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Hello everyone, it's been quite long time since I've posted anything. But I wanted to say thank you all so much for reading my story, it really means the world to me. I didn't expect it to gain so much attention, so I was pleasantly surprised.

I also want to clear some things up, just so we all understand each other.

First of all, I wrote this story a few years ago. I was young and didn't know how to express my ideas, which is why some things in the story don't make a lot of sense. I've tried to correct the story as best as I could without modifying it too much, but there are a few things that remains the same.

Second, I've gotten a lot of comments saying that this story doesn't make sense because Alec could easily get rid of James. Not only because he's a Shadowhunter, but because he's bigger or taller or whatever. But what you need to understand is that when you've been told your entire life that you're weak and powerless, you start to believe it. When you've been abused both psychologically and emotionally, it affects you and it leaves a mark on you.

In this story Alec has always felt like the second best, like the back up, like an extra. He's been told his entire life that he's weak and powerless, that he's not good enough and that he'll never compare to his siblings. Hence the reason why he feels like he has no say in his toxic relationship, its why he's so scared to piss off James and why he's scared to break up with him.

I hope you understand my point of view in the story and what I was really trying to express now, but if it's still confusing or it doesn't make sense then I'm really sorry. I'm still trying to improve my English and my writing skills, which hopefully will be better in my next stories.

Thank you so much for supporting me and my story, love you all so much. Hopefully we'll read each other again very soon, but until then I wish everyone good luck and a happy life.

Love, Neve ❤️

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