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Alec's POV

A: Another one please, and make it a double- I say to the bartender.

?: Make that two, I'll pay for them- a guy says, siting next to me.

A: Oh that's kind of you, but you don't have to do it- I look at him, he's cute.

?: I know, but I want to. I'm James by the way- he extends his hand.

A: I'm Alec- I shake his hand.

J: So tell me, Alec, what is such a cute guy like you doing all by himself sitting at the bar?- he asks with a smirk.

A: Well, I just needed to get away from the family drama. So I came here to relax, or at least try to- I laugh a little.

J: Still, no one should drink alone. Mind if I make you some company?- he smiles.

A: No, not at all- I smile back.

M: Alexander?- Magnus's voice snaps me back to reality.

A: Sorry, what were you saying?- I look at him.

M: I asked you if you wanted Chinese or Italian food for dinner, but  it looks like you weren't paying attention- he frowns.

A: I'm sorry, I was just thinking. I'm good with Chinese, It's one of my favorites- I smile at him.

M: Okay, but are you alright?- he asks worriedly.

A: I'm fine, I promise. I was just remembering something, nothing important thought- I smile again, trying to convince him.

M: Are you sure? You seemed kinda...sad- he says with a frown.

A: It's nothing, I'm alright. Let's just have dinner and then, we'll talk about it later, okay? I promise- I take his hand and kiss his cheek.

M: Okay, if you say so. I'll go set up the table, I'll call you when it's ready- he smiles and walks away.

What is going on with me? Why can't I just forget him already? Maybe it's just hard to let go, he treated me like shit but he was my first ever boyfriend. I hate him, but I still had some good memories of us. I think I just need some time to gorget about him and move on, perhaps spending more time with Magnus could help.

M: Alexander? Dinner's ready!- he calls from the kitchen.

A: Mm, smells good!- I say sniffing the air.

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