Chapter 11 (Edited)

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We walked into my apartment, a few minutes later, and I couldn't help but frown when I saw that my younger sister crying about something. I glanced around making sure that everything was alright, before I looked over at them again. I raised an eyebrow, still wondering what was going on. "What's with the crying?" I asked, seeing that everyone was trying to calm her down. However, it was no use, since she was still crying and trying to move from where they had her seated.

Anana heard my voice and looked up at me with her tear stained eyes. She blinked, probably wondering if it was me before she rubbed her eyes clearing them from tears and such. There was a small smile on her face, but it was replaced with the look of her going to cry again, making me groan inwardly, because I knew that I was the cause of it. "Ava!" she exclaimed, jumping up, this time being able to get out of the seat. She ran towards me as fast as her legs could move and jumped into my arms, knowing that I was going to catch her. "I-I thought y-you left me," she sobbed, wrapping her arms around my neck. "When I-I came out of the bathroom, I-I didn't see you, and I thought the worse possible thing." She buried her face into my neck, also, trying to make sure that I was really there and not some sort of monster disguised as me.

I held onto her and rubbed her back, soothingly. Guilt nipped at my heart, because I usually told her where I was going to go, but I didn't do it at that time. I knew that I had caused her to worry, even though she didn't have to worry about me, since I was able to take care of myself. "I'm sorry, Baby Girl," I said, soothingly. I placed my head on hers and closed my eyes, feeling slightly exhausted. "I was just really upset about something, and I needed some time to myself." I sighed. "Remember, I'll always come back to you, no matter what had happened or where I am at."

Anna moved her face from my neck and wiped her eyes. She held out her pinkie, waiting for me to make a promise. "Pinkie promise?" she asked, sniffling a little.

I bit back a sigh, not knowing if I was going to break it or not. I didn't know what the future would hold, but I would try to get back to her, no matter what would happen or where I was at. She was my sister and the only thing that I had in this world that I cared about. Well, second, since I did have a mate, but I didn't know about my feelings with him. I shook my head, clearing my head of my thoughts before hooking my pinkie with hers. "Pinkie promise. And you should know by now that I do keep my promises."

Anna smiled a little. "Well, try."

I shrugged my shoulder before grimacing. She was right. There were a few promises that I couldn't keep because something bad had happened to me, or something bad had happened to her. "Yes, I try to keep my promises."


Luke cleared his throat, making both of us look at him. He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly before he glanced at the other pack. His whole body had this nervous vibe that made me tense up, slightly. "Can we discuss what I was wanting to discuss?" He glanced at Anna. "Without any children around?"

I held onto Anna a little tighter, knowing what she was going to do. A grimace appeared on my face while Nick tried not to laugh, because he knew what was going to happen. Smooth, Luke, I thought. Real smooth.

"I AM NOT A KID!" Anna screeched, making us wince. She tried to get towards him, but I kept a strong hold on her. "Let me go!" she said, trying to break free from my grasp. "Let me have him. I'll show him how much of a kid I am." She swung her fists around, almost hitting me in the face.

"If you want to hear what's going on, then you will have to stop acting like this, Anna. You are acting like a child right now." There was a warning tone that laced my voice that she could pick up. "Do you want me to do what I usually do to you when you are acting like this?"

Anna stopped fighting around before hanging limply in my arms. She knew what I was talking about and knew that I wasn't afraid to do it. She sighed and looked down. "No," she said. "I don't want you to do it."

"Will you behave if I let you down?"


"You know that means not punching Lucas."

Anna rolled her eyes. "I know," she replied, bitterly. "Now, can I get down, please?"

I placed her down on the ground and nodded to the horses that were on the ground in the living room. "Play with your horses, and we'll talk about whatever is happening." I glanced at Lucas to see his mouth open in protest. "She needs to hear this also, because it affects her and not just me. Don't try to change my mind. If I have something on it, then I will do whatever it is until I finish it."

"She's right," Nick interjected. "I've tried to talk her out of multiple stuff, but she just smirked and said 'I'm gonna do it anyways'. You will learn not to try to change her mind and go with the flow."

Lucas sighed and nodded his head. "Fine," he said. "Now, can we discuss what I was thinking please?"

I nodded to the seats in the living room. "Let's talk about it then." I moved to a seat and sat down.

Everyone else followed my example and sat down. They were quiet while they waited for Lucas to say whatever he was wanting me to do. I just hoped it wasn't something that would hurt me or my sister.

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