Chapter 16 (Edited)

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Five hours later, I was pulling my truck up the drive. My purple eyes flicked this way and that while I made sure that I wasn't going to run over any Werewolf that sometimes bounded in front of my truck or stood at the side of the dirt road.

Inside the cabin of the truck, no sound was heard except for the soft music of Til the Last Shots Fired by Trace Adkins. Ya, I know that it wasn't the best song to listen to when I was about to go to a "battle" in a couple of hours or less, but my sister was in control of the radio, and for some odd reason, she chose to listen to a CD.

Speaking of sisters, Anna was curled up into my mate and snoring softly. Her whole body was relaxed, and she had this huge innocent persona about her, that I couldn't help be jealous.

Luke was sitting in the passenger seat and sometimes glanced at me when I wasn't "looking". When he would catch my eye, he would just smile and chuckle when I looked away from him.

I let out a small sigh of relief when I saw the packhouse come into view.

Unlike most packhouses that I've seen, or been into, Freddie's was by far the most better suited for living in the woods. The packhouse was this huge log cabin that had been built a long time ago by Freddie's family.

Sure, the inside looked more updated than the outside, but it still had that old-timey feel about it.

"So, this is Alpha Frederick's place?" Luke asked, causing me to hum and nod. "I've never been here before," he commented. "He would usually go down to my place."

I nodded. "Ya, he doesn't really have visitors," I said, pulling up to a smaller cabin beside the main building but a little off centered. "This place is where I usually stay. Freddie knows that I'm nervous around Wolves, so he had built the cabin for me."

"How many rooms?"

"Three. Anna usually sleeps with me, so I made a training room out of one."

"Why does Anna sleep with you?" Luke asked, moving a hand up and down her arm. He glanced at the sleeping female before smiling at me.

I grimaced and hopped out of the truck after putting it into park. "Sometimes, people hate that he calls me if there is a "big" problem that he can't deal with on their own. There have been multiple fires and stuff like that..."

Luke growled, causing my little to stir. He didn't move from his spot, and I could see his eyes shifting colors. His claws were coming out, and he squeezed my sister a little too tightly for her liking.

I huffed and went back into the truck. I grabbed hold of his hand, not caring that the claws dug a bit in my skin. "Relax, Freddie had taken care of them. Last I heard, they had been banned from the pack."

Luke closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. He, finally, nodded his head while he let one out. "All right," he said, softly. "I trust that he will keep you two safe." He let go of my hand. "I'll take Anna in and stay with her while you go talk to Freddie." There was a bit of a growl in his voice, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Relax, I'll be fine. I know how to handle myself around unmated males." I smirked. "There have been a few cases where the pack doctor had to take spoons from people's butts as well as a couple of sporks in the knee."

Luke frowned and shook his head. "I don't want to know," he said, causing me to chuckle. "Just be careful."

I nodded. "Promise," I replied. I jumped back out of the truck and closed the truck door. I trusted Luke to take care of my sister. I knew that she was safe, but I couldn't help but have that sliver of doubt still in my brain.

Sometimes, I just wished that part would shut up and leave.


"You spotted any movement yet?" someone asked over the earpiece I was wearing.

I clicked a button on my binoculars, switching it to night vision. I was up in a tree, dressed in all black with weapons attached to different parts of my body. No movement came from the building in front of me, and I didn't know if there was any inside. "Not yet," I replied. "You remember the deal?"

There was a chuckle. "Oh come on, Avie," he teased. "I thought with your mate you'd want some help."

I bit back a scoff and rolled my eyes. "Not if I can help it, Ian," I smirked at the growl because I knew that Freddie hated his middle name. "I will stop if you stop calling me Avie."

"You know the reason why I hate that name, yet you don't tell me the reason why you ha-"

"Found something," I interrupted him. Movement from behind one of the windows caught my attention. "Now, how many people did you say were here?"

"Fifteen at least," Freddie muttered. "Be careful. You still have that-"

"Ya, I do." I rolled my eyes when he growled. "I knew what you were going to say. You do not have to repeat yourself every single time I do this."

Freddie chuckled. "Good luck, then," he teased. "Even though you don't need it."

I scoffed and closed the binoculars before placing them into my pocket before checking to make sure that my guns were on my waist. "Ya, ya," I replied. "Not my fault I don't believe in anyone. I'll talk to you after I get in."

"Good luck," Freddie said again.

I snorted and jumped out of the tree before running towards the building. My whole body was tense and I could feel the adrenaline kick in.

This was what I was good at. I was a fighter and a warrior. I could protect myself and those that were weak enough that needed protection.  

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