Chapter 14

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There was a growl of protectiveness while the male before me pushed his mate behind him. "What are you doing here, Hunter?" he spat, narrowing his eyes. His whole body was tense, and I could tell that he was the Alpha of the pack.

He stood about 6'7 and looked like his son Mike. He had brown hair, but it was cut way shorter than Mike's as well as starting to gray on the edge. He had brown eyes, that were turning black with anger.

I sensed that he was mind linking his pack and watched as Warriors rushed out of the Pack House, surrounding me and my truck. My whole body was tense, and I couldn't help but look around, warily. I wished that I had brought a gun with me, but I had promised Luke that I wouldn't carry any weapons with me.

"Mom, Dad," Luke said, coming over to me. He grabbed hold of my hand, causing sparks to go up and down my arm. He squeezed my hand, probably trying to reassure himself and me that we were in this together. "I would like to introduce you to my mate, Avery." Pride filled his voice before there was a happy squeal.

I winced and closed my inner ear before steadying myself as a 100-pound female ran into me. My whole body tensed and screamed; Danger!

"Mo-om," Luke complained, amusement filling his voice. "Please, let go of her. I am sure you are making her very... tense." He smiled at my warning look, not fazed by it at all.

Luke's mother pulled back to see that I was indeed tense. Her green eyes, so much like Luke's, widened in shock. "Oh, Dear. I am so sorry," she said with sincerity, pushing a strand of blonde hair out of her face. "I am sure that this is all new to you." She backed up slightly and gestured around her, indicating the pack. "We," she said, slowly. "Mean no harm." She shook her head, before pointing to herself. "You can trust us."

I blinked, keeping my face blank. I was amused by her behavior because I had already known that I could slightly trust them. There was still that nagging doubt in the back of my brain that I wished would just shut up.

"Did you just get told by an adult that you could trust them as if you were a little kid?" I heard my sister say coming from behind me. There was amusement in her voice because it wasn't every day that I got spoken to like a little kid.

"What happened to stay in the car?" I asked, glancing down at my little sister. I glanced behind her to see that Devin and Mike were not going to get anywhere near me because they were sure that I would get annoyed with them.

"You were tense and looked like you needed me. Duh," Anna replied, causing me to look down at her and not glaring at the two young men. She smiled at Luke's mother and held out her hand. "Hi, I'm Anna. The prettier of the two sisters."

"Shut up, you little snot," I said, causing her to turn and stick her tongue out at me. "We both know that I am the prettier one." I stuck my tongue back at her, not caring that I was looking like an idiot.

"Children," Luke's mother scowled, causing Luke to snicker. "Haven't your parents taught you both to love each other?"

And, there was the sore spot. My body tensed as I tried to stop the pang of hurt that seemed to appear every time I heard someone talking about my parents. My hand formed into a fist, and it took all of my willpower not to punch her. I tried to take steady breaths, wanting to make my body relax.

There was another protective growl, and Luke's father came towards us. He glared at my hand, his teeth lengthening into sharp daggers. "Want to punch my mate, Hunter?" he spat, causing Luke to growl. "You'll have to go through me first." He stood in front of her again, feeling as if I was some threat.

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