Chapter 9 (Edited)

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I stayed silent as I went into the room, where my sister was sleeping. A small smirk played on my lips, as I set up the little contraption that I used to wake her up. Well, when she sleeps in my room.

I shook my head at my sister's sleeping form before going to the door, silent as a mouse. I smirked and slammed the door shut, loudly setting off the trap.

"What the hell was that?!" I heard my mate yell, while I walked toward the dining room.

"A trap," I replied, going to the door to see my mate on the verge of shifting.

There was quick movement, and I felt tingles going through my body. His breath hit my neck, while he buried his face into it. "I thought you were killed." There was a bit of fear and hurt in it.

I chuckled and patted his back, feeling slightly uncomfortable with this whole new thing. "I'm safe."

"What about your sister?" Nick asked, raising an eyebrow. He sighed and shook his head when he saw me smirk. "How much longer?"

There was a scream of distress, making us wince. "Now," I replied, rubbing my ear.

"Avery!" My sister screeched, while she walked into the dining room, her hair frizzled and wild, looking as if she had been struck by lightening. She had feathers and ribbons in her hair, which was from the trap.  Her blue eyes had the look of murder, making Lucas stiffen and tightening his hold on me. "What is the meaning of this?"

A smirk appeared on my face. "You have 10 seconds from when I slam the door shut, to get up and get out of bed before whatever I had planned blows up in your face."

Anna huffed and folded her arms across her chest, frowning. "Bu-"

"No buts, go get washed up. It's time for dinner."

Anna grunted and nodded her head, before going to get cleaned up. She shot me a glare, and I knew that she was annoyed that I had set up a trap.

I shifted, still in Lucas's arms. "Uh, you can let go of me now, I'm fine," I said.

Lucas growled and tightened his hold on me. "Why did you do that?" he asked. "She is your sister."

"And, she needs to learn how to take care of herself."

"I have a pack, and she will be protected by them."

I bit back a scoff and rolled my eyes. He had no idea. No one did, except the higher ranks of the North Pack. No one knew that I was the reincarnation. I knew that some people had figured it out, but most were still clueless about the whole situation.

"That... might be a slight problem," Tina said, making me look at her and narrow my eyes. "I mean, my pack will always take her in, no matter what happens." She looked at me when she said those words, and I knew what she meant. It was still hard, but I knew that I could trust the North Pack.

"Do they know you secret?" Lucas asked, glaring at the other pack. "Why do they know?"

I bit back a feral growl and twirled out of his arms. I was staring straight at him, glaring, and hating the fact that he questioned my judgement. "'Cause I almost lost my sister once, and I will never lose her again. You have to understand something, if this gets out then it could not only mean the end of me, but the world as we know it. I'm saying this once, and I want to see if you can guess what I mean, legends are true."

"Well, so are myths," Lucas replied. Confusion was written all over his face, because I had said that. "Werewolves, Vampires, Faes, and Angels are real."

I snorted and shook my head, knowing that he didn't get it. The others were silent, not saying a word. Half of them knew what I meant. The legend of Hunter was true, and I was the reincarnation of her. I wouldn't be here as a Hunter, if I wasn't.

"You don't get it. You never will until you do reading or such. My advice, go back and look at the legends. You might find some answers there." With that I went to walk towards the front door, but I paused when I got close to the door. "I'm not hungry, and I'll be back. I need to make a run." And with that, I left, closing the door behind me. I ignored the attempts of my mate, trying to talk to me.

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