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Magnus's POV

Oh, we were having so much fun. I don't remember having this much fun for at least two decades, so I was super happy.

Of course that after seeing Jace fall over a couple of times due to the amount of alcohol in his system, I was laughing like crazy. Simon didn't get that drunk, just a little tipsy. Clary and Izzy were also a little tipsy, and they started to dance together on the dance floor. I can't get drunk because I'm a warlock, so I just sat in our booth with a very drunk Alec glued to my side.

I found out pretty quickly that when Alexander gets drunk, he gets very clingy. He starts to kiss me more, his hands start to touch private areas of mine, he hugs me tight and he tells me all of the compliments that he can think of. Not that I mind it at all, on the contrary, I enjoy it. It's very funny, but it's also adorable. And I love to take care of him so, I don't mind dealing with a drunk Alexander at all.

A: Hey Magnus, have I ever told you how handsome you are? You're just like, super hot. You look like an angel carved you out of a block of perfection, you are a Roman God- he smiles and sloppily puts an arm around my waist.

M: I think you mean a Greek God baby, not a Roman God. But, thank you anyway. You are very sweet, and very sexy as well- I put my arm around his shoulders and kiss his cheek.

A: Greek? Oh! Like the Greek yogurt, right? Haha, that's so funny!- he laughs and lays his head on my shoulder.

I laugh and kiss his head, this side of him is very funny. I look around trying to find my friends, and when I do, I laugh. Everyone is dancing with their respective partner, but they're all so drunk now that their dancing looks more like a cute zombie walk. I love to dance, but I decided to remain seated to take care of Alexander. He doesn't know how to dance, and even if he did, in his condition he wouldn't be able to even stand up.

A: Hey Magnus, why don't I have a nickname for you? I mean, you have all this cute nicknames for me but I only call you Magnus. That is so not fair, I want to have a cute nickname for you as well- he pouts.

M: Well, why don't you find one for me? You can call me however you want, I'm sure you can find a nickname that we both like- I look at him and smile.

A: Uh, I'm very drunk to think right now. But I'll find one for you tomorrow, when I'm sober. For now, I'll call you...Miaunus. Cuz you like cats, so...- he frowns and I laugh.

M: Well, I've been called worse. I'm sure that tomorrow you'll find something much better, but for now, just call me Magnus- I kiss him quickly.

A: Yay! Kisses! I love your kisses, they're so sweet- he laughs and sloppily kisses my cheek.

I smile and grab his chin, kissing him with passion. We continue to kiss for about two minutes, when Alexander decides to climb into my lap and we start a heated make out session. I know that he's doing it because he's drunk, he wouldn't just do it if he was sober. Alexander is very shy, he's not the type of guy to make the first move. So, him grinding his ass against my crotch has definitely something to do with the alcohol running through his system. And we continued to kiss like that until someone tapped my shoulder, making me turn to look at whoever it was.

?: Uhm, hi. I'm sorry to interrupt but, the guy over there sent you guys these drinks- says the waiter, pointing at a guy sitting in a booth across from us.

A: Oh, how nice! Thank you, please tell the guy that we said thank you- Alexander says to the waiter.

W: Will do! Excuse me- he smiles and walks away.

I look at the guy sitting across the room, trying to see if I know him. It's very dark inside this club, but I can kinda see his face. I don't think I know him, I can't seem to recognize him. But for some odd reason, I feel like I've seen him before. He has fair skin, brown messy hair, he's tall, he looks well built and he has a flirty smirk. He raises his glass towards us and drinks the unknown liquid inside of it quickly. Then he just smirks again and gets up, heading towards the exit door.

A: What a nice guy! He bought us drinks! Let's drink them and make a toast, for us!- he grabs the shot and raises it in front of my face.

M: I don't know if that's a good idea, we don't even know what's in those drinks- I look inside my glass, trying to see if there was something unusual.

A: Oh, common! What's the worse that could happen? You can't get drunk and drugs don't affect you in any way, so if something happens to me, you'll be here to protect me!- he smiles and before I can stop him, he drinks the shot really fast.

M: Alexander! Why did you do that? What if it had poison in it? That's very dangerous- I look at him with a stern look.

A: But it didn't! I'm okay, see? Nothing happened, it was a save a normal shot. Relax would you? It's normal for guys and girls to buy drinks for others if they think they're hot! Now, drink yours- he grabs my glass and puts it against my lips.

I really wanted to say no, but those freaking puppy eyes that he makes are literally my worst weakness. So, I take the shot and after a long sigh I drink it too. It tasted like normal vodka, and I didn't feel any kind of dark magic in it. I guess that the guy really was just a nice guy who thought that our make out session was hot, and he wanted to buy us flirty vodka shots. Maybe Alexander is right, maybe I just need to relax more.

M: Okay, how about we join the others and go dance?- I get up and take his hand, making him get up with me.

A: Okay! Let's have fun!- he starts walking towards the dance floor, holding my hand tightly.

We meet up with the others, and we all start to dance. Some of us were actually dancing, while the others were just wiggling their arms like they had ants up their sleeves. But it was fun, even if our dance moves were stupid and ridiculous, we still were having fun. Simon and Izzy were doing a wired robot dance, Jace and Clarie were trying to recreate the Gangam Style and Alec was trying to perform a sexy dance right in front of me.

C: Uh! Yes Alec, yes!- Clarie stopped dancing to start cheering Alexander.

I: Yes, give it to Magnus! You finally let your sexiness come out, go brother!- Izzy also starts cheering.

Jc: Well, it looks like you're gonna get it tonight Magnus. This is your lucky night bro!- Jace, surprisingly, starts to cheer as well.

S: Uh, I don't know if this is very appropriate. You should, like, get a room or something- Simon covers his eyes while blushing.

I just laugh and gab Alexander's hips, pulling him closer to me. Now his back was pressed against my chest, and we were both dancing with each other. It was a very sexy dance, a little bit desynchronized and wired, but still fun. And our friends were laughing and cheering, clapping and screaming. I think that we really did need this, just to go out and have fun.

A: Hey Magnus, let's get out of here. Let's all go back to our apartment and continue the party there- he turns to look at me.

M: Good idea, there's to many people here. Hey guys! Why don't we all go back to my place? We can keep partying there, just us!- I smile.

Jc: Yeah! I don't like being around people anyway so, let's go!- he grabs Clarie's hand.

S: I agree, I wouldn't want a drunk guy flirting with my Izzy- Simon also grabs his girlfriend's hand.

We all head out through the back door and portal back to my place, where we keep drinking and dancing like crazy monkeys. Just an hour later though, we all were wasted. We were dancing and screaming the songs, moving around the living room like crazy and throwing things at each other. It's wired because I can't get drunk, but somehow I was feeling tipsy as well. Maybe that mysterious shot did have some type of magic after all, I just couldn't detect it for some odd reason.

Ether way, I didn't care that much. We were having the time of our lives, so who cares if I was drunk or not. As long as we were together, having fun, in my save apartment, nothing else mattered. I'm just thrilled to see how the others wake up tomorrow, they're gonna have the worst hungover ever. I'm so lucky to be a warlock, I can't be hungover either. Although, I am drunk right now, which was not possible. But who cares, if I wake up hungover tomorrow I'll just make it go away with my magic.

For now, we'll just keep having fun and enjoying ourselves.

Hey guys! I'm sorry for taking so long, I've been quite sick these past two weeks. Sorry if this chapter sucks, I just didn't know what else to write. I promise that I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Love, Neve❤️

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