect my sister. That is why I had left."

"Because what? You thought that we would kill her?" the same male asked. Shock and disgust flickered through his eyes, and I was sure that it was because of killing an innocent child, no matter what she was or how she was going to grow up.

I looked down and shrugged. I licked my lips and cleared my throat, trying to come up with something to say. "It happened to me," I replied, finally, talking about the attack that had almost cost me my life. "And, I didn't have any control over it."

"We like her, though," a female said, causing me to look up. She gave me a warm smile, making me feel welcomed in the pack. "And, I for one never thought about killing you nor your sister just because you are the incarnation of the first Hunter." She bowed her head and inclined it to show her neck. "We are happy that you are our Luna, and we are grateful that you had decided to let the Supernaturals, Humans, and the Hunters live in peace." She paused and sighed. "I am sure that that was a hard decision for you to make."

I offered her a small, rare smile when others followed her lead and submitted it to me. It felt weird to smile, but I did want to let her know that I was grateful for her support and the support that the others had given me, following her lead.

"Well, I don't," Dallas said, pulling out a gun. He fired it at Anna, and it felt like everything slowed down. The whole pack seemed like they tried to move, but they weren't able to. Something held them as the bullet zoomed through the air and struck its mark.

"NOOOOOO!!!" I screamed as I tried to get to her. My heart seemed to stop as she looked down at the gaping hole in her chest before looking up at me, shock and fear in her eyes. "ANNA!!" I cried as she fell to the ground, dead.

"Traitor!" Like yelled, pointing at Dallas. "Warriors! Kill him!"

"I am sorry," Dallas said, before disappearing as if he had never been there.

It felt as if time started to speed up again, and I was able to get to my sister. "Anna?" I asked, moving my hand through my sister's hair. My lip quivered, and I tried to keep from crying, but it didn't work. Tears streamed down my face, making it hard for me to see her. "Anna? Now is the time to be playing around. Wake up." I placed my hand over her heart, trying to feel if there was still a heartbeat. Blood soaked my hand, but I didn't care "Please, wake up," I choked out. "I forbid you to die."

"Ava?" someone asked, but it sounded as if it was coming from a tunnel. Someone touched my shoulder, causing me to wrench myself from the person's grasp. "Ava, let the pack doctors have her."

"No," I whimpered, moving a hand through my little sister's hair. My lips quivered as tears fell from my eyes. "I am not leaving her."

"Take the girl. Find Dallas and kill him. Question the other Hunters. I want to know if they knew this was going to happen," a voice boomed, letting me hear it over the sound of my heart in my ears. "Come on Ava, let's' go."

"No!" I whimpered, but it was weak as my body started to shut down. "I can't leave my sister."

"Ava?" the person asked, panicking. Dull sparks lingered on my skin as my mate pulled me to him. "Doctors! Ava is going into shock and is starting to pass out!" A hand touched my face, but I didn't respond. "Ava? Please, don't pass out," the voice whimpered. "Please, for your sister. She needs you to find him."

"I am sorry," I whispered, and everything went black.

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