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Magnus's POV

Ah, beautiful Japan! I haven't been here in ages, I missed being here.

A: Are we in Japan?- he looks around, amazed.

M: That's right my dear, I decided to bring you here tonight for our date. I hope that's okay with you?- I look at him.

A: Are you kidding? This is amazing! I've never been to Japan, or any other country actually- well that's gonna change.

M: Well, I'm going to make sure that you visit as many countries as you like. We can go to a different place each week, you pick- he looks at me excitedly.

A: Really? Are we really doing that?- he has the biggest smile on his face.

M: Of course Alexander! All I want is for you to be happy, so whatever it is you want to do, we'll do it. I promise!- I won't let him down.

A: Oh Magnus, thank you! You are the best guy I've ever met!- he hugs me tightly.

M: Haha, no need to thanks Alexander. Now, let's go eat something before you starve to death- I grab his hand and start walking.

A: Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that!- he laughs a little.

We walk for a while, Alexander looking around amazed by everything. We are currently in Tokyo, the capital of Japan. There are lights and music everywhere, there's also people wearing costumes or cool make up.

A: Magnus, this city is amazing! Look at all that cool stuff! There are so many colorful things!- he's really happy.

M: I'm glad you like it! I was debating whether to take you here or take you to Italy or France, maybe Brazil- it was a hard choice.

A: Well, we can go to those places next time we go out. For now, I'm really enjoying Japan- I can tell.

M: So does that mean that there's going to be a next time?- I smirk at him.

A: Oh, I mean, if you want to. I'd like to go out with you again, but if you don't want to then that's fine- Aw, he's really insecure.

M: Alexander, I was joking. Of course there's going to be a next time! You can't get rid of me that easily- he sighs with relive.

A: Oh, okay good. Because I'm really starting to like you so, I'd definitely like to keep going out with you- he looks at me with a blush on his cheeks.

M: Aw Alec! You're so cute! And btw, I already like you- I kiss his cheek.

He giggles cutely and looks down, trying to hide his inmense blush. How did I get so lucky? I'm so glad I went to help Izzy yesterday! And even though it sounds kinda rude, I'm glad Alexander is a virgin, otherwise I wouldn't have met him.

A: Not that I'm not enjoying walking with you but, are we almost there?- I bet he's hungry.

M: We're actually here already- I stop walking and point at a small building.

A: Fattie Tuna? What kind of name for a restaurant is that?- he laughs a little.

M: I know it's not the fanciest place in the world, but trust me, it's one of the best sushi restaurants ever- I love their chef, I'm actually friends with him.

A: Okay, well, you're the expert- he smiles at me.

I take his hand and we go in, takin a seat by the big window. It may not be the best view ever, but the food is amazing. After just a minute a waitress comes up to us and I order for the both of us, since Alexander doesn't speak Japanese.

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